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Glaucoma can take your sight away.

Description: PSA. Grandfather and Grandson. Glaucoma can take your sight away.
3" x 9"

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Ref#: PSA36

72 dpi (76K)

300 dpi (296K)

Glaucoma can take your sight away.

Description: PSA. Grandfather and Grandson. Glaucoma can take your sight away. Black and white.
3" x 9"

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Ref#: PSA36bw

72 dpi (64K)

300 dpi (250K)

Glaucoma can take your sight away.

Description: PSA. African American Couple. Glaucoma can take your sight away.
3" x 9"

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Ref#: PSA37

72 dpi (76K)

300 dpi (296K)

Glaucoma can take your sight away.

Description: PSA. African American Couple. Glaucoma can take your sight away. Black and white.
3" x 9"

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Ref#: PSA37bw

72 dpi (64K)

300 dpi (250K)

Glaucoma can take your sight away.

Description: PSA. Grandmother and Grandchild. Glaucoma can take your sight away.
3" x 9"

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Ref#: PSA38

72 dpi (70K)

300 dpi (267K)

Glaucoma can take your sight away.

Description: PSA. Grandmother and Grandchild. Glaucoma can take your sight away. Black and white.
3" x 9"

Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health

Ref#: PSA38bw

72 dpi (67K)

300 dpi (280K)


This page was last modified in August 2008