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Table 5.8
Year 2004 discharges from SHORT-TERM RESIDENTIAL treatment1
by number of prior treatment episodes, according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 25 States and jurisdictions that offered short-term residential substance abuse treatment and reported these data to TEDS.]
No. of prior treatment episodes Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges 78,423 48,222 11,189 59,411 11,025 4,906 3,081
None 26,293 15,551  4,137 19,688  3,797 1,603 1,205
1 prior treatment episode 20,399 12,970  2,740 15,710  2,655 1,249   785
2 prior treatment episodes 11,360  7,172  1,595  8,767  1,503   714   376
3 prior treatment episodes  6,140  3,737    909  4,646    867   410   217
4 prior treatment episodes  3,389  2,084    510  2,594    471   221   103
5 or more prior treatment episodes  6,283  3,792    952  4,744    884   455   200
No. of discharges  73,864 45,306 10,843 56,149 10,177 4,652 2,886
Column percent
None  35.6  34.3  38.2  35.1  37.3  34.5  41.8
1 prior treatment episode  27.6  28.6  25.3  28.0  26.1  26.8  27.2
2 prior treatment episodes  15.4  15.8  14.7  15.6  14.8  15.3  13.0
3 prior treatment episodes   8.3   8.2   8.4   8.3   8.5   8.8   7.5
4 prior treatment episodes   4.6   4.6   4.7   4.6   4.6   4.8   3.6
5 or more prior treatment episodes   8.5   8.4   8.8   8.4   8.7   9.8   6.9
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
None 100.0  59.1  15.7  74.9  14.4   6.1   4.6
1 prior treatment episode 100.0  63.6  13.4  77.0  13.0   6.1   3.8
2 prior treatment episodes 100.0  63.1  14.0  77.2  13.2   6.3   3.3
3 prior treatment episodes 100.0  60.9  14.8  75.7  14.1   6.7   3.5
4 prior treatment episodes 100.0  61.5  15.0  76.5  13.9   6.5   3.0
5 or more prior treatment episodes 100.0  60.4  15.2  75.5  14.1   7.2   3.2
Total  100.0  61.3  14.7  76.0  13.8   6.3   3.9
Median length of stay (days)
None  20  26  19   6  14  11
1 prior treatment episode  20  23  18   7  14  10
2 prior treatment episodes  21  24  20   7  14   9
3 prior treatment episodes  20  24  20   7  12   9
4 prior treatment episodes  20  25  19   6  13   8
5 or more prior treatment episodes  21  25  19   7  13   9
Total   20  25  19     7  14  10
Average length of stay (days)
None  26  28  31  15  28  22
1 prior treatment episode  25  27  26  15  29  18
2 prior treatment episodes  24  26  25  15  25  16
3 prior treatment episodes  24  26  25  18  24  20
4 prior treatment episodes  25  28  23  15  24  13
5 or more prior treatment episodes  24  26  26  14  30  22
Total   25  27  27    15  28  19
1 Excludes records where methadone use was planned.
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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