March 15, 2006

City Hall Open House

Celebrating 100 Years of Progress


            “Lodi presents a sorry appearance to the tourist who rides through on the train or the visitor who alights at the depot.  No care is taken of the public parks.  The Public Library and Free Reading Room are kept alive merely in the hope that under incorporation something better may be attained.  There is no system of street lighting.  The streets of the town are in bad order.  All year not a drop of water has been placed on them, and whenever the wind blows the dust flies in eddying clouds.  The town is only partially policed by day and not at all at night.  There is no system of fire protection.  The alleyways of the town are a disgrace.  And, (mention it only in whispers) there is no sanitation.”  Much has changed since those statements were reported in the Lodi News-Sentinel on November 24, 1906 and City Hall invites the public to stop by and find out just how far we’ve come in the last 100 years.

            On Wednesday, March 22 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. an Open House will be held at City Hall, 221 West Pine Street, as well as off-site facilities at the Library, Police Department, Finance, Parks & Recreation, Community Center (Hutchins Street Square), White Slough Treatment Facility, and Fire Station #1.  Citizens of Lodi who attend this event are promised to gain a wealth of information about the services the City provides.  The Police Department will be offering tours of its facility and Mobile Operations Center.  Child Safety DNA kits will be distributed, and McGruff the Crime Dog will be on hand to greet children.  An outdoor display (behind City Hall) of Fire, Public Works, and Electric Utility Department’s equipment will include an electric line truck, bucket truck, grader, TV van, Fire Safety trailer, and more.

            The first 50 people who visit all participating departments, and have their “Official Passport Ticket” initialed, will receive a limited edition Lodi Centennial commemorative engraved rosewood pen (redeemable at the City Clerk’s Office – 2nd floor of City Hall).

            For more information contact the City Clerk’s Office at 333-6702.
