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2003 Features :
An artist's rendering depicts the Stardust spacecraft as it 12/16/03 - Catching the Wild Child -- How Stardust Stays on Target
Imagine driving through heavy fog to a place you've never been, guided only by a faint taillight in the distance.
Simulation of Mars Rover spacecraft during descent 12/11/03 - Tones Break Silence During Mars Exploration Rover Landings
On the phone, tones can signal a connection. On paper, they can add shape and dimension. On Mars, they can do both. This is why members of the Mars Exploration Rover Entry Descent and Landing team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory will be on the lookout for a series of tones during the mission's landings in January 2004.
Simulation of a spacecraft landing on Mars 12/2/03 - Challenges of Getting to Mars
Two out of three missions to the red planet have failed.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in orbit 11/21/03 - Our Amazing Universe: Vote for Your Favorite Image
You're invited to help NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory celebrate 10 years of dazzling imagery of the universe from the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 onboard NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.
Artist's concept of the Large Binocular Telescope 11/18/03 - Largest pair of 'eyes' ever built to aid search for planets
Fully assembled, the Large Binocular Telescope resembles a face, gazing skyward with a pair of enormous saucer eyes.
SOHO image of solar flare 11/3/03 - Cassini Spacecraft Captures Sounds of Solar Storm
University of Iowa Professor and Space Physicist Dr. Don Gurnett used NASA's Cassini spacecraft to record the sound of one of the largest solar flares seen in decades, as it moved outward from the Sun.
 tiny 3-Dimensional Artificial Neural Network 10/28/03 - People Are Robots, Too. Almost
Popular culture has long pondered the question, "If it looks like a human, walks like a human and talks like a human, is it human?" So far the answer has been no. Robots can't cry, bleed or feel like humans, and that's part of what makes them different.
A Hubble Space Telescope image of circumstellar disc surrounding a young star. 10/20/03 - Missing Link Sought in Planetary Evolution
Just as anthropologists sought "the missing link" between apes and humans, astronomers are embarking on a quest for a missing link in planetary evolution.
John Kimball at work in the Denali National Park 9/23/03 - Early Arctic Thaw Could Have Chilling Effect
Spring will be coming early next year to the great forests and tundra of the Arctic. Good for the vegetation, but perhaps not so good for the atmosphere.
Artist's concept of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. 9/23/03 - If You Thought That Was a Close View of Mars, Just Wait
As Earth pulls away from Mars after last month's close approach, NASA is developing a spacecraft that will take advantage of the next close encounter in 2005.
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