Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Across California, invasive plants damage wildlands. Invasive plants displace native plants and wildlife, increase wildfire and flood danger, consume valuable water, degrade recreational opportunities, and destroy productive range and timber lands. Cal-IPC works with land managers, researchers, policy makers, and concerned citizens to protect the state from invasive plants. More info...

New at

  • Membership: Time to renew for 2009! More info...
  • Support us when you search the internet: Use GoodSearch as your search engine and enter "Cal-IPC" in "Who do you search for?" Go to GoodSearch...
  • Cal-IPC Student Chapter: Visit the student chapter's Facebook page. Go to page...
  • Symposium Presentations: View presentations from the 2008 Symposium in Chico. More info...
  • Photos on Flickr: View photos of plants and Cal-IPC events through the online site Flickr. View photos...
  • PlantRight campaign: How we are working with nurseries to prevent horticultural introductions of invasive plants. More info...
  • Plant profiles: The top published information on biology and management of each invasive plant. More info...
  • Statewide maps: Information from county WMAs is helping us create maps of statewide distribution and spread for many species. More info..

California Invasive Plant Council
1442-A Walnut St., #462  ~  Berkeley, CA 94709
p: (510) 843-3902  ~  f: (510) 217-3500  ~