Transportation and Communication

Title Index

FromA new and complete railroad map of the United States compiled from reliable sources to Experimental survey for the Eastern Shore Rail Road, Maryland, drawn by W. H. Emory & J. McClelland Asst. Civ. Engs., made under the direction of James Kearney
FromExplorations and surveys for a rail road route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean to Map exhibiting the fixed location of the main trunk of the New-Orleans, Opelousas & Great Western Railroad of Louisiana
FromMap exhibiting the route of communication between Philadelphia & Charleston to Map of the Manassas Gap Railroad and its extensions; September, 1855
FromMap of the Marietta and Pittsburgh Railroad and its connections to Map of the route of the proposed New York & Erie Railroad, as surveyed in 1834, reduced from the plans as returned by Benjn. Wright, Civil Engineer, D. R. Harrison, sc
FromMap of the route surveyed from the Mississippi at Lake Providence in Louisiana to the great bend of Red river at Fulton in Arkansas to Map showing the route and connections of the Memphis and New Orleans Railroad
FromMap showing the route and connections of the Mississippi Valley Railroad of Louisiana; E. Baldwin, chief engineer to Rail road map of Ohio 1873
FromRail road map of Pennsylvania published by the Department of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania, 1895 to Township and railroad map of Minnesota published for the Legislative Manual, 1874
FromTownship map of Wisconsin showing The Milwaukee & Horicon Rail Road and its connections to Williams' commercial map of the United States and Canada with railroads, routes, and distances