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January 7, 2008
Contact: Jeff Hood, communiciations specialist, City of Lodi, (209) 333-6801

Public Works Director Prima announces April retirement

Richard Prima, who worked his way up at the City of Lodi from junior civil engineer to public works director, announced Monday he will be retiring April 6.

Prima has been part of Lodi’s Public Works Department since 1975, the last 10 as public works director. Since 1998 he has supervised the planning, designing, construction and maintenance of city streets, water, wastewater, drainage, park improvements and public buildings, as well as the management of Lodi’s solid waste and transit con tracts.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed all the stages of my nearly 33-year career with the City of Lodi and wish to thank you, the Lodi City Council and the rest of my fellow employees, both present and past, for their support, encouragement and comradeship,” Prima wrote in his letter to City Manager Blair King announcing his retirement. “I also wish to acknowledge the overall support the citizens of Lodi have for their local government, in which I have played some small role.”

Prima, who received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California, Berkeley, worked for Pacific Gas & Electric for one year before being hired by the City of Lodi in 1975. He was promoted to engineering positions of greater responsibility four times before becoming the head of Lodi’s Public Works Department.

“Richard’s an institution in Lodi in the Public Works Department,” King said, praising Prima’s work ethic. “He’s legendary for his thoroughness. We’re going to try to pry out all his institutional memory before he leaves.”

King said Lodi has in-house talent capable of succeeding Prima, but the city will conduct a search for the new public works director position.

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