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Table 3.1
Year 2004 discharges from OUTPATIENT treatment1 by State, according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number and percent distribution
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported to TEDS by 28 States and jurisdictions. Comparisons among States should be made with caution.]
State Number Percent distribution
Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
All discharges Completed Trans-
Other Total Completed Trans-
Total  399,037 145,426  46,611 108,605  41,913  56,482 100.0  36.4  11.7  27.2  10.5  14.2
Arizona  18,756   3,295     90   1,063       - -  14,308 100.0  17.6   0.5   5.7      - -  76.3
Arkansas   2,022     984     62     637    246      93 100.0  48.7   3.1  31.5  12.2   4.6
California  89,641  24,346  9,869  46,409       - -   9,017 100.0  27.2  11.0  51.8      - -  10.1
Colorado   5,184   2,110    408   1,394    645     627 100.0  40.7   7.9  26.9  12.4  12.1
Connecticut   9,249   4,855    682   2,262  1,038     412 100.0  52.5   7.4  24.5  11.2   4.5
Florida  15,246   9,294    546   2,406    816   2,184 100.0  61.0   3.6  15.8   5.4  14.3
Georgia  13,664   3,664  1,371   4,402  2,818   1,409 100.0  26.8  10.0  32.2  20.6  10.3
Hawaii   2,022   1,217    194     420    177      14 100.0  60.2   9.6  20.8   8.8   0.7
Illinois  53,763  15,837 11,979  13,059 11,434   1,454 100.0  29.5  22.3  24.3  21.3   2.7
Iowa  14,432   8,646    414   3,633  1,033     706 100.0  59.9   2.9  25.2   7.2   4.9
Maine   6,327   3,082     47   1,891    458     849 100.0  48.7   0.7  29.9   7.2  13.4
Maryland  25,982  13,086  2,499   6,272  3,403     722 100.0  50.4   9.6  24.1  13.1   2.8
Massachusetts   4,904   1,268       - -   2,308    363     965 100.0  25.9      - -  47.1   7.4  19.7
Michigan  27,484  11,038  2,362   6,604  2,298   5,182 100.0  40.2   8.6  24.0   8.4  18.9
Minnesota2        - -        - -       - -        - -       - -        - -      - -      - -      - -      - -      - -      - -
Missouri  10,258   4,037    779     837  3,856     749 100.0  39.4   7.6   8.2  37.6   7.3
Montana   2,116        - -  1,835     219     62        - - 100.0      - -  86.7  10.3   2.9      - -
Nebraska   3,012     664    189     344    142   1,673 100.0  22.0   6.3  11.4   4.7  55.5
New Jersey   6,126   2,426     20   2,592    456     632 100.0  39.6   0.3  42.3   7.4  10.3
Ohio  24,722   7,423  5,852   1,773    172   9,502 100.0  30.0  23.7   7.2   0.7  38.4
Oklahoma   8,199   3,547    291   3,457    451     453 100.0  43.3   3.5  42.2   5.5   5.5
Rhode Island   5,305   1,920    431   2,095    683     176 100.0  36.2   8.1  39.5  12.9   3.3
South Carolina  12,522   7,820    146   1,843  2,408     305 100.0  62.5   1.2  14.7  19.2   2.4
Tennessee   1,921   1,152    350        - -    174     245 100.0  60.0  18.2      - -   9.1  12.8
Texas  12,133   6,606    802     493  3,407     825 100.0  54.4   6.6   4.1  28.1   6.8
Utah   6,058   1,855  1,752     992    550     909 100.0  30.6  28.9  16.4   9.1  15.0
Virginia  15,443   4,856  3,429     627  4,679   1,852 100.0  31.4  22.2   4.1  30.3  12.0
Wyoming   2,546     398    212     573    144   1,219 100.0  15.6   8.3  22.5   5.7  47.9
1 Excludes records where methadone use was planned.
2 Outpatient treatment was not offered, or was not reportable to TEDS.
- -  Quantity is zero.
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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