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Table 10.9
Year 2004 discharges from METHADONE DETOXIFICATION1
by treatment referral source, according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 17 States and jurisdictions that offered methadone detoxification and reported these data to TEDS.]
Treatment referral source Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges 17,976 4,041 2,368 6,409 9,482 156 1,929
Self- or individual 15,149 2,932 1,919 4,851 8,407 118 1,773
Criminal justice/DUI    595   238    54   292   252   7    44
Substance abuse treatmt provider    495   137   126   263   190  14    28
Other health care provider  1,095   427   208   635   400   4    56
School     10     4     1     5     5   - -     - -
Employer      1     1     - -     1     - -   - -     - -
Other community referral    420   194    34   228   163   6    23
No. of discharges  17,765 3,933 2,342 6,275 9,417 149 1,924
Column percent
Self- or individual  85.3  74.5  81.9  77.3  89.3  79.2  92.2
Criminal justice/DUI   3.3   6.1   2.3   4.7   2.7   4.7   2.3
Substance abuse treatmt provider   2.8   3.5   5.4   4.2   2.0   9.4   1.5
Other health care provider   6.2  10.9   8.9  10.1   4.2   2.7   2.9
School   0.1   0.1      *   0.1   0.1      - -      - -
Employer      *      *      - -      *      - -      - -      - -
Other community referral   2.4   4.9   1.5   3.6   1.7   4.0   1.2
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
Self- or individual 100.0  19.4  12.7  32.0  55.5   0.8  11.7
Criminal justice/DUI 100.0  40.0   9.1  49.1  42.4   1.2   7.4
Substance abuse treatmt provider 100.0  27.7  25.5  53.1  38.4   2.8   5.7
Other health care provider 100.0  39.0  19.0  58.0  36.5   0.4   5.1
School 100.0  40.0  10.0  50.0  50.0      - -      - -
Employer 100.0 100.0      - - 100.0      - -      - -      - -
Other community referral 100.0  46.2   8.1  54.3  38.8   1.4   5.5
Total  100.0  22.1  13.2  35.3  53.0   0.8  10.8
Median length of stay (days)
Self- or individual  16  20  15  13  76  18
Criminal justice/DUI  15  19  19  11  81  18
Substance abuse treatmt provider   9  13   4   7  78  18
Other health care provider  25  28  26  20  84  27
School  11  12   5  13   - -   - -
Employer  10  10   - -   - -   - -   - -
Other community referral  10  10   8   7  66  19
Total   16  20  15    13  76  18
Average length of stay (days)
Individual  37  35  51  34 114  31
Criminal justice/DUI  37  30  94  33  92  26
Substance abuse treatmt provider  59  62  81  42 114  35
Other health care provider  39  36  54  29 128  66
School  11  12   5  11   - -   - -
Employer  10  10   - -   - -   - -   - -
Other community referral  33  21  95  32 106  42
Total   37  35  54    34 113  32
1 Includes ambulatory detoxification (n = 15,960; 89 percent), free-standing residential detoxification (n = 1,797; 10 percent), and hospital detoxification (n = 219; 1 percent).
* Less than 0.05 percent.
- - Quantity is zero.
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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