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2004 Features :
Exozodiacal Dust 10/21/04 - Keck Team to Make Stars 'Disappear'
The technological magicians at JPL and the Keck Observatory are a step closer to performing a vanishing act on a cosmic scale.
Johannes Kepler 10/6/04 - The History of Johannes Kepler
Four centuries ago, an evening's entertainment was as simple as stepping out to gaze at the night sky. But among the world's many star watchers, one man stood apart. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was a mathematician and physicist who not only observed, but also sought to explain the celestial dance above.
Genesis Spacecraft 9/3/04 - A Little Glitz Goes a Long Way for NASA's Genesis
It seems everyone benefits from a little "bling bling" now and then. Hollywood icons use six-carat jewels to decorate themselves; eastern ayurvedic doctors use precious gems to make medicine; and scientists on NASA's Genesis mission, due to return Sept. 8, use sapphire, silicon, gold and diamond to collect raw solar wind particles in outer space.
8/19/04 - Local High School Student Sets Sights On Saturn
During the summer months, most high school seniors would welcome the chance to sleep late or go to the beach, but Jessica Luttkus spent her time planning the perfect photo shoot of Saturn.
artist's concept of Space Interferometry Mission 8/6/04 - Planet Survey: Knocking on Heaven's Door
The Milky Way is a big, diverse neighborhood. And if you're hoping to find Earthlike planets that may harbor life, you'll need to figure out a way to narrow the search.
Oil rig 7/30/04 - Keeping Current With Ocean Currents
Imagine a place where the roads change constantly and last month's map may be completely out of date. That's the ocean.
7/20/04 - Apollo 11 Experiment Still Going Strong after 35 Years
It was the summer of '69. Director John Schlesinger's "Midnight Cowboy" had won the Oscar for Best Picture; the Rolling Stones' newly released "Honky Tonk Women" was climbing the charts; 400,000 people were gearing up to attend Woodstock…and America landed on the Moon, making "one giant leap for mankind."
Mark Helmlinger 7/14/04 - From the Field
Take a group of strangers, put them in a harsh environment, and give them a challenging mission to accomplish -- scientists who do field research have much more experience with this than reality television producers ever will.
Saturn's A Ring From the Inside Out 7/9/04 - At the Edge of an Alien World: Cassini Arrives at Saturn
When the Cassini spacecraft launched into space nearly seven years ago, its destination - Saturn - appeared as a speck in a sea of stars. More than a billion miles later, Cassini has at last arrived at the ringed planet and discovered a dynamic world full of surprises.
Titan 6/25/04 - An 'Alien Earth' in Saturn's Backyard
When the Cassini mission's Huygens probe plunges through the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan, it will provide a glimpse behind the veil of what many astronomers consider the most Earthlike body in our solar system.
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