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Competition, Regulation, and Global Market Factors Affecting U.S. Producers

This report to Congress - mandated under section 819 of the "Vision 100-Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act" (P.L. 108-176) - presents a study of the airline and jet transport aircraft manufacturing industries and the impact of U.S. and European government policies and regulations on the global competitive position of U.S. aerospace manufacturers. Specifically, the report offers a detailed look at aerospace-related trade agreements; government support; aircraft certification and regulations; and policies related to aircraft operations, business operations and security. These policies are viewed in the context of airline and manufacturing industries currently undergoing fundamental structural change. Based on a detailed comparison of U.S. and European Union government policies and regulations, the report offers several conclusions as to which policies are likely to have the most significant future impact on open and fair trade in the civil aircraft manufacturing sector.

To view the report, click here.



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