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Science 1663

Dr. Xiaoyun Lu of the Bioscience Division at Los Alamos, a member of the team of biochemists, theorists, and engineers who are developing a hand-held biochemistry lab for rapidly detecting the influenza virus

From the Director

Grand Challenges in Science

director photoThis inaugural edition of 1663 marks a new beginning for Los Alamos National Laboratory, with new management, a new way of doing business, and many new plans for the work ahead.

But as the magazine name quietly implies, we are committed to continuing the greatness of this institution. Beginning with the top-secret project to build the first nuclear bomb, this Laboratory has been dedicated to protecting the nation's security in all its many facets—defense, nonproliferation, counterterrorism, energy, environment, and health.

Our unique role is to think ahead, not 5 or 10 years, but 20 and 50 years, and to build a scientific base that can respond to immediate crises as well as prepare for the needs of a rapidly changing world.

This first edition of 1663 features two long-term nuclear projects that will revive Los Alamos' historic role as a preeminent nuclear physics laboratory. One is a global partnership to save the planet from global warming by putting the nuclear genie to good use. In this visionary solution, an advanced nuclear fuel cycle reduces waste while producing fuel for developing nations. Los Alamos scientists have already been forging international relationships that can reduce proliferation risks while making the nuclear option viable.

The other project is a new approach to the nuclear weapons stockpile that will make our nuclear deterrent smaller but more reliable and sustainable. It will also produce a new cadre of nuclear scientists to carry forward the knowledge.

The best and the brightest come to Los Alamos for the opportunity to work on the most compelling problems at the frontiers of science. I have named some of those as Los Alamos Grand Challenges, problems that will be solved more rapidly by a focused effort of our best scientists and the recruitment of new talent. Developing a carbon-free energy cycle, solving the mysteries of dark energy and dark matter, preventing a flu pandemic—all discussed in this edition—are Grand Challenge areas of research that I believe will keep our scientists at the top of their game.

Michael R. AnastasioMichael R. Anastasio

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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