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Women Only

Breast Cancer Screening (Mammograms)

Breast cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer death in women in the United States. Every woman is at risk, and this risk increases with age. Breast cancer can usually be successfully treated when found early. Medicare covers screening mammograms and digital technologies for screening mammograms to check for breast cancer before you or a doctor may be able to feel it.

How often is it covered?

Once every 12 months

For whom?

All women with Medicare age 40 and older can get a screening mammogram every 12 months. Medicare also pays for one baseline mammogram for women with Medicare between ages 35 and 39.

Your costs in the Original Medicare Plan?

You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount with no Part B deductible.

What factors increase risk for breast cancer?

Your risk of developing breast cancer increases if you…

  • Had breast cancer in the past
  • Have a family history of breast cancer (like a mother, sister, daughter, or two or more close relatives who have had breast cancer)
  • Had your first baby after age 30
  • Have never had a baby
  • Used hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for a long period of time after menopause
  • Have 2 or more alcoholic drinks every day
  • Are overweight or obese, especially if you gained weight during adulthood
  • Don't exercise
  • Are a Jew of Eastern European descent (an Ashkenazi Jew)

Risk for breast cancer increases with age. It is important to continue with screening, even if you were screened before you entered Medicare.

To learn more about breast cancer, click on the following links:

Page Last Updated: March 27, 2008


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