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Volume 7, No. 10, December 2005

Bringing Art into the K–12 Classroom

Recipient: Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis University Library
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Grant: National Leadership Grant, Library-Museum Collaboration

The Challenge: Knowing that art can be a powerful teaching tool in the K-12 classroom, the Indiana University Purdue University Library sought to provide a value-added resource for education. With funds from National Leadership Grant, and through a partnership project with the Indianapolis Museum of Art, IUPUI provided a gateway to online artwork databases for local schools and public libraries. Read more.

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Acting Director's Message

On December 6 the results of the first comprehensive survey of the condition of America’s collections were released to the public. Heritage Preservation’s Heritage Health Index tells a sobering story. The data are powerful. More than 4.8 billion artifacts are held by more than 30,000 archives, historical societies, libraries, museums, scientific research collections, and archaeological repositories in the United States. They are visited a staggering 2.5 billion times a year. Yet 65 percent of collecting institutions have experienced damage to collections because of improper storage; 80 percent of collecting institutions do not have an emergency plan that includes collections, with staff trained to carry it out; and 40 percent of U. S. collecting institutions have no funds allocated in their annual budgets for preservation/conservation.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services has a strong commitment to see that America’s collections are cared for and shared. We believe that the health of these collections is vital to our democratic society. They inform and inspire our children, and they advance scientific discovery. They help us celebrate achievement and resolve that our generation will do better. Over the last two decades the Institute has made 5,498 grants for conservation totaling $71,731,807 through its Conservation Project Support grants and Conservation Assessment Program. We applaud Heritage Preservation and believe that the Heritage Health Index can act as a call to action and inspire a new and renewed commitment to caring for America’s collections. Read more at

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The Latest News
The Institute Announces 2005 Recipients of National Awards for Museum and Library Service
Congratulations to the winners of the 2005 National Awards for Museum and Library Service: COSI Toledo, Toledo, Ohio; Johnson County Library, Overland Park, Kansas; Levine Museum of the New South, Charlotte, North Carolina; Mathews Memorial Library, Mathews, Virginia; Pratt Museum, Homer, Alaska; and Saint Paul Public Library, Saint Paul, Minnesota. These three museums and three libraries were selected for their extraordinary civic, educational, economic, environmental, and social contributions to their communities. Each will receive $10,000 and will be honored at a special ceremony in Washington, D.C., on January 30, 2006. Read more.

Update on Museums and Libraries Engaging America's Youth
The Institute recently announced an initiative to explore the role of libraries and museums in youth development. During the next year we will analyze past grant-making, develop case studies to explore best practices, provide monthly updates with project profiles, resources and tips on our web site, and encourage the development of new models through its National Leadership Grant program. Read more.

This month we have have updated our web site with links to youth organizations and to important and interesting research, conference reports, and policy briefs in this area. Read more.

The Institute Calls for National Leadership Grant Applications, Deadline—February 1
The guidelines for National Leadership Grants for Libraries and for Museums are now available on the Institute’s Web site as a PDF file. This year, The Institute plans to support a wide range of projects under its three grant categories: Advancing Learning Communities, Building Digital Resources, and Research and Demonstration. Among the priorities for each category is a focus on youth development. Read more.

Partnership for a Nation of Learners Hosts Videoconference
On November 30, representatives from libraries, museums, public broadcasting, and other community organizations participated in a national Partnership for a Nation of Learners Community Collaboration videoconference to learn how their organizations can work together to solve pressing needs in their communities. The videoconference was produced by Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), uplinked live from WETA’s public television studio in Arlington, VA, and broadcast through the PBS satellite system to 2000 participants at 73 local public broadcasting stations in 34 states. Mary Chute, Acting Director of IMLS, and Patricia Harrison, CEO and President of the CPB, welcomed the participants, and Ray Suarez of The Newshour with Jim Lehrer served as the emcee and interviewer. Videoconference panelists included CPB and IMLS staff, as well as executives from museums, libraries, public broadcasting stations and the National Center for Outreach (NCO), who described how partnerships can address local needs, increase civic engagement, and improve the quality of life in every community.

This videoconference kicked-off a series of professional development events encouraging museums, libraries, public broadcasters, and other community organizations to partner. On January 19, 2006 1:00-2:00 PM, ET, the first of five monthly webcasts addressing community partnerships will debut. The redesigned PNL Web site offers details about these events and information on grant opportunities:

PNL Offers Technical Assistance Audioconferences for Grant Applicants
In its first year of funding, the Partnership for a Nation of Learners’ competitive grant program awarded $1.4 million to build and strengthen working relationships among libraries, museums, and public broadcasting licensees that enhance their roles within their communities. The deadline for the program’s second year of funding is March 1, 2006. Applicants for the 2006 PNL Community Collaboration Grant may participate in one of two technical assistance audioconference calls scheduled for: January 9, 2006 2:00-3:00 PM ET and February 8, 2006 2:00-3:00 PM ET. The phone number for the calls is (866)814-8482. For grant details, go to the PNL Web site at:

Register Now For 2006 WebWise Conference
Registration is now open for the seventh annual WebWise Conference on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World, to be held February 15-17, 2006, in Los Angeles. Co-hosted by the Online Computer Library Center and the J. Paul Getty Trust, this year’s conference will explore the theme: "Inspiring Discovery—Unlocking Collections." It will feature presentations and panel discussions by library, museum and other information experts engaged in enhancing the “discoverability” of cultural heritage resources. Topics include automated indexing and other new discovery tools and techniques, re-examination of traditional information organization, and discovery methodologies. In addition, exemplary digital projects will be showcased in demonstrations to encourage networking and information sharing. Half-day workshops on cataloging cultural resources, creating sharable metadata, and assessing the use of digital resources will be offered on February 15. These pre-conference workshops require separate registration. There are no fees for the conference or for the pre-conference workshops, but early registration is recommended as space is limited. Read more.

AAM’s Museum Assessment Program, Deadline—February 15
The American Association of Museums’ Museum Assessment Program is supported through a cooperative agreement with the Institute. It is designed to help museums assess their strengths and weaknesses and to plan for the future by providing technical assistance for four assessments: (1) collections management, (2) governance, (3) institutional, and (4) public dimension. Assessments are provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Read more at

The Institute Calls for 2006 National Awards for Museum and Library Service, Deadline—February 15
These awards are the nation's highest honors for the extraordinary public service provided by museums and libraries, and they carry a $10,000 award. The National Awards for Museum and Library Service recognize museums and libraries that have made a difference in their communities through long-term, ongoing public service. Any individual may submit an application, and museums and libraries of all sizes are encouraged to apply. Read more.

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IMLS on the Road
Keynote address, Dedication Ceremony on the opening of the new Mississippi State Library Commission building, Mary L. Chute, Acting Director and Deputy Director for Libraries, Jackson, MS, 1/9/06.

"A Digital Library of the Middle East” (invitational workshop), Joyce Ray, PhD, Associate Deputy Director for Libraries, co-organizer, Alexandria, Egypt, 1/15-17.

"Understanding New Dynamic: Art, Technology and the Brain" (symposium), Schroeder Cherry, Deputy Director, Sponsored by Case Western, MCA, ADOBE, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Ohio, 1/19-20/06.

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Director's Message
The Latest News
IMLS on the Road

Upcoming Deadlines
All deadlines for FY 2006 IMLS grant and award program applications can be viewed here.

Important Notice:  U.S. Mail Delay
The Institute continues to experience lengthy delays in mail delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Read this important notice now.

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent federal grant-making agency dedicated to creating and sustaining a nation of learners. Learn more about the Institute.

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