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Department of Senior Services

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Nominate Someone Who is Aging and Living Well

Recent Nominees

Dianne Kerins of Cheektowaga was nominated by Emily Turski in West Seneca..."Now that Dianne is herself a retiree, she generously shares her time and car. She calls many of us on a regular basis to offer her services. When her old big car finally "died", she deliberately looked for another big car to accommodate the many people she chauffeurs. She always cooks in large quantities and shares it with many of us. She truly is an example of "Aging Well, Living Well", and because of her we are living better." Interestingly, Dianne received another nomination - Alice Cross of Syracuse nominated Dianne as someone who " does so many amazing things that bring life to the living...a senior citizen who cannot stop herself from helping others. When she is not babysitting her grandchildren you can usually find Dianne in the kitchen preparing meals, which she will then share with her elderly neighbors including my 87-year-old mother. Diane calls my mother weekly and lets her know when she is available to assist my mother with a ride perhaps to the hairdresser or to a medical appointment. I live 150 miles away from my mother, so knowing Diane is there gives me great peace of mind. It was Diane who called me last year to let me know that my mother was ill and had to be admitted to the hospital. And who delivered home-made candy to my mother on Easter? You know whom." Congratulations Dianne for touching so many people through your kindness and generosity of spirit!

Harold Menge of Buffalo, 91 ½ year old following the suggestion of several people and nominated himself. Among many of the noteworthy examples of how he is Aging Well, Living Well, this Cheektowaga resident for 34 years:

Harold continues to be actively involved with the community, which is what living well is all about

Lois Thompson, nominated by Berta Mae Ives of Cheektowaga because "weekly she helps 2-3 Clarence residents in their 80's and 90's stay in their own home by doing food shopping, errands, and doctors appointments. Then she takes them to lunch at the Senior Center in Clarence. When they are ill, she takes in meals, bags and transfers groceries to their kitchen, and takes them to the beauty parlor."

Irene of Elma writes that following his retirement from Westinghouse 20 years ago, her husband, "Norman Kingsley...designed and helped build our new home...At age 77 he remains active in the church, Knights of Columbus, President of St. Gabriels Seniors, board member of Elma Seniors, volunteers at Gardengate Nursing Home and is active in scouting. He successfully overcame 2 serious illnesses with a positive attitude and a deep faith. He does all his own work around the house, goes to the gym 3x a week for 2 hours, enjoys music, dancing, baking and golf...His energy is endless."

In nominating herself, 66 yr old Rita Ganim of West Seneca calls herself "One Happy Senior"... Recently profiled in the Defining Moments column of After 50, Rita is a humor consultant who believes challenges require creativity and problem-solving, and who has used that to overcome a painful divorce, to earn her Masters degree, and to confront everyday difficulties such as impatient drivers. Rita regularly shares her advice on how to bring humor into the difficult situations of life in speeches and presentations.

Marcia Valente was nominated by Pat Bogdan. Marcia "works with young adults with drug and alcohol problems in an outpatient setting. Her empathy, wisdom, and wit have helped many young adults and their families through a difficult time. Marcia is seen as a strong partner with an unending amount of patience and caring for our own young clients of WNY. (Marcia works at Horizon Health Services - Boulevard Center)

Dr. Sigmund Zakrewski, PhD. was nominated by Dr. Enrico Mihich. Dr. Zakrewski is "84 years old and still makes a significant contribution to improve the quality of life in this community. Dr. Zakrzewski has published several books, the most recent being Environmental Toxicology, third edition, Oxford University Press, 2002. Dr. Zakrzewski also teaches a course "Principles of Environmental Toxicology" as part of the UB Curriculum which is held every Fall at Roswell . Dr. Zakrzewski keeps up with current events and he writes editorials frequently."

Betty Walker of Alden was nominated by her daughter Shirley Kocher, who explains why this 75-year-old (mother of 3, grandmother to 8, great-grandmother to 5) is an excellent candidate for Aging Well, Living Well recognition... "Daily she provides for her elder sister cooking, cleaning, laundry every item is ironed! As seasons change, she plants flowers, mows grass, rakes leaves, and blows snow. Her vegetable and fruit garden provide produce for canning and freezing. Days, she launders the altar boy albs, visits the nursing home and shops for bargains. She also enjoys making crafts and holding garage sales. Bingo, bowling, Chinese auctions, and dinners are evening activities supporting local churches, schools, and fire companies. In 1990, this energetic bowler was inducted into the Erie County Hall of Fame for her many years of service on committees, tournaments and elected offices."

Bob Wood of Tonawanda was nominated by his daughter, Deborah, as "one man who's defied the odds by maintaining, what people half his age consider, a physically grueling and brain-draining schedule...for the past few years, nearing eighty years of age, Robert is a counselor for the Department of Senior Services HIICAP & SMC program, tirelessly helping hundreds of seniors throughout Erie County to muddle though the confusion web of health insurance benefits information."

Judy Gawronski of West Seneca was nominated by Bertamae Ives, described as a "spry 73 year old. She plays the piano and takes her therapy-trained Golden Retriever to nine nursing homes and resident apartments in West Seneca every week...making a difference in people lives and raises the spirits of the residents."

Carolyn Giambra nominated "Betty Smith, 72, a senior citizen who is "Aging Well, Living Well." Betty is the instructor of a water aerobics class at the Jewish Community Center. She leads a group of women and men, from age 24 84, in a joyful cardiovascular routine three times weekly, set to music. She outlasts all of the class members, and she is shouting the directions, in addition to doing the exercises! Spending an hour of hard work with her is a joyful experience. We hug ourselves at the end of class, but we would all like to hug Betty... words do not do justice to Betty...The quality of life is much improved for the 30+ class members she instructs."

Dennis Schultz submitted his mother, Marian Bass, of Amherst. Marian is a retired Captain of Police for the Buffalo Police Department, and "a superior example of aging well and living well. A motivational speaker for young people, she reaches out through her church and Buffalo schools to motivate students to develop a passion for knowledge and excellence. A volunteer for literacy volunteers, she is also a "Get Out the Vote" organizer. An arthritis victim, she is never too incapacitated to advise, encourage, and support students. She stresses that life carries an affirmative duty to be all that you can be, and must be faced with courage, kindness, and a basic sense of justice." Marian changes lives.

Beverly Gundlach nominates her mother, Charlotte Gundlach, as a wonderful example of "Aging Well, Living Well." She explains that Charlotte "is 73 years young and has made significant contributions to improve the quality of life in the community! She has completed many, many years of volunteering in several different areas and is currently a volunteer for Meals On Wheels, Seneca Manor Nursing Home, and participates in Square Dancing Demonstrations at area nursing homes. She also regularly sews items to sell for some of the NonProfit organizations that I belong to. I am very proud of my Mother! My Mother is extremely active. She square dances and/or ballroom dances three to five times per week. She definitely is not the old stereotype image of just sitting in a rocking chair and watching the world go by!"

Nick Pusateri of Tonawanda was nominated by Dr. Usha Sankrithi for his outstanding attitude toward helpfulness... "I answered an ad for a wheelchair...this elderly gentleman has 20-30 wheelchairs to choose an extraordinarily well-kept home. Mr. Pusateri retired in 1981, and started a wheelchair repair service... he collects broken wheelchairs, repairs them, mixing and matching parts, fixing them up and re-selling them to people who need them at an affordable price. He measured the height, showed me all the details, showed me how to get it in and out of a car, and handled everything so confidently and easily.

Ferrol Webb of West Seneca was nominated by Terry Broncato-- Ferrol is a member of West Senefca Central Schools' Community Education Advisory Committee and has been for over 20 years; she has worked as the voting coordinator for the annual budget votes for 30 years, as well as working on various other committees throughout the district. Ferrol is a docent at the Buffalo Zoo,the Burchfield Nature and Art Center, and the West Seneca Historical Society, and has taught children's and adult courses through all of these organizations for many years. While she won't admit her age (you're only as old as you feel and she feels fine!) this West Seneca native graduated in the early 1940's from Buffalo General School of Nursing; and her family was one of the original settlers in this area, although she did live in other cities years ago while her husband was in the service. Broncast says "Ferrol has more energy than most people half her age, and she never ceases to amaze the rest of us with her involvement in so many aspects of the community."

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