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Assistant Inspector Generals and Senior Staff

General Counsel to the Inspector General - Richard N. Reback

Rick Reback was Counsel to the Inspector General at the U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors beginning January 1999. Prior to that he served as Chief of Staff and General Counsel to the Inspector General at the U.S. Department of the Interior, beginning in 1995.

From 1987 until 1995, he served as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Civil Division of the Office of United States Attorney (Washington, D.C.).  Mr. Reback was in private legal practice in Washington, D.C. prior to joining the United States Attorney's Office. In addition, he clerked for a judge on the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.  Mr. Reback is a graduate of Duke University and the University of Texas School of Law.

Assistant Inspector General for Audits - Anne Richards

Anne Richards was the Assistant Inspector General for Audits at the Department of the Interior beginning in April 2005. While with the Department of the Interior Office of Inspector General Anne also spent 5 years as the Regional Audit Manager for the Central Region Office located in Denver. From 1984 to 1999 Ms. Richards served in a number of positions with the U.S. Army Audit Agency, including Field Office Manager for the Fort Belvoir Field Office in Alexandria VA.

Ms. Richards is a Certified Public Accountant and graduated from Franklin and Marshall College with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She also holds a Masters in Public Administration from Troy State University with a concentration in Financial Management.

Assistant Inspector General for Information Technology - Frank Deffer

Frank Deffer joined the Department of State and Broadcasting Board of Governors OIG in June 1998 as the Director, Information Management Division, in the Office of Audits. Before coming to the State Department, from 1984 - 1998, Mr. Deffer served in a number of positions at the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO). While at GAO, as an Assistant Director in the Accounting and Information Management Division, Mr. Deffer directed audits of Defense and government-wide information technology acquisition programs and produced dozens of reports for the U.S. Congress.

Mr. Deffer is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University, where he earned both his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in Political Science. Mr. Deffer is also retired from the U.S. Army Reserve, where he last served as a Major in the Medical Service Corps.

Assistant Inspector General for Inspections - Carlton (Carl) I. Mann

Mr. Mann has served in a variety of managerial and staff positions in the federal government, private industry, and the United States military.  Appointed Assistant Inspector General for the Office of Inspections in November 2006, Mr. Mann is a charter member of the Department of Homeland Security; he served as a Chief Inspector in the Office of Inspections from the Department’s inception in 2003 to his present appointment. 

Prior to coming to DHS, Mr. Mann was a senior program analyst with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Office of Inspector General.  He has also held staff and managerial positions with the Social Security Administration’s Office of Strategic Management and Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity; the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistance Secretary for Personnel Administration; and has served as a technology consultant for the General Services Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Department of Labor.  Mr. Mann directed the computer training divisions of two private companies:  Star Mountain, Inc. and Communications Technology Applications, Inc.; both companies are located in Northern Virginia.  In addition, he was a member of the quality control management team at the AC Spark Plug Division of the General Motors Corporation, and he served as an infantry officer in the United States Army.

Mr. Mann is a graduate of Virginia State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration.

Assistant Inspector General for Investigations - Thomas Frost

Assistant Inspector General for Administration - Edward F. Cincinnati

Ed Cincinnati was the Executive Officer for the United States Trustees at the Department of Justice from 1991 unitl he joined the DHS Office of Inspector General in May of 2003.  From 1989 to 1991 he was Assistant Director of Budget for the Department of Justice covering an array of components, including the United States Attorneys, the Criminal Division and a number of other legal divisions.  From 1987 to 1989, Mr. Cincinnati served as Chief of Financial Management and Comptroller for the Executive Office for Immigration Review, also at the Department of Justice.

Mr. Cincinnati began his federal career with the United States General Accounting Office as a Management Intern in 1977 and moved to the Department of Commerce to work on urban business retention issues.  In 1978 he joined the Justice Department as a budget analyst and continued with Justice as a senior budget analyst responsible for the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Drug Enforcement Administration.  Mr. Cincinnati also served a detail assignment to the House Subcommittee on Appropriations for Commerce, Justice, State during the 1981 appropriations cycle.

Mr. Cincinnati holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in American History from Montclair State College.

Congressional Affairs Liaison and Media and Public Outreach  - Tamara Faulkner

Tamara Faulkner served the last three years at the Bureau of Legislative Affairs for the Department of State as a Legislative Management Officer.  During that time, Ms. Faulkner's primary legislative portfolio included the Office of the Secretary's Coordinator for Counterterrorism, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, and the Office of the Legal Adviser. Ms. Faulkner's service with the Department included thirteen years with the Office of Inspector General where she held several substantive positions including Legislative Assistant and Team Leader with the Office of Congressional and Media Relations, Inspector with the Office of Inspections and Paralegal with the Office of Counsel.  Additionally, her resume includes four years with the Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Public Integrity Section and four years with the U.S. House of Representatives where she served in both personal and subcommittee offices.  

This page was last reviewed/modified on January 15, 2008.