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Enterprise-Wide Solutions

To maintain a competitive edge in today's business environment, manufacturers can now take advantage of expertise and assistance offered by the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC).

Manufacturing longevity and success depend on profitability and productivity. TMAC works
with manufacturers to improve their competitiveness by identifying opportunities and
implementing appropriate solutions.

TMAC provides objective, credible expertise to solve today's challenges with the bottom line of Texas manufacturers in mind.

TMAC serves as a technical and business resource to:
  • Streamline manufacturing processes
  • Optimize factory operations
  • Integrate today's technology
  • Facilitate vendor contacts
  • Increase global competitiveness
  • Enhance work force development

    TMAC provides services to a wide range of industries such as metalworking, food processing, electronics, plastics, apparel and more.

    For more information on TMAC's Customized Solutions for your business, call 1-800-625-4876 or e-mail us. Download our complete training catalog online.

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