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Deputy Inspector General - James L. Taylor

James L. Taylor was selected as Deputy Inspector General effective October 16, 2005.  He previously served as the Deputy Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Director for Financial Management at the Department of Commerce.  In this role, he also acted as Chair of the CFO Council Policies and Practices Committee.  Under his direction, the Department of Commerce obtained the first of six clean financial statement audit opinions and reduced material weaknesses from 11to 0.  Mr. Taylor led the Department’s successful effort to obtain a “green” rating on the Financial Management Initiative of the President’s Management Agenda.

Prior to his work at Commerce, Mr. Taylor held the position of Deputy Chief Financial Officer at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), where he was directly responsible for all financial operations, with expenditures of over $4-10 billion annually.

Immediately prior to joining FEMA, Mr. Taylor served as Assistant Administrator for the Federal Insurance Administration, a self-funded activity charged with managing the National Flood Insurance Program, where he was responsible for all financial, personnel, facilities, strategic planning and other administrative operations and policy.

Mr. Taylor has been the recipient of numerous awards for outstanding accomplishments, including the Presidential Rank Award for Distinguished Executive in 2004; the Donald T. Scantlebury Memorial Award for Excellence in Financial Management in 2005; the Gold Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Financial Management in 2003; and the Director’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in 2000.

Mr. Taylor holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science/Economics from Old Dominion University and an MPA in Finance from the University of Delaware.

This page was last modified on November 2, 2006