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2004 Treatment Discharges:  Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS)


Treatment Completion
Median Length of Stay (LOS)
Client Characteristics Associated with Treatment Completion or Transfer to Further Treatment

This report presents results from the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) for clients discharged from substance abuse treatment in 2004. The report provides information on treatment completion, length of stay in treatment, and demographic and substance abuse characteristics of approximately 1,000,000 discharges from alcohol or drug treatment in facilities that report to individual State administrative data systems.

The TEDS Discharge Data System was designed to enable TEDS to collect information on entire treatment episodes. States are asked to submit data for all discharges from substance abuse treatment. Discharge data, when linked to admissions data, represent treatment episodes that enable analyses of questions that cannot be answered with admissions data alone (e.g., the proportion of discharges who completed treatment and the average length of stay of treatment completers).

TEDS is an admission-based system, and TEDS admissions do not represent individuals. Thus, for example, an individual admitted to treatment twice within a calendar year would be counted as two admissions.

TEDS does not include all admissions to substance abuse treatment. It includes data from facilities that are licensed or certified by the State substance abuse agency to provide substance abuse treatment (or are administratively tracked for other reasons). In general, facilities reporting TEDS data are those that receive State alcohol and/or drug agency funds (including Federal Block Grant funds) for the provision of alcohol and/or drug treatment services.

Treatment Completion
Median Length of Stay (LOS)
Client Characteristics Associated with Treatment Completion or Transfer to Further Treatment The association of two client characteristics, prior treatment and referral source, were strengthened slightly after adjustment for the other client characteristics in the model.

* Percentages do not sum to 100 percent because of rounding.

**To examine the client characteristics associated with substance abuse treatment completion or transfer to further treatment, the variables representing these characteristics were dichotomized. (See Tables 2.7a and 2.7b.) Univariate logistic regression was conducted for all service types combined and for each service type separately to test whether the client characteristic was related to completion of treatment or transfer to further treatment for that service type. Logistic regression yields an odds ratio, that is, the odds of one group completing treatment or transferring to further treatment over the odds of the other group completing treatment or transferring. For example, the odds ratio among all discharges combined for males completing treatment or transferring to further treatment versus females completing treatment or transferring is 1.150 (Table 2.7a). This can be expressed as a percentage; that is, male discharges were 15 percent more likely than female discharges to complete treatment or transfer to further treatment.

Many of the client characteristics are related to each other, and the univariate odds ratio can reflect that interrelatedness. For example, if both age and gender are related to treatment completion or transfer, and age is related to gender, then calculation of the univariate odds ratios for age and gender will effectively count some treatment completers twice (i.e., once in the age calculation and once in the gender calculation). To produce an odds ratio for age that is independent of (or adjusted for) the odds ratio for gender, and vice versa, a multivariate conditional logistic regression model is used. In this analysis, for each service type and for all service types combined, client characteristics that were associated with treatment completion or transfer to further treatment at the significance level of p < 0.05 were used in SAS software stepwise regression procedures (alpha = 0.001 to enter or remove).

Note: Age at first use was reported for 76 percent of all discharges, and for less than 85 percent of discharges from outpatient treatment, long-term residential treatment, detoxification, methadone outpatient treatment, and methadone detoxification. It was excluded from the logistic regression analyses.

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This page was last updated on June 03, 2008 .

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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