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Vol. 8, No. 8; September 2006
Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World

Benjamin Franklin, Augustin de Saint-Aubin after Charles-Nicholas Cochin, 1777, courtesy of collection of Stuart E. Karu. Recipient: National Constitution Center
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Grant: 2005 Museums for America Grant

In honor of Constitution Day, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) features a project from the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. The museum’s recent blockbuster exhibition was presented in celebration of the 300th anniversary of Benjamin Franklin’s birth in January 2006 and was made possible in part through an agency grant. Learn more.


Director's Message

Image of Dr. Anne-Imelda RadiceOn September 17 we celebrate Constitution Day. This remembrance of September 17, 1787 provides an important opportunity to reflect on the values that shape our democracy. These values are echoed in the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act – the Act that authorizes the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. It reads, “Democracy demands wisdom and vision in its citizens. It must therefore foster and support a form of education and access to the arts and the humanities designed to make people of all backgrounds and wherever located masters of their technology and not its unthinking servants.”

During the Constitution Week I thank all libraries and museums for the essential role they play in our democracy. These institutions hold the public trust and foster the American ideal of free and open access to information and ideas.

If you’d like to learn more about the Constitution, the Department of Education provides a wonderful portal to Constitution Day resources from the National Archives and Records Administration, the Library of Congress, and the National Constitution Center. See

Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
Five Presidential Nominees Appointed to National Museum and Library Services Board
The U.S. Senate confirmed five new members to the National Museum and Library Services Board, an advisory body to the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Katherine M. B. Berger, Karen Brosius, Ioannis N. Miaoulis, Christina Orr-Cahall, and Kevin Starr. Read more.
IMLS to Again Sponsor Pavilion of States at National Book Festival
Representatives from state libraries and Centers for the Book throughout the country will gather at the 6th annual National Book Festival on Saturday, September 30th, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Pavilion of the States will also feature authors who will sign, read excerpts from, and discuss their latest works at their home state tables. Read more.
Ninth National Museum and Library Service Board Meeting
The National Museum and Library Service Board will meet on Thursday, September 28. Topics to be examined include information policy development and the Digital Humanities Initiative of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Access the Public Agenda.
IMLS Receives Comments on Plan to Consolidate Library Programs
As a result of President Bush’s fiscal year 2007 budget request, IMLS developed a draft plan for consolidating the functions of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) and the public and state library surveys of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) by fiscal year 2008. A summary of the 25 public comments to the draft plan is available online. Read more.
IMLS Awards $1.7 Million for Native American Community Library Enhancements
IMLS announced awards of $1,781,300 going to 15 Native American tribal communities and Alaska Native villages to improve library services to their communities. Click here for a list of grant recipients. Read more.
IMLS Awards $974,317 for Native American and Native Hawaiian Museum Programs
IMLS announced that $974,317 will go to 23 Native American tribal communities and organizations that primarily serve Native Hawaiians for museum-related activities. Click here for a list of grant recipients.
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IMLS Calls for 2007 Conservation Project Support Grant Applications--Deadline: October 1, 2006
IMLS is accepting grant applications to the agency’s 2007 Conservation Project Support (CPS) program. CPS awards matching grants to help museums identify conservation needs and priorities and perform activities to ensure the safekeeping of their collections. Read more.
IMLS Calls for 2007 Museums for America Grant Applications--Deadline November 15
IMLS is accepting grant applications to the agency’s 2007 Museums for America Grant Program. MFA grants strengthen a museum’s ability to serve the public more effectively by supporting high-priority activities that advance the museum’s mission and strategic goals. Read more.
IMLS Calls for Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program --Deadline December 15
IMLS calls for applications to the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian grant program. Designed to develop the next generation of librarians, the program supports grants for recruitment efforts, continuing education programs, capacity building and research at library and information science schools, and—new this year—opportunities for library disaster recovery in FEMA disaster areas and internships in conservation practice in libraries that have suffered disaster-related collections damage.
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New Tool Alerts Readers to New Content on IMLS Website
IMLS now has RSS feed to alert subscribers to the latest agency news. Primary Source readers are invited to subscribe for immediate notices to content changes on the IMLS Web site, including new press releases, publications, grant guidelines, and more. Read more.

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IMLS on the Road

"Funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities" (panel program), Schroeder Cherry, IMLS Counselor to the Director, White House Conference on Historic Black Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC, 9/13.

"The White House Conference on Global Literacy," Dr. Anne-Imelda M. Radice (attending), IMLS Director, New York, NY, 9/18.

"Moving your Museum toward Tomorrow with Funding from IMLS" (educational session), Christine Henry, IMLS Senior Program Officer, Office of Museum Services, Mountain-Plains Museums Association Conference, Taos, NM, 9/20.

"Moving Your Museum Toward Tomorrow with Funding from IMLS" (educational session), Christopher J. Reich (presenter), IMLS Senior Program Officer, Office of Museum Services, Joint Annual Conference of the Association of Midwest Museums, Illinois Association of Museums, and Iowa Museum Association, Davenport, IA, 9/29.

"National Book Festival" Dr. Anne-Imelda M. Radice, (attending), IMLS Director, Washington, DC, 9/30.

"Chief Officers of State Library Agencies Fall Meeting," Dr. Anne Radice (attending), IMLS Director, Little Rock, AR, 10/1–10/2.

"Attracting People of Color to the Library Profession" (panel program), Stephanie Clark (moderator), IMLS Senior Program Officer, Office of Library Services, Joint Conference of Librarians of Color, Dallas, TX, 10/13.

"Moving your Museum toward Tomorrow with Funding from IMLS" Christine Henry, IMLS Senior Program Officer, Office of Museum Services, Western Museums Association Conference, Boise, ID, 10/13.

"IMLS Funding as a Catalyst for Change" Dan Lukash (moderator), IMLS Senior Program Officer, Office of Museum Services, and Robert Trio (panelist), IMLS Program Specialist, Office of Museum Services, Southeastern Museum Conference Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, TN, 10/18.

"Moving Your Museum Toward Tomorrow with Funding with IMLS" (educational program), Dan Lukash, Senior Program Officer (Session Leader), and Twinet G. Kimbrough (panel participant), Association of Science – Technology Centers Conference, Louisville, KY, 10/29.

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Director's Message
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IMLS on the Road

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