Maryland Native Plant Society

Dedicated to Protecting, Conserving, and Restoring
Maryland's Native Plants and Habitats


The Maryland Native Plant Society's mission is to promote awareness, appreciation, and conservation of Maryland's native plants and their habitats. We pursue our mission through education, research, advocacy, and service activities.

What's New; What's Hot

The next Monthly Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, 2009.

Check out our Field Trips and Habitat Restoration Projects. Usually, there is something happening every weekend. A full schedule of planned events can be viewed on the Calendar.

Volunteer to help with a new project creating Plant Lists. See Volunteer: Plant Lists for more information.

Stay on top of what's happening with the Inter-County Connector by visiting Save Our Communities.

Places at Risk are natural areas that may be destroyed or damaged due to construction, logging, or other activities. Several organizations monitor legislation and governmental activities to produce action alerts. Visit the Action Alerts page to find an e-mail list to join.

The Mystery of the Missing East Coast Acorns. Discussion of why during 2008 it has been hard to find acorns in our area.

Learn more about the latest invader: Wavyleaf Basketgrass Moves in Waves through Maryland Forests.

Popular Links

P.O. Box 4877
Silver Spring, MD 20914
info @

© Maryland Native Plant Society. Last updated: December 31, 2008.