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Weather Service Resolution

[Act of Feb. 9, 1870, Sess. II, Res. 12, 16 Stat. 369 (1870)]

FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. II. RES. 8, 12, 13, 15, 16. 1870. 569

[No. 12.] Joint Resolution to authorize the Secretary of War to provide for taking meteorological Observations at the military Stations and other Points in the Interior of the Continent, and for giving Notice on the northern Lakes and Seaboard of the Approach and Force of Storms.

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, authorized and required to provide for taking meteorological observations at the military stations in the interior of the continent, and at other points in the States and Territories of the United States, and for giving notice on the northern lakes and on the sea-coast, by magnetic telegraph and marine signals, of the approach and force of storms.
APPROVED, February 9, 1870.

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