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Table 2.4
Year 2004 discharges, by State and reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number and percent distribution
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported to TEDS by 28 States and jurisdictions. Comparisons among States should be made with caution; see Chapter 1.]
State Number Percent distribution
Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
All dis-
Death Other Un-
Death Other Un-
Total  1,046,522 423,139 128,168 232,302 79,303 10,859 1,153 82,567 89,031  40.4  12.2  22.2   7.6   1.0   0.1   7.9   8.5 100.0
Arizona    21,897   4,050      99   1,114       - -    298    66 16,270       - -  18.5   0.5   5.1      - -   1.4   0.3  74.3      - - 100.0
Arkansas     8,005   4,105     359   1,841    742     80    11    102    765  51.3   4.5  23.0   9.3   1.0   0.1   1.3   9.6 100.0
California   180,551  55,317  23,543  82,445       - -       - -     - - 19,003    243  30.6  13.0  45.7      - -      - -      - -  10.5   0.1 100.0
Colorado    54,820  46,179     962   4,852  1,494    442    23    868       - -  84.2   1.8   8.9   2.7   0.8      *   1.6      - - 100.0
Connecticut    42,138  26,423   2,239   7,930  2,754    741    85    288  1,678  62.7   5.3  18.8   6.5   1.8   0.2   0.7   4.0 100.0
Florida    35,305  15,925     789   3,859  1,361    517    19  2,546 10,289  45.1   2.2  10.9   3.9   1.5   0.1   7.2  29.1 100.0
Georgia    26,036   8,944   4,966   6,446  3,642    437    27  1,574       - -  34.4  19.1  24.8  14.0   1.7   0.1   6.0      - - 100.0
Hawaii     6,851   2,651   1,824   1,379    919     73     5       - -       - -  38.7  26.6  20.1  13.4   1.1   0.1      - -      - - 100.0
Illinois   153,393  27,476  29,030  21,639 15,376  1,656   218       - - 57,998  17.9  18.9  14.1  10.0   1.1   0.1      - -  37.8 100.0
Iowa    20,160  10,836     837   5,429  1,636    657    22    272    471  53.8   4.2  26.9   8.1   3.3   0.1   1.3   2.3 100.0
Maine    10,588   5,090     108   3,150  1,045    440    29    719      7  48.1   1.0  29.8   9.9   4.2   0.3   6.8   0.1 100.0
Maryland    56,011  26,971   7,146  13,935  6,711  1,103   143       - -      2  48.2  12.8  24.9  12.0   2.0   0.3      - -      * 100.0
Massachusetts    42,332  23,426        - -  14,416  2,382    203    35  1,870       - -  55.3      - -  34.1   5.6   0.5   0.1   4.4      - - 100.0
Michigan    53,322  20,327  10,057  12,135  3,674  1,253   100  5,776       - -  38.1  18.9  22.8   6.9   2.3   0.2  10.8      - - 100.0
Minnesota    43,193  28,358   2,845   7,643  3,252       - -    19  1,075      1  65.7   6.6  17.7   7.5      - -      *   2.5      * 100.0
Missouri    41,022  17,622   4,142   5,514 11,826    561    44  1,310      3  43.0  10.1  13.4  28.8   1.4   0.1   3.2      * 100.0
Montana     5,303        - -   4,360     615    181       - -     - -       - -    147      - -  82.2  11.6   3.4      - -      - -      - -   2.8 100.0
Nebraska    12,514   3,660     608     901    407    111     9  6,647    171  29.2   4.9   7.2   3.3   0.9   0.1  53.1   1.4 100.0
New Jersey    33,728  16,152     150  12,693  2,183    459    47  2,031     13  47.9   0.4  37.6   6.5   1.4   0.1   6.0      * 100.0
Ohio    35,529   8,926  10,836   3,337    276       - -    63 12,036     55  25.1  30.5   9.4   0.8      - -   0.2  33.9   0.2 100.0
Oklahoma    18,446  10,051   1,655   5,131    993    196    11    409       - -  54.5   9.0  27.8   5.4   1.1   0.1   2.2      - - 100.0
Rhode Island    12,134   5,106   1,115   3,791  1,755    336    31       - -       - -  42.1   9.2  31.2  14.5   2.8   0.3      - -      - - 100.0
South Carolina    20,035  11,961     224   3,851  3,529    262    38    126     44  59.7   1.1  19.2  17.6   1.3   0.2   0.6   0.2 100.0
Tennessee    14,528   4,216   6,205      68    627       - -     1  3,411       - -  29.0  42.7   0.5   4.3      - -      *  23.5      - - 100.0
Texas    44,632  29,212   2,363   4,660  6,187    569    26  1,003    612  65.5   5.3  10.4  13.9   1.3   0.1   2.2   1.4 100.0
Utah    11,683   3,858   3,522   1,671  1,137    373    16  1,106       - -  33.0  30.1  14.3   9.7   3.2   0.1   9.5      - - 100.0
Virginia    39,269   5,769   7,926   1,079  4,994     92    56  2,821 16,532  14.7  20.2   2.7  12.7   0.2   0.1   7.2  42.1 100.0
Wyoming     3,097     528     258     778    220       - -     9  1,304       - -  17.0   8.3  25.1   7.1      - -   0.3  42.1      - - 100.0
*  Less than 0.05 percent.
- -  Quantity is zero.
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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