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Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 12:37:34 UTC

Historic USGS Moment Tensor Solutions

Historic Moment Tensor Solutions World Location
Major Tectonic Boundaries: Subduction Zones -purple, Ridges -red and Transform Faults -green

The most recent (20 or less) USGS Moment Tensor Solutions are shown.
Data from the Source Parameter Database.

                        E P I C E N T E R   |          MOMENT  |    P R I N C I P A L  A X E S       |N O D A L  P L A N E S | 
     DATE    TIME (UTC)   LAT      LONG  SRC|DEPTH     VAL  EX |     T            N            P     |     1           2     | %  SRC
  YR  MO DA HR MN SEC     deg      deg      |  km  Mw     Nm   |VAL  PL AZM  VAL  PL AZM  VAL  PL AZM|STK DP SLIP STK DP SLIP| DC
 1992 01 02 16:40:40.60  48.738 -129.233 PDE| 22.0 6.1 1.7  18 |1.61  2  90  0.10 88 259 -1.71  0   0|135 88  179 225 89    2| 88 GS              
 1992 04 06 13:54:40.22  50.724 -130.092 PDE| 13.0 6.7 1.2  19 |1.11 10 277  0.27 74 150 -1.38 12   9| 53 74   -2 143 88 -164| 61 GS              
 1994 01 03 01:26:11.40  49.721 -126.768 PDE| 19.0 5.7 4.4  17 |3.76 11 129  1.25 52  26 -5.00 36 228|262 57  -20   3 73 -145| 50 GS              
 1996 10 06 20:13: 9.18  49.047 -127.880 PDE|  3.0 6.0 1.2  18 |1.09  0 282  0.28 75 191 -1.38 15  12| 56 79  -11 148 79 -169| 59 GS              
 1998 08 30 11:33:33.00  50.910 -130.660 PDE|  3.0 6.1 1.5  18 |1.47  8 114  0.04 80 251 -1.51  7  23|158 80  180 249 90   10| 95 GS              
 1999 07 02 11:45:31.29  49.371 -129.204 PDE| 12.0 5.9 1.0  18 |0.99  8  92  0.11 82 252 -1.10  3   2|137 83  177 227 87    7| 80 GS              
 2001 01 11 00:04: 3.00  48.890 -129.310 PDE| 12.0 6.0 1.2  18 |1.18 10  84  0.00 80 245 -1.18  3 354|129 81  175 219 86    9|100 GS              
 2001 01 23 09:39:25.00  49.330 -128.790 PDE| 15.0 5.9 8.1  17 |7.72  2  81  0.75 84 194 -8.47  5 350|126 85 -178  35 88   -5| 82 GS              
 2001 02 17 20:11:30.00  53.920 -133.610 PDE| 12.0 6.2 2.2  18 |2.09  4 105  0.23 85 332 -2.31  4 196|241 85    0 331 90 -175| 80 GS              
 2001 09 14 04:45: 8.00  48.690 -128.710 PDE| 14.0 5.9 1.0  18 |0.99 11  98  0.09 77 250 -1.08  6   7|142 78  176 233 86   12| 83 GS              
 2001 09 16 23:20: 9.00  48.540 -128.600 PDE| 15.0 5.8 5.6  17 |5.22  6  87  0.76 80 214 -5.98  8 357|132 80 -179  42 89  -10| 75 GS              
 2001 10 12 05:02:34.00  52.630 -132.200 PDE| 15.0 6.0 1.1  18 |1.15 65  21 -0.03  6 125 -1.12 24 218|322 22  108 123 69   83| 95 GS              
 2004 07 15 12:06:52.40  49.695 -126.855 PDE| 11.0 5.9 8.1  17 |6.82 10 105  2.67 78 313 -9.49  5 196|241 79    4 150 86  169| 44 GS              
 2004 07 19 08:01:49.46  49.623 -126.967 PDE| 13.0 6.4 4.3  18 |4.29 15 110 -0.07 73 320 -4.23  8 203|247 74    5 156 85  164| 97 GS              
 2004 11 02 10:02:12.82  49.277 -128.772 PDE| 14.0 6.6 1.1  19 |1.05  9  87  0.06 81 247 -1.11  3 357|132 82  176 222 86    8| 89 GS              
 2005 06 09 14:00:49.90  51.554 -131.125 PDE| 14.0 5.7 5.0  17 |4.39  0 109  1.25 86 200 -5.63  4  19|154 87 -177  64 87   -3| 56 GS              
 2006 06 20 10:02: 7.78  51.582 -130.473 PDE| 20.0 5.6 3.2  17 |2.89  8  91  0.68 82 288 -3.57  2 182|227 83    4 136 86  173| 62 GS              
 2007 12 12 23:39:59.79  52.102 -131.554 PDE|  9.0 5.6 3.1  17 |2.34 13 308  1.16 74 100 -3.51  6 216|352 76  175  83 85   14| 34 GS              

Latest USGS Fast Moment Tensor Solutions

Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver

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