National Ice Center Customer Feeback Survey

OMB CONTROL# 0648-0342

The National Ice Center (NIC)/Naval Ice Center (NAVICECEN) is committed to providing our customers with the highest quality ice analyses, outlooks, forecasts, and mission planning products. Through the course of the last year we have made some rather significant changes, including installing new systems and making changes to our product suite.

We would now like to give our customers an opportunity to respond to these changes and provide us with the feedback necessary to ensure our products continue to meet your needs. Please take a few minutes to respond to the following survey. All customers are encouraged to contact NIC (, or 301-394-3149) to provide further suggestions that will make our products(s) and/or service(s) more useful. Thank you, in advance, for your assistance.

This survey has been extended to: 15 July 2008.

Your name and contact information is requested, but not necessary for your comments to be considered.
Command or Customer Name:
Point of Contact:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
  1. What NIC products do you currently use? Please mark all that apply.

    East Arctic 30 Day
    Arctic "Egg Charts"
    Arctic Hemispheric
    Great Lakes District 9 Brief
    Great Lakes Concentration
    Antarctic Iceberg Database
    Climatology Briefs
    If other, please specify:

    East Arctic Outlook
    Daily Ice Edge
    Great Lakes NAV Text
    Great Lakes 15 Day Outlook
    Chesapeake Bay/Delaware Bay
    Antarctic "Egg Charts" Analysis
    NAIS 30 Day Forecast

    West Arctic Outlook
    Daily Marginal Ice Zone
    Great Lakes ASCII
    Great Lakes 30 Day Outlook
    Ross Sea Outlook
    Antarctic Hemispheric Analysis

  2. What is your affiliation?
    U.S. Navy
    U.S. Coast Guard
    Other Federal Government
    State/Local Government
    Student/teacher K-12
    Other research institution
    University faculty/staff
    University student

  3. How frequently do you request products/services from NIC?
    Frequently (daily)
    Regularly (weekly)
    Infrequently (monthly)

  4. Select the radio button that indicates your degree of satisfaction.

    Not at all satisfied

    Not satisfied
    Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
    Extremely Satisfied
    Not applicable or no opinion
    Quality of product/service received
    Quality of data received
    Timeliness of response to request
    Courtesy of staff who dealt with you
    Expertise of staff in dealing with your needs
    Degree that product/service met your needs
    Format of data received
    Documentation of data received
    Accessibility of data desired
    Overall satisfaction with service received

  5. What suggestions do you have as to how NIC can improve its products or services?

  6. Will you use our products/services again?

    If you do not use our products/services anymore, why not?

  7. What will be the primary use of the product/service?
    Federal Government
    Science research

    Operational/Mission Support
    If Other, please specify: