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Table 3.10
Year 2004 discharges from OUTPATIENT treatment1
by employment status (aged 16 and over), according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 27 States and jurisdictions that offered outpatient substance abuse treatment and reported these data to TEDS.]
Employment status Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges
aged 16 and over
377,216 136,594  44,444 181,038 103,009 39,853 53,316
Employed 131,685  61,962  11,065  73,027  30,854 13,272 14,532
Full time  94,968  46,959   7,240  54,199  20,887  9,666 10,216
Part time  36,717  15,003   3,825  18,828   9,967  3,606  4,316
Unemployed 112,693  33,090  17,130  50,220  34,568 12,700 15,205
Not in labor force 104,099  35,068  14,057  49,125  31,464 10,660 12,850
No. of discharges  348,477 130,120  42,252 172,372  96,886 36,632 42,587
Column percent
Employed  37.8  47.6  26.2  42.4  31.8  36.2  34.1
Full time  27.3  36.1  17.1  31.4  21.6  26.4  24.0
Part time  10.5  11.5   9.1  10.9  10.3   9.8  10.1
Unemployed  32.3  25.4  40.5  29.1  35.7  34.7  35.7
Not in labor force  29.9  27.0  33.3  28.5  32.5  29.1  30.2
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
Employed 100.0  47.1   8.4  55.5  23.4  10.1  11.0
Full time 100.0  49.4   7.6  57.1  22.0  10.2  10.8
Part time 100.0  40.9  10.4  51.3  27.1   9.8  11.8
Unemployed 100.0  29.4  15.2  44.6  30.7  11.3  13.5
Not in labor force 100.0  33.7  13.5  47.2  30.2  10.2  12.3
Total  100.0  37.3  12.1  49.5  27.8  10.5  12.2
Median length of stay (days)
Employed  78 105  43  48  61  64
Full time  80 105  45  49  62  62
Part time  73 103  41  45  57  71
Unemployed  57 106  19  41  44  61
Not in labor force  64 100  34  45  49  66
Total   68 104  29    44  52  63
Average length of stay (days)
Employed 112 137  87  84  95 105
Full time 114 136  87  84  96 103
Part time 109 138  87  82  90 110
Unemployed  99 144  66  77  83 100
Not in labor force 105 138  81  82  89 110
Total  106 139  76    80  89 105
1 Excludes records where methadone use was planned.
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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