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CIREN Technical Publications
Office of Crash Avoidance Research Technical Publications
Bibliography of Publications & Presentations of CIREN Centers


  • Ryb GE, Dischinger PC. Injury severity and outcome of overweight and obese patients after vehicular trauma: a crash injury research and engineering network (CIREN) study.  Journal of Trauma 2008 Feb;64(2):406-11.

  • Ryb GE, Dischinger PC. Injury severity and outcome of overweight and obese patients after vehicular trauma: a crash injury research and engineering network (CIREN) study.  Journal of Trauma 2008 Feb;64(2):406-11.



  • Benson, E, Conroy, C, Hoyt, DB, Eastman, AB, Pacyna, S, Smith, J, Kennedy, F, Velky, T, Sise, M. : “Calcaneal Fractures in Occupants involved in Severe Frontal Motor Vehicle Crashes”.   Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2007, 39: 794-99.

  • Conroy, C, Schwartz, A, Hoyt, DB, Eastman, AB, Pacyna, S, Holbrook, TL, Vaughan, T, Sise, M, Kennedy, F, Velky, T, Erwin, S.  “Upper Extremity Fracture Patterns following Motor Vehicle Crashes differ for Drivers and Passengers”.  Injury, 2007, 38: 350-7. 

  • Conroy, C, Hoyt, DB, Eastman, AB Holbrook, TL, Pacyna, S, Erwin, S, Vaughan, T, Sise, M, Kennedy, F, Velky, T.  “Motor Vehicle related Cardiac and Aorta Injuries differ from other Thoracic Injuries”.  J Trauma, 2007, 62:  1462-1467.

  • Francis DO, Mack CD, Kaufman R, Yueh B, Mock CM, Nathens AB. “Effectiveness of depowered and full-powered air bags in high-speed and low-speed crashes.”  2006 Submitted and in revisions 2007 to Journal of the American Medical Association

  • Holbrook, TL, Hoyt, DB, Eastman, A, Sise, M, Kennedy, F, Velky, T, Conroy, C, Pacyna, S, Erwin, S, Vaughan,T.  “The Impact of Safety Belt use on Liver Injuries in Motor Vehicle Crashes:  The Importance of Motor Vehicle Safety Systems”.  J Trauma, 2007, 63: 300-306.

  • Ivarrson BJ, Manaswi A, Genovese D, Crandall JR, Hurwitz S, Burke C, Fakhry, S. Site. 
    “Type and Primary Mechanism of Tibial Shaft Fracture in Drivers in Frontal Automobile Crashes.” Forensic Science International (2007), doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2007.06.019

  • Kuan JK, Kaufman R, Wright JL, Mock C, Nathens AB, Wessells H, Bulger E. - Renal injury mechanisms in motor vehicle collisions: analysis of the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) dataset.  Journal of Urology -Vol. 178, 935-940, September 2007

  • Linnau K., Blackmore C., Kaufman R., Nguyen, T., Routt M., Stambaugh L., Jurkovich G., Mock C.  Radiographic patterns of pelvic ring disruptions: Do initial radiographs tell the truth about the crash? Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 21(6):375-380, July 2007.

  • Hearrell C, Burke C.  “Walking Through The Ages: The Impact Of Pedestrian Injury”
    Journal of Emergency Nursing, June 2007.

  • Maheshwari, R., Mack C., Francis D., Kaufman R., Bulger E., Nork S., Henley B. The Effect of Obesity on Outcomes among Trauma Patients with Lower Extremity Orthopaedic Injuries (submitted 2007 in revisions to Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma )
  • Michetti C, Hanna R, Moore A, Crandall J, Fakhry S. “Contemporary analysis of thoracic aortic injury: importance of screening based on crash characteristics” Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 63:18-25, 2007. NTL Integrated Search - National Transportation Library (http://ntlsearch.bts.gov/tris/record/tris/01054323.html)

  • Ryb GE, Dischinger PC, Kufera JA, Burch CA. Delta V, principal direction of force, and restraint use contributions to motor vehicle crash mortality. Journal of Trauma. 2007 Nov;63(5):1000-5.

In Press

  • Ivarsson BJ, Crandall J, Fredriksson R, Burke C, Stadter G, Grabowski J, Fakhry S “Pedestrian Head Impact - What Determines The Likelihood And Wrap Around Distance?”  Included in the written proceedings of the Enhanced Safety of Vehicle (ESV) Conference, Lyon, France (2007); Submitted to Accident Analysis and Prevention - pending acceptance for publication

  • Ryb GE, Dischinger PC, Kufera JA, Burch CA. Expected differences and unexpected commonalities in mortality, injury severity and injury patterns between near versus far occupants of side impact crashes. Journal of Trauma (in press) 

Abstracts & Presentations

  • 2007 CIREN Public Meeting Presentations

  • 2007 SAE Government Industry Meeting - Presentations


  • Conroy, C, Hoyt, DB, Eastman, AB, Erwin, S, Pacyna, S, Holbrook, T, Vaughan, T, Sise, M, Kennedy, F, Velky, T.  Rollover crashes:  “Predicting Serious Injury based on Occupant, Vehicle, and Crash Characteristics”.  Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2006, 38: 835-842.

  • Francis DO, Kaufman R, Yueh B, Mock CM, Nathens AB. “Air bag induced orbital blow-out fractures” 2006. Laryngoscope, 116 September 2006

  • Grant, J; Rhee, J.S.; Pintar, F; Yoganandan, N.: Modeling mechanisms of skull base injury for drivers in motor vehicle collisions Otolaryngology (In press).

  • Hearrell C, Burke C.  “Walking Through The Ages: The Impact Of Pedestrian Injury”
    Journal of Emergency Nursing, June 2007.

  • Holbrook TL, Hoyt DB, Eastman AB, Sise M, Velky T, Kennedy F, Conroy C, Pacyna S, Erwin S. "The Impact Of Safety Belt Use On Liver Injuries In Motor Vehicle Crashes: Crash Injury Research And Engineering Network Data Support The Importance Of Motor Vehicle Safety Systems". Poster presentation, 65th Annual Meeting of AAST, New Orleans, LA, September, 2006.

  • Ivarrson BJ, Manaswi A, Genovese D, Crandall JR, Hurwitz S, Burke C, Fakhry, S. Site. 
    “Type and Primary Mechanism of Tibial Shaft Fracture in Drivers in Frontal Automobile Crashes.” Forensic Science International (2007), doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2007.06.019

  • Ivarsson BJ, Crandall J, Fredriksson R, Burke C, Stadter G, Grabowski J, Fakhry S “Pedestrian Head Impact - What Determines The Likelihood And Wrap Around Distance?”  Included in the written proceedings of the Enhanced Safety of Vehicle (ESV) Conference, Lyon, France (2007); Submitted to Accident Analysis and Prevention - pending acceptance for publication

  • Jermakian JS, Locey CM, Haughey LJ, Arbogast KB.  "Lower extremity injuries in children seated in forward facing child restraint systems." Traffic Injury Prevention. 2007 Jun; 8(2):171-9.

  • Kaufman, B.T.; Schiff M., Mock C., Quan L. “Crash analysis of lower extremity injuries in children in forward-facing car seat during front and rear impacts.” The Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care 2006;61-592-597

  • Maltese MR, Locey CM, Jermakian JS, Nance ML, Arbogast KB. "Injury causation scenarios in belt-restrained nearside child occupants." Stapp Car Crash Journal. 2007 Oct; 51:299-311.

  • Michetti C, Hanna R, Moore A,  Crandall J, Fakhry S.  “Contemporary analysis of thoracic aortic injury: importance of screening based on crash characteristics”  Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 63:18-25, 2007. NTL Integrated Search - National Transportation Library (http://ntlsearch.bts.gov/tris/record/tris/01054323.html)

  • Pintar FA, Maiman DJ, Yoganandan N:  Injury patterns in side pole crashes. AAAM 51: 419-432, 2007.

  • Pintar FA, Maiman DJ, Yoganandan N.: Occupant dynamics and injuries in narrow-object side impact.  2007 ESV, (accepted March 2007).

  • Siegel, JH, Yang, KH, Smith, JA, Siddiqi, SQ, Shah, C, Maddali, M, Hardy, W., "Computer Simulation and Validation of the Archimedes Lever Hypothesis as a Mechanism for Aortic Disruption in a Case of Lateral Impact Motor Vehicle Crash: A Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) Study", Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care, 60(2):1-11, February 2006 Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care, 60(5):1072-1082, May 2006

  • Yoganandan N; Gennarelli, T.A.; Zhang, J.; Pintar, F.A.; Characterizing diffuse brain injuries from real-world motor vehicle impacts,  2007 ESV, (accepted March 2007).

  • Yoganandan N; Gennarelli, T.A.; Zhang, J.; Pintar, F.A.; Takhounts, E.; Ridella, S.A. ; Association of contact loading in diffuse axonal injuries from motor vehicle crashes; The Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care (2007)

  • Holbrook TL, Hoyt DB, Eastman AB, Sise M, Velky T, Kennedy F, Conroy C, Pacyna S, Erwin S. "The Impact Of Safety Belt Use On Liver Injuries In Motor Vehicle Crashes: Crash Injury Research And Engineering Network Data Support The Importance Of Motor Vehicle Safety Systems". Poster presentation, 65th Annual Meeting of AAST, New Orleans, LA, September, 2006.

  • Siegel, JH, Yang, KH, Smith, JA, Siddiqi, SQ, Shah, C, Maddali, M, Hardy, W., "Computer Simulation and Validation of the Archimedes Lever Hypothesis as a Mechanism for Aortic Disruption in a Case of Lateral Impact Motor Vehicle Crash: A Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) Study", Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care, 60(2):1-11, February 2006 Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care, 60(5):1072-1082, May 2006

Abstracts & Presentations

  • 2006 CIREN Public Meeting Presentations

  • 2006 SAE Government Industry Meeting - Presentations

In Press

  • Bennet T., Kaufman Schiff M., Mock C., Quan L. "Crash Analysis of Lower Extremity Injuries in Children in Forward-Facing Car Seats During Front And Rear Impacts." In press - Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care

  • Cannon J, Poster C, Brede C, Lange D, Kohoyda-Inglis C, Wang S. Crash Injury Tolerance In The Elderly: The Effects Of Age-Related Changes In Body Composition. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 2006. In Press.

  • Conroy C, Hoyt D, Eastman B, Erwin S, Pacyna S, Holbrook S, Vaughan T, Sise M, Kennedy F, Velky T. "Rollover Crashes: Predicting Serious Injury Based On Occupant, Vehicle, And Crash Characteristics." Accident Analysis and Prevention.

  • Conroy C, Hoyt D, Eastman B, Pacyna S, Holbrook S, Erwin S, Vaughan T, Sise M, Kennedy F, Velky T. "Motor Vehicle Related Cardiac and Aorta Injuries Differ From Other Thoracic Injuries." Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care.

  • Conroy C, Schwartz A, Hoyt D, Eastman B, Pacyna S, Holbrook T, Sise M, Kennedy F, Velky T, Vaughan T, Erwin S. "Upper Extremity Fracture Patterns Following Motor Vehicle Crashes Differ For Drivers And Passengers." Injury.

  • Francis DO, Kaufman R, Yueh B, Mock CM, Nathens AB. "Air Bag Induced Orbital Blow-Out Fractures" Submitted to Laryngoscope.

  • Francis DO, Mack CD, Kaufman R, Yueh B, Mock CM, Nathens AB. "Effectiveness Of Depowered And Full-Powered Air Bags In High-Speed And Low-Speed Crashes." Submitted to Journal of the American Medical Association

  • Stein, D.M., O'Connor, J.V., Kufera, J.A., Ho, S.M., Dischinger, P.C., Copeland, C.E., Scalea, T.M., "Risk Factors Associated with Pelvic Fractures Sustained in Motor Vehicle Collisions Involving Newer Vehicles" Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care, Note: This study was presented at the 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, January 10 to 14, 2006, Orlando, Florida.


  • Dischinger PC, Read KM, Kufera JA, Kerns TJ, Ho SM, Burch CA, Jawed N, Burgess AR.  CIREN report:  Consequences and costs of lower extremity injuries.  U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, DOT HS 809 871, June 2005.

  • Kent R, Lee S-H, Darvish K, Poster C, Lange A, Brede C, Lange D, Wang SC, Matsuoka F. "Structural And Material Changes In The Aging Thorax And Their Role In Crash Protection For Older Occupants.", Stapp Car Crash Journal 2005, 49:231-249.

  • Longhitano, D. "Application of the CIREN Methodology to the Study of Pedestrian Crash Injuries", 19th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) Washington, DC, June 2005

  • Scarboro, M, McCullough, CA, Sarda, P., "Crash Injuries and Long-Term Consequences; The CIREN Experience", 19th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) Washington, DC, June 2005

  • Smith, JA, Siegel, JH, Siddiqi, SQ, "Spine and Spinal Cord Injury in Motor Vehicle Crashes: A Function of Change in Velocity and Energy Dissipation on Impact with Respect to the Direction of Crash", Journal of Trauma Injury Infection and Critical Care, 59(1):117-131, July 2005

  • Sochor M, Rupp J. "Knee-Thigh-Hip Injuries in Frontal Crashes." Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2005, 46(2):168-171.

  • Tencer A., Kaufman R., Mack C., Mock C. "Factors Affecting Pelvic And Thoracic Forces In Near-Side Impact Crashes: A Study Of US-NCAP, NASS, And CIREN Data." Accident Analysis and Prevention - 37 (2005) 287-293.

  • Tencer A., Kaufman R., Huber P., Mock C. "The Role of Door Orientation on Occupant Injury in a Nearside Impact: A CIREN, MADYMO modeling and Experimental Study." Traffic Injury Prevention, 6:372-378, 2005

  • Tencer A., Kaufman R., Conway, C. "Reducing Primary and Secondary Impact Loads on the Pelvis During Side Impact" 19th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) Conference, Washington, D.C., June 2005 Paper No. 05-0036-

  • Yoganandan N, Pintar FA, Baisden J, Maiman DJ: "Type II Odontoid Fracture from Frontal Impact", Journal of Neurosurgery - Spine 2:481-485, 2005.

  • Yoganandan N, Pintar FA: Odontoid Fracture in Motor Vehicle Environments. Accident Analysis and Prevention 37: 504-514, 2005.

  • Yoganandan N, Pintar FA, Gennarelli TA: "Field Data on Head Injuries in Side Airbag Vehicles in Lateral Impact". Annual Proceedings Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine 49:171-184, 2005.

  • Yoganandan N, Pintar FA, Gennarelli TA: "Evaluation Of Side Impact Injuries In Vehicles Equipped With Side Airbags", IRCOBI, September 21-23, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, 97-108.

Abstracts & Presentations

  • Hoyt DB. "The CIREN Project". Second Annual Day of Trauma, San Diego, CA, November, 2005.

  • Hoyt DB. "Crash Investigation-the CIREN Project." Trauma Update Meeting, Dayton, OH, May, 2005.

  • Hoyt DB. "Crash Investigation-the CIREN Project." Trauma Update Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March, 2005.

  • Rupp JD, Schneider LW. "Injuries to the Hip Joint in Frontal Motor-Vehicle Crashes: Biomechanical and Real-World Perspectives." Orthopedic Clinics of North America. 2005; 35(4):493-504.

  • 2005 CIREN Public Meeting Presentations

  • 2005 SAE Government Industry Meeting Presentations


  • Acierno S, S, Kaufman R, Mock C, Rivara F, Grossman D. "Vehicle Mismatch: Injury Patterns And Severity." Accident Analysis and Prevention 39 (2004) 761-772.

  • Champion, HR, Augenstein, J., Blatt, AJ, Cushing,B., Digges,K, Siegel, JH, Flanigan,MC, "Automatic Crash Notification and the URGENCY Algorithm: Its History, Value and Use." Topics in Emergency Medicine, Emergency Communication System 26(2) 143-156 April/May/June 2004

  • Dischinger PC, Read KM, Kufera JA, Kerns TJ, Burch CA, Jawed N, Ho SM. Consequences And Costs Of Lower Extremity Injuries. 48th Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp. 339-353, 2004.

  • Ebel B., Mack C., Diehr P., Rivara F. "Lost Working Days, Productivity, And Restraint Use Among Occupants Of Motor Vehicles That Crashed In The United States." Injury Prevention 2004; 10:314-319

  • Nirula, R, Mock C., Nathens A., Grossman, D. "The New Car Assessment Programs: Does It Predict The Relative Safety Of Vehicles In Actual Crashes?" The Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care 2004; 57:779-786

  • Potenza BM, Hoyt DB, Coimbra R, Fortlage D, Holbrook T, Hollingsworth-Fridlund, Trauma Research and Education Foundation, "The Epidemiology of Serious and Fatal Injury in San Diego County over an 11-year Period." Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care, 2004; 56: 68-75.

  • Read KM, Kufera JA, Dischinger PC, Kerns TJ, Ho SM, Burgess AR, Burch CA. Life-Altering Outcomes Following Lower Extremity Injury Sustained In Motor Vehicle Crashes. Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care 57(4):815-823, 2004.

  • Rivara F, Cummings P. "Car Occupant Death According To The Restraint Use Of Other Occupants: A Matched Cohort Study." Journal of the American Medical Association Jan 21;291(3):343-9, 2004

  • Rowe SA, Sochor MS, Staples KS, Wahl WL, Wang SC. Pelvic Ring Fractures: Implications Of Vehicle Design, Crash Type, And Occupant Characteristics. Surgery. 2004 136(4):842-7.

  • Siegel, JH, Smith, JA, Siddiqi,SQ, "Change in Velocity and Energy Dissipation on Impact in Motor Vehicle Crashes as a Function of the Direction of Crash: Key Factors in the Production of Thoracic Aortic Injuries, Their Pattern of Associated Injuries and Patient Survival: A Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) Study", Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care 57(4) 760-778, October 2004

  • Wang SC, Brede C, Lange D, Poster CS, Lange AW, Kohoyda-Inglis C, Sochor MR, Ipaktchi, K, Rowe SA, Patel S, Garton H. "Gender Differences in Hip Anatomy: Possible Implications for Injury Tolerance in Frontal Collisions. " Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. 2004; 48:287-301.

  • Wang SC, Lange, AW, Poster CS, Brede C, Lange D. "Potential Applications (And Limitations) Of 3D Imaging Data From Human Crash Subjects For Biomechanical Research" Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Workshop on Injury Biomechanics Research. 2004
    " Weber PR; Cassatta SJ; Sochor MR; Wang SC. "Lateral Air Bag Performance in CIREN Field Studies". Society of Automotive Engineers Paper #2004-01-0331.

Abstracts & Presentations

  • Eastman AB. "Occult Injuries Following Motor Vehicle Accident Blunt Trauma". Advances in Trauma & Critical Care Surgery Course, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, June 2004

  • 2004 CIREN Public Meeting Presentations

  • 2004 SAE Government Industry Meeting - Presentations


  • Arbabi S, Wahl W, Hemmila M, Kohoyda-Inglis C, Taheri P, Wang SC. "The Cushion Effect." Journal of Trauma Injury, Infection, and Critical Care. 2003; 54:1090-93.

  • Bednarski B, Patel S, Lange A, Poster C, Lange D, Brede C, Rowe S, Sochor M, Kohoyda-Inglis C, Wang SC. "Human Body Tolerance to High Energy Trauma: Influence of Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat." Association for Academic Surgery. November 2003

  • Brookes C, Wang SC, McWilliams J. "Maxillofacial Injuries In North American Vehicle Crashes." European Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2003; 10:30-34.

  • Dischinger PC, Read KM, Kerns TJ, Ho SM, Kufera JA, Burch CA, Jawed N, Burgess AR, Bents F. "Causes And Outcomes Of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: An Analysis Of CIREN Data." 47th Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp. 577-589, 2003.

  • Ebel B, Grossman D. "Crash Proof Kids? An Overview Of Current Motor Vehicle Child Occupant Safety Strategies." Current Problems Pediatric Adolescent Health Care 2003 Feb;33(2):38-55.

  • Jarrahy R, Coimbra R, Potenza B, Hoyt D, Fortlage D, "Delayed Presentation Of A Traumatic Lumbar Hernia Caused By Seat Belt", European Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care 2003; 29: 97-100.

  • McCullough, CA, Wu, J., "Applications of the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) Database", The 18th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Paper #409, Nagoya, Japan, May 2003

  • Nirula R, Mock CN, Kaufman R, Rivara FP, Grossman D. "Correlation Of Head Injury To Vehicle Contact Points Using Crash Injury Research And Engineering Network (CIREN) Data." Accident Analysis and Prevention, 35: 201-210, 2003.

  • Nirula R, Kaufman R, Tencer A. "Traumatic Brain Injury And Automotive Design: Making Motor Vehicles Safer." Journal of Trauma Injury Infection & Critical Care, 55:844-8, 2003.

  • Rivara FP, Cummings P, Mock C. "Injuries And Death Of Children In Rollover Motor Vehicle Crashes In The United States." Injury Prevention 2003; 9(1):76-80.

  • Rupp JD, Reed MP, Jeffreys TJ, and Schneider LW. "Effects Of Hip Posture On The Frontal Impact Tolerance Of The Human Hip Joint." Stapp Car Crash Journal. 2003; 47:21-33.

  • Sochor, MR; Faust, DP; Schneider, LW; Wang, SC "Knee, Thigh and Hip Injury Patterns For Drivers and Right Front Passengers In Frontal Impacts". Society of Automotive Engineers Paper # 2003-01-0164

  • Sochor, MR; Faust, DP; Garton, H; Wang SC; Ridella, SA; Barnes, S; Fischer, K. "Simulation of Occipitoatlantoaxial Injury Utilizing a MADYMO Model", Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper # 2004-01-0326.

  • Sochor, MR; Faust DP; Schneider LW; Wang SC. "Knee, Thigh and Hip Injury Patterns For Drivers and Right Front Passengers In Frontal Impacts" Moses Gunn 15th Annual Research Conference May 2003

  • Sochor MR; Ridella S; Barnes S; Fischer K; Wang SC. "Simulation of Atlanto-Occipital Dissociation Utilizing a MADYMO Model" American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Forum. October 2003

  • Sochor MR; Weber P; Bednarski, B; Wang SC. "3D CT Imaging Versus Plain X-ray in Diagnosis of Rib Fractures in Lateral Impact Crashes" Association for Advancement of Automotive Medicine Annual Meeting, Lisbon Portugal. September 2003

  • Staples, KS; Karunakar, MA; Sochor, MR; Wang SC. "Sex Specific Injury Patterns form "Dashboard Injury" in Front-End Motor Vehicle Collisions" Orthopaedic Trauma Association Annual Meeting February 2003

  • Wang SC; Bednarski B; Patel S; Yan A; Kennedy T; Link E; Rowe S; Sochor M; Arbabi S. "Increased Depth of Subcutaneous Fat is Protective Against Abdominal Injuries in Motor Vehicle Collisions." Annual Proceedings Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine 2003;47:545-59.

Abstracts & Presentations

  • Arbabi S, Wendy WL, Hemmila MR, Kohoyda-Inglis C, Taheri PA, and Wang SC. "The Cushion Effect" American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Sixty-First Meeting, 2002.

  • Assal M., Huber P, Tencer A, Rohr E, Mock C, Kaufman R. Are Drivers More Likely To Injure Their Right Foot Or Left Foot In A Frontal Car Crash: A Crash And Biomechanical Investigation? Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 46: 273-288, 2002.

  • Cannon LB, Wang SC. "What Is The Mechanism Of Vertebral Transverse Process Fractures?" Proceedings, British Orthopaedic Research Society meeting. Cardiff. 2002. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.

  • Cannon LB, Wang SC. "The Effect Of Driver Restraint On The Location Of Compressive Injuries To The Lower Limb Following Motor Vehicle Accidents." Proceedings, British Orthopaedic Association meeting. Cardiff, 2002. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery

  • Pacyna S, Erwin S. "What Happens When The Ship Is Damaged?" California Emergency Nurses Association Conference, San Diego, CA, November 2003.

  • Patel NN, Wang SC, Marentette L. Penetrating Injury Of The Cheek Requiring Skull Base Exploration. Journal of LaryngolOtol. 2002; 116(7):548-50.

  • Read KM, Burgess AR, Dischinger PC, Kufera JA, Kerns TJ, Ho SM, Burch CA. Psychosocial And Physical Factors Associated With Lower Extremity Injuries. 46th Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp. 289-303, 2002.

  • Rupp JD, Reed MP, Van Ee CA, Kuppa S, Wang SC, Schneider LW. The Tolerance Of The Human Hip To Dynamic Knee Loading. Stapp Car Crash Journal. 2002; 46:211-228.
  • 2003 CIREN Quarterly Meeting Presentations

  • 2003 SAE Government Industry Meeting - Presentations
  • Arbabi S, Wendy WL, Hemmila MR, Kohoyda-Inglis C, Taheri PA, and Wang SC. "The Cushion Effect" American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Sixty-First Meeting, 2002.

  • Assal M., Huber P, Tencer A, Rohr E, Mock C, Kaufman R. Are Drivers More Likely To Injure Their Right Foot Or Left Foot In A Frontal Car Crash: A Crash And Biomechanical Investigation? Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 46: 273-288, 2002.

  • Cannon LB, Wang SC. "What Is The Mechanism Of Vertebral Transverse Process Fractures?" Proceedings, British Orthopaedic Research Society meeting. Cardiff. 2002. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.

  • Cannon LB, Wang SC. "The Effect Of Driver Restraint On The Location Of Compressive Injuries To The Lower Limb Following Motor Vehicle Accidents." Proceedings, British Orthopaedic Association meeting. Cardiff, 2002. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery

  • McGwin G, Reiff DA, Rue LW. "Differences in the incidence and etiology of blunt thoracic aortic injury in motor vehicle collisions by age." Journal of Trauma, 2002; 52: 859-66.
  • Mock C, Grossman D, Rivara F, Kaufman RP, Mack CD, Rivara FP.  “The relationship between body weight and risk of death and serious injury in motor vehicle crashes.”  Accident Analysis and Prevention, 34: 221-228, 2002.
  • Moran SG, McGwin G, Metzger J, Windham ST, Reiff DA, Rue LW.  "Injury rates among restrained drivers in motor vehicle collisions – The role of body habitus." Journal of Trauma, 2002; 52: 1116-20.
  • Owsley C, Sloane M, McGwin G, Ball K, Timed instrumental activities of daily living (TIADL) tasks: relationship to cognitive function and everyday performance assessments in older adults, Gerontology, 2002; 48: 254-265.
  • Patel NN, Wang SC, Marentette L.  Penetrating injury of the cheek requiring skull base exploration.  J Laryngol Otol. 2002; 116(7):548-50

  • Read KM, Burgess AR, Dischinger PC, Kufera JA, Kerns TJ, Ho SM, Burch CA. Psychosocial And Physical Factors Associated With Lower Extremity Injuries. 46th Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp. 289-303, 2002.

  • Rupp JD, Reed MP, Van Ee CA, Kuppa S, Wang SC, Schneider LW. The Tolerance Of The Human Hip To Dynamic Knee Loading. Stapp Car Crash Journal. 2002; 46:211-228.
  • Siegel JH, Smith JA, Tenenbaum N, McCammon L, Siddiqi S, Presswalla F, Pierre-Louis P, Williams W, Zaretsky L, Hutchins K, Perez L, Shaikh J, Natarajan G, Deceleration Energy and Change in Velocity on Impact: Key Factors in Fatal vs. Potentially Survivable Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC) Aortic Injuries (AI): The Role of Associated Injuries as Determinants of Outcome, 46th AAAM Conference Proceedings, Oct. 2002.

  • Tencer A, Kaufman R, Ryan K, Grossman D, Henley B, Mann F, Mock C, Rivara F, Wang S, Augenstein J, Hoyt D, Eastman B.  Femur Fractures in Relatively Low Speed Frontal Crashes: The possible role of muscle forces, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 34 (2002) pp 1-11. 

  • Tencer A, Mirza S, Bensel K, Internal Loads in the Cervical Spine During Motor Vehicle Rear-End Impacts, Spine, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp 32-42, 2002.
  • Valent F, McGwin G, Hardin W, Johnson C, Rue LW. Restraint use and injury patterns among children involved in motor vehicle collisions, Journal of Trauma, 2002, 52(4): 745-51.

  • Watts, D., Fakhry, S., Pasquale, M., Kurek, S., Malhotra, A., Fabian, T., & Boulanger, B. (2002). Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC) And Abdominal Seatbelt Mark As Risk Factors For Perforating Small Bowel Injury (SBI): Results From A Large Multi-Institutional Study. Proceedings of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Fifteenth Scientific Assembly, January 2002, Orlando, FL

    Abstracts & Presentations
  • 2002 CIREN Quarterly Meeting Presentations

  • 2002 SAE Government Industry Meeting - Presentations
  • Augenstein JS, Digges KH, Ogata S., Perdeck E, Stratton J,  “Development and Validation of the Urgency Algorithm To Predict Compelling Injuries”, paper # 352, 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Proceedings, June 5th 2001

  • Brown, LJ and McCullough, CA "A Characterization of CIREN" - 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) Conference,Amsterdam, June 2001.

  • Fakhry, S., & Salaita, K. (2001). Aggressive Driving: Preliminary Analysis of a Serious Threat to Motorists in a Large Metropolitan Area. in Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Scientific Assembly of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (page 122).

  • Fakhry, S., & Salaita, K. (2001). Aggressive Driving: A Preliminary Analysis of a Serious Threat to Motorists in a Large Metropolitan Area. Journal of Trauma,

  • Funk JR, Rudd RW, King RJ, Srinivasan SCM, Crandall JR, Talar Neck Fractures and Other Injuries Caused by Brake Pedal Loading of the Midfoot and Forefoot, Final Report University of Virginia, Automobile safety laboratory, August 2001

  • Gotschall CS and Eichelberger MR: Injuries to restrained children in motor vehicle crashes. Recovery 2001.

  • Hanfling, D., Watts, D., Mayer, T., Trask, A., & Fakhry, S. (2001). Forming the Initial Link: Educating Providers in the Guidelines for Pre-hospital Management of Traumatic Brain Injury. Proceedings of the American College of Emergency Physicians 2001 Research Forum, October 2001, Chicago, IL.

  • Moran SG, McGwin G, Reiff DA, Rue LW.  "The association between body mass index, restraint use, and fatality in motor vehicle collisions." 45th Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 2001.

  • Orzechowski KM, Lee JH, Eichelberger MR, Wang SC.  Pediatric injuries associated with specific types of restraint misuse.  Proceedings of the International Child Passenger Safety Conference.  2001.

  • Peitzman, A. B., Harbrecht, B. G., Fakhry, S., & et.al. (2001). EAST Study of Failure of Observation of Blunt Splenic Injury in Adults. Journal of Trauma.

  • Rivera, L., Peitzman, A. B., ........., Fakhry, S., & et.al. (2001). Contributions of Age and Gender to Outcomes of Blunt Splenic Injury in Adults: Multicenter Study of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. in Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Scientific Assembly of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (p. page 46).

  • Siegel, J.H., Loo, G. Dischinger, P.C., Burgess, A.R., Wang, S.C.,  Schneider, L.W., Grossman, D.,  Rivera, F., Mock, C.,  Natarajan, G.A., Hutchins, K.D.,  Bents, F.D., McCammon, L., Leibovich, E., Tenenbaum, N., Factors influencing the patterns of injuries and outcomes in car versus car crashes compared to sport utility, van, or pick-up truck versus car crashes: Crash Injury Research Engineering Network Study, Journal of Trauma, 51: 975-990, 2001.

    Abstracts & Presentations
  • Pacyna SE, Erwin SM, Vaughan TM, Kracun M. "Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network." Orthopedic Trauma Association 17th Annual Meeting, San Diego CA, October, 2001

  • Siegel, J.H., Smith, J.A., Tenenbaum, N., Siddiqi, S., Presswalla, B., Pierre-Louis, P., Williams, A., Zaretsky, LL, Hutchins, K.D., Perez, L., Shaikh, J., Natarajan, G.  Quantifying Motor Vehicle crash (MVS) Dynamics in Fatal and Survivable Aortic Injuries (AI).  Trauma 2001 Conference, Sydney, Australia, ABSTRACT, 2001.

  • 2001 CIREN Quarterly Meeting Presentations

  • 2001 SAE Government Industry Meeting - Presentations
  • Augenstein JS, Perdeck E, Bowen J, Stratton J., Horton T, Singer M, Digges KH, Malliaris AC, Steps J,  “Dummy Measurement of Chest Injuries Induced by Two-Point Shoulder Belts,” Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, October, 2000.

  • Augenstein JS, Perdeck E, Bowen J, Stratton J, Horton T, Singer M, Digges KH., Steps JH,  “Injuries to Restrained Occupants in Far-Side Crashes.”  Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, October 2000.

  • Augenstein JS,  “Beyond the ER – Epitome of Care.”  Recovery, Summer 2000, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 24-26, June, 2000.

  • Augenstein JS, Bowen J, Perdeck E, Singer M, Stratton J, Horton T, Rao A, Digges KH, Malliaris AC, Steps J, “Injury Patterns in Near-Side Collisions,” Society of Automotive Engineering Technical Paper Series 2000-01-0634.  Detroit, MI.  March 6-9, 2000.

  • Dischinger PC, Ho SM, Kufera JA:  Medical conditions and car crashes.  44th Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Conference, 44:335-346, 2000.

  • Horton TG, Cohn SM, Heid MP, Augenstein JS, Bowen JC, McKinney MG, Duncan RC, “Identification of Trauma Patients at Risk of Thoracic Aortic Tear by Mechanisms of Injury”, Journal of Trauma, Vol. 48, No. 6, June 2000.

  • Lavery RF, Livingston DH, Tortella BJ, Sambol JT, Slomovitz BM, Siegel JH, The utility of venous lactate to triage injured patients in the trauma center, J. Am. Coll. Surg: 190: 656-664, 2000.

  • Rivara F, Koepsell T, Grossman D,  Mock C,  “Effectiveness of automatic shoulder belt systems in motor vehicle crashes.” Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol 283, pg. 2826-2828, June, 2000.

    Abstracts & Presentations
  • Loo, G.T.  Siegel, J.H., Dischinger, P.C., Wang, S.C., Grossman, D., McCammon, L., Tenenbaum, N., Natarajan, G.A., Hutchins, K.D., and  Bents, F.D.  The influence of age and gender on the incidence, injury pattern and likelihood of lower extremity fractures sustained by frontal occupants in motor vehicle crashes.  CIREN, U.S. Dept. of Transportation - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C., ABSTRACT, May 2000.

  • Loo, G.T.  Siegel, J.H., Dischinger, P.C., Wang, S.C., Grossman, D., McCammon, L., Tenenbaum, N., Natarajan, G.A., Hutchins, K.D., and  Bents, F.D.  Side impact crashes:  effect on occupant injury patterns.  CIREN, U.S. Dept. of Transportation - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C., ABSTRACT, July 2000.

  • 2000 CIREN Quarterly Meeting Presentations
  • Augenstein JS, Perdeck E, Bowen J, Stratton J, Singer M, Horton T, Rao A, “Injuries in Near-Side Collisions.”  Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, Annual Meeting, September 19-22, 1999.

  • Augenstein JS, Perdeck E, Bowen J, Stratton J, Horton T, Singer M, Rao A, Digges KH, Malliaris AC, “Injury Patterns Among Belted Drivers Protected by Air Bags in 30 to 35 mph Crashes”, Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE), 1999. Windsor, Canada 199 99B-180.

  • Brookes C, Wang SC, MacWilliams J.  Maxillofacial injuries in North American vehicle crashes.  Proceedings of the British Trauma Society Annual Meeting, 1999.

  • Champion, H.R., Augenstein, J.S., Cushing, B., Digges, K.H., Hunt, R.C., Larkin, R., Malliaris, A.C., Sacco, W.J., Siegel, J.H.   Urgency for a Safer America. AirMed, March/April, pp. 18-23, 1999.   

  • Champion, H.R., Augenstein, J.S., Cushing, B., Digges, K.H., Hunt, R.C., Larkin, R., Malliaris, A.C., Sacco, W.J., Siegel, J.H.   Reducing highway deaths and disabilities with automatic wireless transmission of serious injury probability ratings from crash recorders to emergency medical services providers.   Proceedings of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) International Symposium on Transportation Recorders, May 3-5, 1999.

  • Cohn S, Dolich M, Matsuura K, Namias N, Kirton O, Shatz D, McKenney M, Sleeman D, Ginzburg E, Byers P, Augenstein J,  “Digital Imaging Technology in Trauma Education:  A Quantum Leap Forward.” Journal of Trauma. (Submitted April 2, 1999)
  • Dischinger PC, Ho SM, Kufera JA:  The epidemiology of traumatic brain injury:  A statewide study of hospitalized Maryland drivers.  43rd Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp. 71-88, 1999.

  • Gotschall CS, Marchant M, Dougherty DJ, Eichelberger MR. Accuracy of police crash reports in determining child restraint usage and injury severity in the United States. 43rd Annual Proceedings, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 1999

  • Gotschall CS, Luchter S, Wing J-S. Head injuries to motor vehicle occupants aged 0-5 years. 43rd Annual Proceedings, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 1999.

  • Hoyt D, Augenstein, J. Aortic Injuries in Near-Side Collisions. Powerpoint presentation from the Third Annual CIREN Conference in San Diego, CA. 1999

  • Scally, JT, McCullough, CA, Brown, LJ & Eppinger, R "Computers in Clinical Care" - International Journal of Trauma Nursing, Volume 5, Number 4, October-December 1999
Abstracts & Presentations
  • Acosta JA, Yang JC, Winchell R, Simons RK, Fortlage DA, Hollingsworth-Fridlund P, Hoyt DB. "Lethal Injuries And Time To Death In A Level 1 Trauma Center." Journal of the American College of Surgeons 1998; 186: 528-533.

  • Wang, S.C., Siegel, J.H., Dischinger, P.C., Loo, G.T., Tenenbaum, N., Burgess, A.R., Schneider, L.W., Bents, F.D.  The interactive effects of age and sex on injury patterns and outcomes in elderly motor vehicle crash occupants.  3rd Annual CIREN Conference, CA, ABSTRACT, 1999.

  • 3rd Annual CIREN Conference - October 1999 Presentations
  • Alarcon WH, Klein RD, MacWilliams J, Pucci P, Taheri P, Dries D, Schneider L, Wang SC.  Comparison of Outcomes of Passenger-Sedan Occupants from Near-Side Impacts by Sport Utility Vehicles and Pickup Trucks. Proceedings, 58th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, 1998, 180.

  • Augenstein JS, Digges KH, Cooper G, Hoyt DB, Eastman B, Burgess A, Dischinger P, Scally J, Wang S, Schneider L., Siegel, JH, Loo G, Grossman D, Rivara F, Eichelberger M, Gotschall C, Lombardo LV, Brown L, Eppinger R, “The CIREN Experience.”  98-S6-P-21, Proceedings, 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), May 31-June 4, 1998, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, published by US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, DOT HS 808 759, Vol. 2, pp. 1325-1327, October 1998.

  • Augenstein JS, Perdeck E, Williamson J, Stratton J, Horton T, Malliaris AC, Lombardo LV, “Injury Patterns Among Air Bag Equipped Vehicles.”  98-S1-O-06, Proceedings, 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), May 31-June 4, 1998, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, published by US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, DOT HS 808 759, Vol. 1, pp. 213-221, October 1998.

  • Champion, H.R., Augenstein, J.S., Cushing, B., Digges, K.H., Hunt, R.C., Larkin, R., Malliaris, A.C., Sacco, W.J., Siegel, J.H.   Automatic Crash Notification.  AirMed, March/April, pp. 36-39, 1998. 
  • Copeland CE, Mitchell KA, Brumback RJ, Gens DR, Burgess AR, Mortality in Patients With Bilateral Femoral Fractures, Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, Vol 12, No. 5, pp 315-319, 1998.

  • Crandall JR, Martin PG, Sieveka EM, Pilkey WD, Dischinger PC, Burgess AF, O’Quinn TD, Schmidhauser CB:  Lower limb response and injury in frontal crashes.  Accident Analysis & Prevention 30(5): 667-677, September 1998.

  • Dischinger PC, Siegel JH, Ho SM, Kufera JA:  Effect of change in velocity on the development of medical complications in patients with multisystem trauma sustained in vehicular crashes.  Accident Analysis & Prevention 30(6): 831-837, 1998.

  • Gotschall CS, Better SI, Bulas D, Eichelberger MR, Bents F, Warner M. Injuries to children restrained in 2- and 3-point belts. 42nd Annual Proceedings, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 42:29-44, 1998.

  • Gotschall CS, Dougherty DJ, Eichelberger MR, Bents FD. Traffic-related injuries to children: Lessons from real world crashes. 42nd Annual Proceedings, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 42:165-178, 1998.

  • Slomovitz BM, Lavery RF, Tortella BJ, Siegel JH, Bachi BL, Ciccone A, Validation of a hand held lactate device in determination of blood lactate in critically injured patients, Crit. Care Med., 26: 1523-1528, 1998.

Abstracts & Presentations

  • Kracun M. "Correlating crash injuries: People and vehicles". Orthopedic Trauma Association 18th Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA, May 1998.

  • 2nd Annual CIREN Conference - September 1998 Presentations
  • Augenstein JS, Perdeck E, Williamson J, Stratton J, Murtha M, Sapnas K, Digges KH, Malliaris AC, Lombardo LV, “Heart Injuries Among Restrained Occupants in Frontal Crashes”, The Engineering Society for Advancing Mobility Land Sea Air and Space International (SAE) 1997 Technical Paper Series reprinted from Occupant Protection and Injury Assessment in the Automotive Crash Environment (SP-1231) SAE 970392, February, 1997.

  • Gotschall CS, Eichelberger MR, Morrissey JR, Better AL, Reardon J, Bents F. Nonfatal air bag deployments involving child passengers.  Child Occupant Protection 2nd Symposium Proceedings, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, 1997; 17‑24.

  • Gotschall CS, Eichelberger MR, Morrissey JR, Better AL, Reardon J, Bents F. Injury patterns associated with child restraint misuse.  2nd Child Occupant Protection Symposium Proceedings, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, 1997; 187‑194

  • Malliaris AC, Digges KH, DeBlois JH, "Relationships Between Crash Casualties and Crash Attributes," Society of Automotive Engineers SAE 970393, February 1997. The development of the URGENCY triage algorithm reported in this paper was part of a multidisciplinary team's effort and was presented to the NHTSA Administrator in a briefing March 27, 1997. The multidisciplinary team was led by Champion HR, and included Augenstein JS, Cushing B, Digges KH, Hunt RC, Larkin R, Lombardo LV, Malliaris AC, Sacco WJ, and Siegel JH.

  • Paparo PH, Snyder HM, Gotschall CS, Johnson DL, Eichelberger MR. The relationship of two measures of injury severity to children's psychological outcome 3 years after acute head injury. J Head Trauma Rehab 1997; 12(3):51‑67
Abstracts & Presentations
  • 1st Annual CIREN Conference - October 1997 Presentations
  • Augenstein JS, Digges KH, Perdeck EB, Lombardo LV, Malliaris AC,  “Injuries Sustained by Air Bag Protected Drivers.”  The Engineering Society for Advancing Mobility Land Sea Air and Space International.  (SAE) 1996 Technical Paper Series reprinted from Occupant Protection Technologies for Frontal Impact:  Current Needs and Expectations for the 21st Century, (SP-1144) SAE 960660, February, 1996.

  • Augenstein JS, Perdeck EB, Murtha M, Stratton J, Quigley C, Zych G, Byers PM, Nunez D, Digges KH, Lombardo LV, Malliaris AC, “Injuries Sustained by Drivers in Air Bag Crashes.”  The XIV International Technical Conference on Enhanced  Safety of Vehicles.  Melbourne, Australia.  Paper no. 96-S10-O-01.  May 15, 1996.

  • Crandall JR, Martin PG, Bass CR, Pilkey WD, Dischinger PC, Burgess AR, O'Quinn TD, Schmidhauser CB:  Foot and ankle injury:  The roles of driver anthropometry, footwear and pedal control.  40th Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp 1-18, 1996

  • Digges KH, Haffner M, Lombardo L, Stucki L, Malliaris AC, Augenstein JS, Perdeck EB,  “Challenges in Injury Measurement Technology for Testing of Driver Air Bag Systems.”  The XIV International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles.  Melbourne, Australia.  Paper no. 96-S10-O-02.  May 15, 1996.

  • Dischinger PC, Ho SM, Kerns TJ:  Patterns of injury in frontal collisions with and without airbags.  Proceedings of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Impact, pp 311-319, 1996.

  • Loo GT, Siegel JH, Dischinger PC, Rixen D, Addis MD, O'Quinn T, McCammon L, Schmidhauser CB, Marsh P, Hodge PA, Burgess AR, Bents F:  "Airbag protection versus compartment intrusion effect determines the pattern of injuries in multiple trauma motor vehicle crashes".  J Trauma 41(6): 935-951, December 1996.

  • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “NHTSA Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network,” Annals of Emergency Medicine, October, 1996; 28:450-451. 

  • Siegel, JH  "Patterns of associated injuries in lower extremity and pelvic MVC trauma: the effect of safety restraints". PROCEEDINGS NHTSA Conference on Lower Extremity Injuries, 1996
  • Augenstein JS, “Accident Reconstruction in the Air Bag Era.”  Miami Medicine, The Official Publication of the Dade County Medical Association, May 1995.

  • Augenstein JS, Digges KH, Lombardo LV, Perdeck EB, Stratton JE, Quigley CV, Malliaris AC, “Chest and Abdominal Injuries Suffered by Restrained Occupants.”  The Engineering Society for Advancing Mobility Land Sea Air and Space International (SAE) 1995 Technical Paper Series reprinted from Advances in Occupant Protection Technologies for the Mid-Nineties (SP-1077) SAE 950657, February 1995.

  • Augentein JS, Digges KH, Lombardo LV, Perdeck EB, Stratton JE, Malliaris AC, “Occult Abdominal Injury of Air Bag and Automatic Lap-Shoulder Belt Protected Crash Victims:  A Challenge to Trauma Systems.”  Journal of Trauma, April 1995.

  • Augenstein JS, Digges KH, Malliaris AC, Perdeck EB, Lombardo LV, Stratton J, Nunez D Jr., Byers PM, Quigley CV, Young P, Andron J, Murtha M, Craythorne AK, Zych G, “Liver Injuries Associated with 2-Point Belt Restraints in Frontal Crashes”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 39th Annual Proceedings of Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 1995.

  • Burgess AR, Dischinger PC, O'Quinn TD, Schmidhauser CB:  Lower extremity injuries in drivers of airbag-equipped automobiles:  Clinical and crash reconstruction correlations.  J Trauma 38(4): 509-516, 1995.

  • Crandall JR, Martin PG, Sieveka EM, Klopp GS, Kuhlmann TP, Pilkey WD, Dischinger PC, Burgess AR, O'Quinn TD, Schmidhauser CB:  The influence of footwell intrusion on lower extremity response and injury in frontal crashes.  39th Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp. 269-286, 1995.

  • Dischinger PC, Kerns TJ, Kufera JA:  Lower extremity fractures in motor vehicle collisions:  The role of driver gender and height.  Accid Anal Prev 27(4): 601-606, 1995.

  • Dischinger PC:  The epidemiology of pelvic and lower extremity fractures among hospitalized drivers.  The Proceedings of the Conference on Pelvic and Lower Extremity Injuries.  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Washington, DC, December 4-6, 1995. 

  • Dischinger, P.C., Siegel, J.H., Ho, S.M., Kufera, J.  The effect of impact velocity (Delta V) on development of injury complications in multiple trauma motor vehicle crash patients.  PROCEEDINGS of the 39th Association for Advancement of Automotive Medicine pp. 367-379, 1995.

  • Dischinger PC, Injury Surveillance: The Role of Data Linkage, Proceedings of the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics, Vol. 1, CDC DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 95-1252

  • Sturm PF, Glass RBJ, Sivit CJ, Eichelberger MR. Lumbar Compression fractures secondary to lap belt use in children.  J Pediatric Orthopaedics, 1995; 15:521-523.

  • Siegel JH, The Effect of Associated Injuries, Blood Loss, and Oxygen Debt on Death and Disability in Blunt Traumatic Brain Injury: The Need for Early Physiologic Predictors of Severity, Journal of Neurotrauma, Vol 12, No. 4, 1995.
  • Augenstein JS, Digges KH, Lombardo LV, Perdeck EB, Stratton JE, Quigley CV, Malliaris AC, “Airbag Protected Crash Victims – The Challenge of Identifying Occult Injuries”, The Engineering Society for Advancing Mobility Land Sea Air and Space International (SAE) 1994 Technical Paper Series reprinted from In-Depth Accident Investigation: Trauma Team Findings in Late Model Vehicle Collisions (SP 1042) SAE 940714, February 1994.

  • Augenstein JS, Perdeck EB, Stratton J, Digges KH, Lombardo LV, Malliaris AC, “Injuries Sustained by Air Bag Occupants in Frontal Crashes” The XIII International Technical Conference on Enhanced  Safety of Vehicles, Paper no. 94-S4-O-18, 1994.

  • Bents FD, Dischinger PC, Siegel JH:  Trauma center based crash investigation research:  Methodologies and applications.  In:  In-Depth Accident Investigation:  Trauma Team Findings in Late Model Vehicle Collisions, Warrendale, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc, 1994, pp 1-10.

  • Dischinger PC, Burgess AR, Cushing BM, O'Quinn TD, Schmidhauser CB, Ho SM, Juliano PJ, Bents FD:  Lower extremity trauma in vehicular front-seat occupants:  Patients admitted to a Level 1 trauma center.  In: In-Depth Accident Investigation:  Trauma Team Findings in Late Model Vehicle Collisions, Warrendale, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc, 1994, SAE 940710, pp 11-18.

  • Dischinger PC, Kerns TJ, Kufera JA:  Lower extremity fractures in motor vehicle collisions:  The role of driver gender and height.  38th Proceedings of the Association of the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp 335-342, 1994.

  • Dischinger PC, Burgess AR, Cushing BM, Pilkey WD, Crandall JR, Sieveka EM, Klopp GS:  Lower extremity trauma in vehicular front-seat occupants.  In:  Shieh SJ (ed), Proceedings of the Injury Prevention through Biomechanics Symposium, Michigan, Centers for Disease Control, Wayne State University, 1994, pp 29-42.

  • Gokcen EC, Burgess AR, Siegel JH, Mason-Gonzalez S, Dischinger P, Ho SM: Pelvic fracture mechanism of injury in vehicular trauma patients.  J Trauma 36(6): 789-796, 1994.

  • Gotschall C, Morrissey R, Moront M, Eichelberger, M: Restraint-related injury to children in motor vehicle crashes. In: Vossoughi J, ed. Biomedical Engineering Recent Developments.  Washington, DC:  Engineering Research Center, University of the District of Columbia, 1994; 598-601.

  • Siegel JH, Shafi S, Goodarzi S, Dischinger PC:  A quantitative method for cost reimbursement and length of stay quality assurance in multiple trauma patients.  J Trauma 37(6): 928-937, 1994.
  • Dischinger, P.C., Siegel, J.H., Read, K.M., Mason-Gonzalez, S.  The role of medical conditions in high-speed car crashes.  37th Proceedings Association of Advancement of Automotive Medicine 423-424, 1993.

  • Dischinger PC, Cushing BM, Kerns TJ:  Injury patterns associated with direction of impact:  Drivers admitted to trauma centers.  J Trauma 35(3): 454-459, 1993.

  • Gotschall CS, Bents FD, Khaewpong N, Sturm PF, Sivit CJ, Eichelberger MR: The performance of lap/shoulder belts in restraining children in motor vehicle crashes. In: Child Occupant Protection (SP-986). Warrendale, Pennsylvania: Society of Automotive Engineers 1993.

  • Lombardo LV, Ryan SD, “Detection of Internal Injuries in Drivers Protected by Air Bags,” NHTSA Research Note, August 1993.

  • Siegel JH, Mason-Gonzalez S, Dischinger PC, Read KM, Cushing BM, Badellino MC, Goodarzi S, Smialek JE, Heatfield BM, Robinson RM, Parkison K, Hill WJ, Jackson JW, Livingston DJ, Bents FD, Clark CC:  Causes and costs of injuries in multiple trauma patients requiring extrication from motor vehicle crashes.  J Trauma 35(6): 920-931, 1993.

  • Siegel JH, Mason-Gonzales S, Dischinger P, Cushing B, Read K, Robinson R, Smialek J, Heatfield B, Hill W, Bents F, Jackson J, Livingston D, Clark C, “Safety Belt Restraints and Compartment Intrusions in Frontal and Lateral Motor Vehicle Crashes: Mechanisms of Injuries, Complications, and Acute Care Costs,” Journal of Trauma, Vol. 5, No. 34, 1993
  • Dischinger P, Cushing B, Kerns T:  Lower extremity fractures in motor vehicle collisions:  Influence of direction of impact and seatbelt use.  36th Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp. 319-325, 1992.

  • Shalaby-Rana E, Eichelberger MR, Kerzner B, Kapur S: Intestinal stricture due to lapbelt injury. A report of two cases.  Amer J Radiology, 1992; 158, 63-64.

  • Siegel JH, Dischinger P, The Medical Consequences of Car Crashes: An Automobile Crash Trauma Study, Vols. I, II, III, IV, NHTSA Reports DOT HS 808 156, 808 157, 808 158, and 808 159, July 1992
  • Bond SJ, Gotschall CS, Eichelberger MR. Predictors of Abdominal Injury in children with pelvic fracture.  J Trauma 1991; 31: 1169-1173

  • Newman K, Bowman LM, Eichelberger MR, Taylor GA, Johnson D, Loe W, Gotschall CS. The lap belt complex: intestinal and lumbar spine injury in children.  J The Institute for Injury Reduction, 1991; 1:54-61.

  • Simpson D, Cushing B, Birschbach J, Siegel JH, Dischinger P, Burgess A, Jackson J, Livingston D, Bents F, et al:  Direction of collision forces:  Concordance of police accident reports and crash investigation findings.  Proceedings 35th Conf. of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp. 261-267, 1991.

  • Siegel, J.H., Gens, D.R., Mamantov., T., Geisler, F.H., Goodarzi, S., and MacKenzie, E.J.  Effect of associated injuries and blood volume replacement on death, rehabilitation needs and disability in blunt traumatic brain injury.  Crit. Care Med., 19(10):1252-1265, 1991.

  • Sivit CJ, Taylor GA, Newman KD, Bulas DI, Gotschall CS, Wright CJ, Eichelberger MR.  Safety belt injuries in children with lap-belt ecchymosis: CT findings of 61 patients.  Amer J Radiology, 1991; 57: 111-114.
  • Newman K, Eichelberger MR, Bowman LM, Taylor GA, Loe W, Gotschall CS: The lap belt complex: Intestinal and lumbar spine injury in children. Journal of Trauma 1990; 30: 1133-1140.

  • Siegel JH, Mason-Gonzalez S, Cushing BM, Dischinger PC, Cornwell EC, Smialek JE, Heatfield BM, Soderstrom CA, Read KM, Robinson RM, Parkinson K, Dailey JT, Hill WJ, Jackson JW, Livingston DJ, Bents FD, Shankar BS:  A prospective study of injury patterns, outcomes, and costs of high speed frontal versus lateral motor vehicle crashes.  Proceedings, 34th Conference, Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp. 289-314, 1990.

  • Siegel, J.H., Dalal, S.A., Burgess, A.R., and Young, J.W.R.  Pattern of organ injuries in pelvic fracture: Impact force implications for survival and death in motor vehicle injuries.  Acid. Anal. & Prev., 22(5):457-466, 1990.
Early Studies
  • Champion HR, Copes WS, Craig M, Morelli S, Keast S, Bain L, A Preliminary Study of Head and Neck Trauma of Automobile Crashes, and their Consequences, NHTSA Report DOT HS 807 052, Washington, DC, June 1986.

  • Dalal, S.A., Burgess, A.R., Siegel, J.H., Young, J.W., Brumback, R.J., Poka, A., Dunham, C.M., Gens, D., and Bathon, G.H. Pelvic fracture in multiple trauma: Classification by mechanism is key to pattern of organ injury, resuscitative requirements and outcome. J. Trauma, 29(7): 981-1002, 1989.

  • Dischinger PC, Cowley RA, Shankar BS, Smialek J:  The incidence of ruptured aorta among vehicular fatalities.  32nd Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, pp 15-24, 1988.

  • Dischinger PC, Shankar BS, Kochesfahani  D, Turney SZ, Clark B, Bailey T, Cowley RA:  Automotive  collisions involving serious injury or death:  An analysis of trends over time (1980-1983) in Maryland.  29th Proceedings of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, pp 287-297, 1985.

  • Jones IS, Champion HR, "Trauma Triage: Vehicle Damage as an Estimate of Injury Severity," Journal of Trauma, Vol. 29, No. 5, May 1989, p. 646.

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