Who We Are

line Subscribe to NEH's RSS Feed

Subscribers will receive immediate notice of new content on our Web site, including:

  1. Press Releases;
  2. Grant Program Guidelines;
  3. Humanities Magazine; and
  4. Chairman Bruce Cole's Speeches
Use the following URL to connect to the NEH RSS Feed using your RSS reader: http://www.neh.gov/whoweare/rss2.xml    rss
  • What is a web feed?
    A web feed is a file that contains a computer-readable summary of the content of a Web page. The benefit of subscribing to a web feed is that you no longer need to visit the site itself to stay up-to-date. A "reader" or "aggregator" application constantly monitors the site and automatically shows you what's new.
  • What is RSS?
    RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. You can subscribe to an RSS feed with a feed reader program.
  • What are RSS readers and how do I get one?
    A feed reader is an application that collects and presents the content provided by a Web feed. Feed readers can monitor any number of sites and sources while providing near real-time updates from one location.
    There are different types of feed reader applications to choose from. These include desktop, Web, mail-client, and browser plug-in. Some browsers have feed readers built-in. If your browser does not, perform a search with the term "feed reader."
  • Why should I subscribe to RSS feeds?
    Subscribing to an RSS feed offers a streamlined method of receiving content of interest. Feed readers allow the user to aggregate multiple feeds, making the process of gathering Web site content more efficient. Instead of visiting Web sites individually for new content, feed readers monitor the sites for you and provide updates from one location.
For more information.

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