Department of the Interior 

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  6/18/08

Series:  Organization

Part 118:  Minerals Management Service

Chapter 5:  Offshore Energy and Minerals Management


Originating Office:  Minerals Management Service


118 DM 5


5.1     Associate Director for Offshore Energy and Minerals Management (OEMM).  The Associate Director for OEMM is responsible for all offshore activities, designed to expedite development while ensuring fair market value and safe, environmentally sound Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) operations.  This office also provides oversight and coordination of the Minerals Management Service’s (MMS) involvement in international activities.  Responsibilities for these functions are shared with a Deputy Associate Director, and implementation is performed by two staff offices, five Divisions, and three regional offices.  (See organization chart.)


5.2     Office of Offshore Alternative Energy Programs (OAEP).  The OAEP is responsible for the development of the OCS alternative energy-related and alternate use-related components of the OEMM Program.  The OAEP also provides policy direction, coordination, and oversight for the OCS alternate use program. 


5.3     Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs (ORP).  The ORP manages rules, standards, and compliance programs governing OCS oil, gas, minerals, and energy-related or other authorized marine-related operations.  The ORP is responsible for OEMM regulations and the associated policy documents, safety management programs, safety and pollution prevention research, technology assessments, inspection and enforcement policies, accident investigation practices, and coordinating OEMM operational programs with the U.S. Coast Guard and other Federal Agencies.


5.4     Economics Division.  The Economics Division is responsible for the development and analysis of economic issues of the offshore oil and gas program and of the offshore energy-related or other authorized marine-related activities.  These economic analyses support policies for leasing decisions and regulatory functions.


5.5     Environmental Division.  The Environmental Division is responsible for the oversight, policy guidance, direction, and supervision of offshore environmental and coastal impact assistance concerns and issues.  This office is responsible for environmental compliance activities of the various laws, regulations, and program requirements.  It also administers the Coastal Impact Assistance Program.


5.6     Information Technology (IT) Division.  The IT Division is responsible for oversight and policy guidance for IT management within OEMM.  The objectives are to provide IT management to Headquarters and regions of OEMM and promote the appropriate use of IT in the accomplishment of the Bureau's mission.


5.7     Leasing Division.  The Leasing Division is responsible for oil, gas, and mineral leasing policy and program development issues.  This office provides coordination, oversight, direction, and supervision of the 5-Year Leasing Program and all preleasing activities of these offshore leasing programs.  It provides leadership, policy direction, coordination, and oversight for the marine minerals components of the OEMM Program.  It provides advice and coordination to the leasing functions of the AEP.  This office also administers, develops, populates, maintains, and distributes the official offshore cadastral data which includes lease grids and various offshore boundaries.


5.8     Resource Evaluation Division.  The Resource Evaluation Division is responsible for providing oversight, policy guidance and direction of offshore oil and gas geologic and geophysical evaluations, and the development of models for geologic and engineering assessments of mineral resource potential of the OCS. 


5.9     Regional Offices.  The regional offices are responsible for implementing and managing the Offshore programs for resource and environmental resources, evaluations, coastal impact assistance, leasing of energy and mineral resources, and approval and supervision of the private sector's exploration, development, and production operations on the OCS.  There are three regional offices:


          A.      Alaska OCS Region (headquartered at Anchorage, Alaska) includes Offshore programs on the OCS of Alaska.


          B.      Gulf of Mexico OCS Region (headquartered at New Orleans, Louisiana) includes Offshore programs in the Gulf of Mexico and along the eastern seaboard.


          C.      Pacific OCS Region (headquartered at Camarillo, California) includes Offshore programs along the western seaboard.


6/18/08 #3803

Replaces 3/20/06 #3703