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At the Eleanor and Wilson Greatbatch Pavilion
Watch as construction progresses at the Eleanor and Wilson Greatbatch Pavilion, the visitor welcome and interpretive center at the Martin House. The Greatbatch Pavilion, designed by Toshiko Mori Architect, will be complete in December, 2008. For more information click on Buildings in the menu bar. Click here to watch live
Twilight Sets the Stage for the Pergola and Conservatory to Dazzle You!

When twilight turns to nightfall, and the lights come up in the pergola, tours at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Martin House take on a whole new drama! Enjoy a midsummer tour on a Friday evening. Click here for more information.

The Architectural Promenade in Wright and Le Corbusier

Despite numerous points of formal and spatial convergence, Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright treated the "promenade architectural" - the journey through their buildings - entirely differently. This presentation will explore the sources and the nature of this divergence in the architects’ respective experiences in North Africa and Japan.

Friday, September 26 @ 7 p.m. Click here for more information.

Reserve your place on a docent-led tour of the Darwin D. Martin House Complex. Call 856-3858 or toll free 877-377-3858.

Frank Lloyd Wright's greatest "Prairie House," the five-structure Darwin Martin House
Complex, designed and built 1903-1905 in the great city of Buffalo, New York.