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Table 3.4
Year 2004 discharges from OUTPATIENT treatment1
by race/ethnicity, according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 27 States and jurisdictions that offered outpatient substance abuse treatment and reported these data to TEDS.]
Race/ethnicity Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges 399,037 145,426 46,611 192,037 108,605 41,913 56,482
White (non-Hispanic) 232,398  91,123 25,942 117,065  56,898 22,758 35,677
Black (non-Hispanic)  87,169  26,702 12,872  39,574  23,528 13,914 10,153
Hispanic origin  53,878  18,789  4,995  23,784  19,687  3,753  6,654
Other  22,956   7,807  2,533  10,340   7,839  1,129  3,648
No. of discharges  396,401 144,421 46,342 190,763 107,952 41,554 56,132
Column percent
White (non-Hispanic)  58.6  63.1  56.0  61.4  52.7  54.8  63.6
Black (non-Hispanic)  22.0  18.5  27.8  20.7  21.8  33.5  18.1
Hispanic origin  13.6  13.0  10.8  12.5  18.2   9.0  11.9
Other   5.8   5.4   5.5   5.4   7.3   2.7   6.5
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
White (non-Hispanic) 100.0  39.2  11.2  50.4  24.5   9.8  15.4
Black (non-Hispanic) 100.0  30.6  14.8  45.4  27.0  16.0  11.6
Hispanic origin 100.0  34.9   9.3  44.1  36.5   7.0  12.4
Other 100.0  34.0  11.0  45.0  34.1   4.9  15.9
Total  100.0  36.4  11.7  48.1  27.2  10.5  14.2
Median length of stay (days)
White (non-Hispanic)  70  98  31  43  56  69
Black (non-Hispanic)  62 102  20  47  50  64
Hispanic origin  77 126  35  47  43  87
Other  71 116  51  47  38  65
Total   69 104  29    45  53  70
Average length of stay (days)
White (non-Hispanic) 108 134  78  82  96 112
Black (non-Hispanic) 105 138  73  85  97 112
Hispanic origin 109 155  73  79  68 118
Other 107 144  93  80  78 105
Total  107 138  77    82  93 113
1 Excludes records where methadone use was planned.
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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