LSC's Technology Initiative Grants Program Home Page

TIG Updates

Save the date! The 2010 TIG conference will take place January 13-15, 2010 in Austin, Texas. The TIG conference will be held in conjuction with the MIE National Conference for Legal Services Administrators January 12-13, 2010.


2009 Technology Initiative Grant Cycle

The primary purpose of the Technology Initiative Grants program is to promote full access and high-quality legal representation through the use of technology. Technology Initiative Grants are available only to LSC grantees.

TIG received 45 complete applications for the FY2009 LSC grant program. The applications are now being reviewed.

Funding is only available to LSC funded legal aid programs. Approximately $3 million will be available for TIG funding for FY2009.


TIG Grant Evaluation & Final Reporting

The TIG Grant Evaluation and Final Reporting webpage provides access to necessary evaluation and final report forms and guidelines for all TIG grants. 

The webpage also provides access to samples of approved evaluation plans and final reports.

Click here to access the page.

Online Milestone Reporting System

To login to the TIG Online Milestone Reporting Database:

  1. Enter your grantee number (not your TIG number) into the "Grantee Number (RNO)" space.
  2. Enter your basic field grant password into the "Password" space.
  3. Click "submit" to Login to the system.
  4. The screen will read "Welcome to the Online Reporting System"
  5. Select a grant by clicking on the "Proceed" button located under the grant description.

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