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National Agricultural Library Collections
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Index to the Manuscript Collections--Search Results

4 record(s) found

Collection Number: 91
Collection Name: Kellogg, Charles Edwin, Papers
Earliest Date: 1929
Latest Date: 1975
Bulk Dates: 1947-71
Linear Feet: 307
Collection Description: The Charles Edwin Kellogg Papers contain scripts of Kellogg's speeches, articles, reviews, reprints, correspondence, field notes, journals, slides, photographs, soil maps, and publications relating to soil science and agriculture. Publications include many of the rare works of soil science pioneers such as Glinka, Ruffin, Evelyn, Young, and Marbut.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Charles Edwin Kellogg (1902-1980) began his career at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1934 as a soil technologist on the National Cooperative Soil Survey and was appointed Chief of the Soil Survey Division of the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils in 1935. His department became a part of the Bureau of Plant Industry in 1939. A prolific writer, Kellogg played a major part in outlining and writing Soils and Man, the USDA's Yearbook of Agriculture for 1938, and wrote the first edition of the Soil Survey Manual in 1939, which was subsequently adopted by soil survey organizations throughout the world. Kellogg was a world authority in soil classification and its use. He advised international organizations and national research and agricultural agencies in this and other countries, helping to organize research and promote improved farming systems for efficient production, soil conservation, and high standards of rural living. While traveling to other countries to learn farming methods and to assist in agricultural development programs, Kellogg wrote field notes and took photographs of his soil surveys and of other experiences of the trips. At the time of his retirement in 1971, Kellogg was the Deputy Administrator of the Soil Conservation Service.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Farms and Farming Systems; Physical Sciences; Natural Resources
Formats: Maps; Photographs

Collection Number: 93
Collection Name: Kimber Poultry Breeding Farms Records: American Poultry Historical Society Papers
Collection Group: Poultry Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1926
Latest Date: 1965
Linear Feet: 1.5
Collection Description: The Kimber Poultry Breeding Farms Records contain 1926-1927 pedigrees of individual records attained by chickens in breeding pens; a catalog describing all factors in Kimber Farms’ efforts to produce a more profitable White Leghorn chicken; newsletters; and a photograph.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: This is Walter F. Hughes’s collection of materials pertaining to Kimber Poultry Breeding Farms.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Poultry

Collection Number: 94
Collection Name: Knight, Henry Granger, Diary
Earliest Date: 1929
Latest Date: 1942
Linear Feet: 0.75
Collection Description: The Henry Granger Knight Diary is two volumes and contains detailed daily entries of Knight's work activities for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Henry Granger Knight (1878-1942), a chemist, was Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils from 1927-1939 and then of the Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering from 1939-1942.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Physical Sciences; USDA History

Collection Number: 210
Collection Name: Knipling, Edward Fred, Papers: Screwworm Eradication Program Records
Collection Group: Screwworm Eradication Program Records
Earliest Date: 1906
Latest Date: 2003
Bulk Dates: 1930-1990
Linear Feet: 59
Collection Description: The Edward Fred Knipling Papers are part of the larger Screwworm Eradication Program Records. This collection covers all of the areas of entomology researched by Knipling during his career with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), including his early research on the screwworm and the eradication efforts in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, and the Southeast United States in the 1950s. His research included parasite control methods and work on the boll weevil, fruit fly, tsetse fly, European corn borer, and various species of ticks and moths. In addition, the collection reflects Knipling’s continued activity in entomology after his 1973 retirement from the USDA. Materials included are correspondence, publications, manuscripts, reports, photographs, research data, notes, speeches, awards, artifacts, and biographical data.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Edward Fred Knipling (1909-2000) was a world-famous entomologist and theorist. His contributions featured the parasitoid augmentation technique, insect control methods involving the medication of the hosts, and various models of total insect population management. He was best known, however, for the sterile insect technique (SIT), which was employed in screwworm eradication efforts in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, Florida, Texas, Mexico, and parts of Central America. Knipling studied entomology at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas (now Texas A&M University) and Iowa State College (now University), and worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from 1930-1973; Knipling continued to serve as a collaborator with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) at the USDA and remained active in the field of entomology until 2000.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Entomology; USDA History
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia; Photographs

Last Modified : June 13, 2007

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