Title 18--Conservation of Power and Water Resources



TEXT PDF385.101 Applicability (Rule 101).
TEXT PDF385.102 Definitions (Rule 102).
TEXT PDF385.103 References to rules (Rule 103).
TEXT PDF385.104 Rule of construction (Rule 104).
TEXT PDF385.201 Applicability (Rule 201).
TEXT PDF385.202 Types of pleadings (Rule 202).
TEXT PDF385.203 Content of pleadings and tariff or rate filings (Rule 203).
TEXT PDF385.204 Applications (Rule 204).
TEXT PDF385.205 Tariff or rate filings (Rule 205).
TEXT PDF385.206 Complaints (Rule 206).
TEXT PDF385.207 Petitions (Rule 207).
TEXT PDF385.209 Notices of tariff or rate examination and orders to show cause (Rule 209).
TEXT PDF385.210 Method of notice; dates established in notice (Rule 210).
TEXT PDF385.211 Protests other than under Rule 208 (Rule 211).
TEXT PDF385.212 Motions (Rule 212).
TEXT PDF385.213 Answers (Rule 213).
TEXT PDF385.214 Intervention (Rule 214).
TEXT PDF385.215 Amendment of pleadings and tariff or rate filings (Rule 215).
TEXT PDF385.216 Withdrawal of pleadings (Rule 216).
TEXT PDF385.217 Summary disposition (Rule 217).
TEXT PDF385.218 Simplified procedure for complaints involving small controversies (Rule 218).
TEXT PDF385.401 Applicability (Rule 401).
TEXT PDF385.402 Scope of discovery (Rule 402).
TEXT PDF385.403 Methods of discovery; general provisions (Rule 403).
TEXT PDF385.404 Depositions during proceedings (Rule 404).
TEXT PDF385.405 Use of depositions (Rule 405).
TEXT PDF385.406 Data requests, interrogatories, and requests for production of documents or things (Rule 406).
TEXT PDF385.407 Inspection of documents and other property (Rule 407).
TEXT PDF385.408 Admissions (Rule 408).
TEXT PDF385.409 Subpoenas (Rule 409).
TEXT PDF385.410 Objections to discovery, motions to quash or to compel, and protective orders (Rule 410).
TEXT PDF385.411 Sanctions (Rule 411).
TEXT PDF385.501 Applicability (Rule 501).
TEXT PDF385.502 Initiation of hearing (Rule 502).
TEXT PDF385.503 Consolidation, severance and extension of close-of-record date by Chief Administrative Law Judge (Rule 503).
TEXT PDF385.504 Duties and powers of presiding officers (Rule 504).
TEXT PDF385.505 Right of participants to present evidence (Rule 505).
TEXT PDF385.506 Examination of witnesses during hearing (Rule 506).
TEXT PDF385.507 Prepared written testimony (Rule 507).
TEXT PDF385.508 Exhibits (Rule 508).
TEXT PDF385.509 Admissibility of evidence (Rule 509).
TEXT PDF385.510 Miscellaneous provisions (Rule 510).
TEXT PDF385.601 Conferences (Rule 601).
TEXT PDF385.602 Submission of settlement offers (Rule 602).
TEXT PDF385.603 Settlement of negotiations before a settlement judge (Rule 603).
TEXT PDF385.604 Alternative means of dispute resolution (Rule 604).
TEXT PDF385.605 Arbitration (Rule 605).
TEXT PDF385.606 Confidentiality in dispute resolution proceedings (Rule 606).
TEXT PDF385.701 Applicability (Rule 701).
TEXT PDF385.702 Definitions (Rule 702).
TEXT PDF385.703 Contents of decisions (Rule 703).
TEXT PDF385.704 Rights of participants before initial decision (Rule 704).
TEXT PDF385.705 Additional powers of presiding officer with respect to briefs (Rule 705).
TEXT PDF385.706 Initial and reply briefs before initial decision (Rule 706).
TEXT PDF385.707 Oral argument before initial decision (Rule 707).
TEXT PDF385.708 Initial decisions by presiding officer (Rule 708).
TEXT PDF385.709 Other types of decisions (Rule 709).
TEXT PDF385.710 Waiver of the initial decision (Rule 710).
TEXT PDF385.711 Exceptions and briefs on and opposing exceptions after initial decision (Rule 711).
TEXT PDF385.712 Commission review of initial decisions in the absence of exceptions (Rule 712).
TEXT PDF385.713 Request for rehearing (Rule 713).
TEXT PDF385.714 Certified questions (Rule 714).
TEXT PDF385.715 Interlocutory appeals to the Commission from rulings of presiding officers (Rule 715).
TEXT PDF385.716 Reopening (Rule 716).
TEXT PDF385.801 Waiver of hearing (Rule 801).
TEXT PDF385.802 Noncontested proceedings (Rule 802).
TEXT PDF385.901 Scope (Rule 901).
TEXT PDF385.902 Definitions (Rule 902).
TEXT PDF385.903 Request for nondisclosure of information (Rule 903).
TEXT PDF385.904 Commencement of proceeding (Rule 904).
TEXT PDF385.905 Stay of contested order (Rule 905).
TEXT PDF385.906 Pleadings (Rule 906).
TEXT PDF385.907 New facts and issues (Rule 907).
TEXT PDF385.908 Discovery (Rule 908).
TEXT PDF385.909 Hearing (Rule 909).
TEXT PDF385.910 Conduct of the hearing (Rule 910).
TEXT PDF385.911 Burden of proof (Rule 911).
TEXT PDF385.912 Proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and comments (Rule 912).
TEXT PDF385.913 Proposed order (Rule 913).
TEXT PDF385.914 Commission action (Rule 914).
TEXT PDF385.915 Off-the-record communications (Rule 915).
TEXT PDF385.916 Withdrawal of petition for review (Rule 916).
TEXT PDF385.917 Sanctions (Rule 917).
TEXT PDF385.1001 Scope (Rule 1001).
TEXT PDF385.1002 Definitions (Rule 1002).
TEXT PDF385.1003 Request for nondisclosure of information (Rule 1003).
TEXT PDF385.1004 Commencement of proceedings (Rule 1004).
TEXT PDF385.1005 Replies (Rule 1005).
TEXT PDF385.1006 Request for hearing (Rule 1006).
TEXT PDF385.1007 Presiding officer (Rule 1007).
TEXT PDF385.1008 Hearings (Rule 1008).
TEXT PDF385.1009 Proof (Rule 1009).
TEXT PDF385.1010 Certification of the record (Rule 1010).
TEXT PDF385.1011 Final order (Rule 1011).
TEXT PDF385.1012 Off-the-record communications (Rule 1012).
TEXT PDF385.1013 Attachments to pleadings (Rule 1013).
TEXT PDF385.1101 Applicability (Rule 1101).
TEXT PDF385.1102 Definitions (Rule 1102).
TEXT PDF385.1103 Commencement of proceeding (Rule 1103).
TEXT PDF385.1104 Initial petition (Rule 1104).
TEXT PDF385.1105 Intervention (Rule 1105).
TEXT PDF385.1106 Other filings (Rule 1106).
TEXT PDF385.1107 Evaluations (Rule 1107).
TEXT PDF385.1108 Criteria (Rule 1108).
TEXT PDF385.1109 Orders (Rule 1109).
TEXT PDF385.1110 Review of initial decision and order for adjustment (Rule 1110).
TEXT PDF385.1111 Conferences (Rule 1111).
TEXT PDF385.1112 Requests for confidential treatment (Rule 1112).
TEXT PDF385.1113 Interim relief (Rule 1113).
TEXT PDF385.1114 Motions (Rule 1114).
TEXT PDF385.1115 Procedural rulings (Rule 1115).
TEXT PDF385.1116 Appeals (Rule 1116).
TEXT PDF385.1117 Petition for adjustment treated as request for interpretation (Rule 1117).
TEXT PDF385.1301 Policy (Rule 1301).
TEXT PDF385.1302 Notice (Rule 1302).
TEXT PDF385.1303 Conferences (Rule 1303).
TEXT PDF385.1304 Procedure governing matters referred to a board (Rule 1304).
TEXT PDF385.1305 Joint and concurrent hearings (Rule 1305).
TEXT PDF385.1306 Intervention by State commissions (Rule 1306).
TEXT PDF385.1401 Applicability (Rule 1401).
TEXT PDF385.1402 Subscriber lists (Rule 1402).
TEXT PDF385.1403 Petitions seeking institution of rulemaking proceedings (Rule 1404).
TEXT PDF385.1501 Scope (Rule 1501).
TEXT PDF385.1502 Persons subject to civil penalties (Rule 1502).
TEXT PDF385.1503 Actions subjecting persons to civil penalties (Rule 1503).
TEXT PDF385.1504 Maximum civil penalty (Rule 1504).
TEXT PDF385.1505 Determination of proposed penalty amount (Rule 1505).
TEXT PDF385.1506 Notice of proposed penalty (Rule 1506).
TEXT PDF385.1507 Election of procedures and answer (Rule 1507).
TEXT PDF385.1508 Commission administrative procedures (Rule 1508).
TEXT PDF385.1509 District court procedures (Rule 1509).
TEXT PDF385.1510 Modification of civil penalty (Rule 1510).
TEXT PDF385.1511 Collection of civil penalties (Rule 1511).
TEXT PDF385.1601 Scope and purpose (Rule 1601).
TEXT PDF385.1602 Civil penalties, as adjusted (Rule 1602).
TEXT PDF385.1901 Interpretations and interpretative rules under the NGPA (Rule 1901).
TEXT PDF385.1902 Appeals from action of staff (Rule 1902).
TEXT PDF385.1903 Notice in rulemaking proceedings (Rule 1903).
TEXT PDF385.1904 Copies of transcripts (Rule 1904).
TEXT PDF385.1907 Reports of compliance (Rule 1907).
TEXT PDF385.2001 Filings (Rule 2001).
TEXT PDF385.2002 Caption of filings (Rule 2002).
TEXT PDF385.2003 Specifications (Rule 2003).
TEXT PDF385.2004 Original and copies of filings (Rule 2004).
TEXT PDF385.2005 Subscription and verification (Rule 2005).
TEXT PDF385.2006 Docket system (Rule 2006).
TEXT PDF385.2007 Time (Rule 2007).
TEXT PDF385.2008 Extensions of time (Rule 2008).
TEXT PDF385.2009 Notice (Rule 2009).
TEXT PDF385.2010 Service (Rule 2010).
TEXT PDF385.2011 Procedures for filing on electronic media (Rule 2011).
TEXT PDF385.2012 Petitions for review of Commission Orders (Rule 2012).
TEXT PDF385.2013 Videotapes (Rule 2013).
TEXT PDF385.2101 Appearances (Rule 2101).
TEXT PDF385.2102 Suspension (Rule 2102).
TEXT PDF385.2103 Appearance of former employees (Rule 2103).
TEXT PDF385.2201 Rules governing off-the-record communications (Rule 2201).
TEXT PDF385.2202 Separation of functions (Rule 2202).
