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Guidelines for future construction, improvements on Lodi Avenue

April 14, 2008
Contact: Senior Traffic Engineer Paula Fernandez, 333-6706

Eastside Lodi Avenue Improvement Project

Project Description: The project consists of reconstructing the four travel lanes, permanently removing the railroad tracks that were temporarily covered with asphalt concrete, modifying three signalized intersections (Lodi Avenue/Stockton Street, Lodi Avenue/Central Avenue, and Lodi Avenue/Cherokee Lane), constructing bulb outs, landscaped median, pedestrian crosswalk safety treatments, handicapped ramps and installing street furniture including seating.

Project Location: The project is located in the eastside of Lodi on Lodi Avenue between Union Pacific Railroad tracks and Cherokee Lane.

Construction Schedule: Construction of this project is anticipated to begin in summer 2009.

Public Review and Comment: The City of Lodi Public Works Department is requesting public comments for the Eastside Lodi Avenue Improvement Project Preliminary Design Guidelines. Please provide comments to the Project Manager, Paula Fernandez at pfernandez@lodi.gov by May 28, 2008. See below for the additional information.

Click here for the Progress Report/ Preliminary Design Guidelines

Click here for the Overall Design Concept

Click here for the Timeline


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