Bathymetry/Topography Posters and Icosahedra

More about Bathymetry/Topography Data at NGDC

POSTER Icon Age of the Ocean Floor, Report MGG-12, 1996

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Crustal ages of the global ocean floor draped over shaded relief including multiple global views. Crustal age from Dr. R. Dietmar Mueller, Univ. of Sydney; combined age-relief image by NGDC. Size: 24x31 inches.

POSTER Icon Gulf of Mexico, Report MGG-16, 2000

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Bathymetric contours spanning the northern Gulf of Mexico and northern Bahamas at a scale of approximately 1:2,100,000. This new bathymetry was compiled with multibeam, survey, and trackline data from numerous government, academic, and industry sources. Color-diffracting glasses are included with the poster for viewing in 3-D. Size: 28x64 inches.

POSTER Icon International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO), RP-2, 2004

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A polar stereographic view of the Arctic Ocean displaying bathymetric contours north of 64 degrees north at a scale of 1:6,000,000. Size: 42 x 52 inches. DUE TO SIZE RESTRICTIONS, ALL NON-US SHIPMENTS MUST BE SHIPPED VIA FEDEX. WHEN ORDERING THROUGH THE ONLINE STORE, PLEASE ADD FEDEX $20 CHARGE.

POSTER Icon Lake Erie & Lake St. Clair Bathymetry (wall size), 2000

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Larger version of the MGG-13. This poster is printed using water soluble inks and is not laminated. Size: 3 x 6 feet. Scale 1:250,000.

POSTER Icon Lake Erie & Lake St. Clair Bathymetry, (Mini size) Report MGG-14, 1998

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Smaller version of MGG-13 without the descriptive text. This size is ideal for place-mats; however these posters are not laminated. Color-diffracting glasses are not included with the mini-sized poster. Size: 11x17 inches.

POSTER Icon Lake Erie & Lake St. Clair Bathymetry, Report MGG-13, 1998

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Colored bathymetric map with one meter contours of Lake Erie and Lake Saint Clair at a scale of 1:350,000. Color-diffracting glasses are included with the poster for viewing in 3-D. This new bathymetry defines, more clearly, the shape and location of previously known features and reveals other features for the first time. Size: 26 x 50 inches.

POSTER Icon Lake Erie, Western Basin, 1997

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Bathymetric contours of Lake Erie west of 82 deg. W at a scale of 1:200,000. Size: 22x27 inches.

POSTER Icon Lake Michigan Bathymetry (wall size), 1996

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Larger version of MGG-11. The poster comes in three separate sections and must be assembled by recipient. This poster was printed using water soluble inks and is not laminated. Size: 4x8 feet. Scale 1:250,000.

POSTER Icon Lake Michigan Bathymetry, Report MGG-11, 1996

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Colored bathymetric map with 10-meter contour interval at a scale of 1:500,000 in a Transverse Mercator Projection. Geomorphology of the lake is described in text. Size: 34x45 inches.

POSTER Icon Lake Ontario Bathymetry (wall size), 2000

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Larger version of MGG-15. This poster was printed using water soluble inks and is not laminated. Size: 3 x 5 feet. Scale 1:250,000.

POSTER Icon Lake Ontario Bathymetry, MGG-15, 1999

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Colored bathymetric map with 2-meter contour interval at a scale of 1:275,000 in a Transverse Mercator Projection. Geomorphology of the lake is described using text, enlargements, and images. Size: 36x50 inches.

POSTER Icon Measured and Estimated Seafloor Topography, RP-1, 1997

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The poster is printed in a Mercator projection from data gridded uniformly at intervals equivalent to 2 minutes longitude at the equator. This new estimate of seafloor topography was obtained from shipboard depth soundings combined with gravity data derived from satellite altimetry to produce a gridded representation of seafloor topography for all ice-free ocean areas within +/-72 degrees latitude. Size: 34 x 53 inches.

POSTER Icon Predicted Seafloor Topography, Report MGG-9, 1994

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A polar stereographic view of seafloor topography from 30 deg. to 70 deg. south latitude estimated from satellite altimetry data and extent, acoustic bathymetry. Size: 36 x 48 inches.

POSTER Icon Surface of the Earth Icosahedron, 2004

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A 20-sided cut-out-and-fold-up model of the Earth displaying global relief in full color. Great project for Earth Science classes. Overall size of an assembled globe is approximately 4.5 inches in diameter with each side of the individual triangles measuring 2.5 inches.

POSTER Icon Surface of the Earth, Revised, Report MGG-5R, 2000

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Computer-generated image from digital data bases of land and seafloor elevations on a 2-minute latitude/longitude grid. Size: 31x43 inches.

POSTER Icon Views of the Globe, Report MGG-10, 1994

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Fourteen images of hemispheric views of global relief have been computer generated from NGDC's digital elevation data. Views are spaced every 90 deg. of longitude and 45 deg. of latitude. Size: 24x24 inches.

If you would like more information on ordering these products,
please contact Constance Slusser,

Phone: 303 497-6826
FAX: 303 497-6513