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Vol. 9, No. 7; October 2007
Enduring Communities delivers fresh take on Japanese American experience to history classes
As Ken Burns’s "The War” sparks fresh discussion of America’s involvement in World War II, educators in five western states are helping chronicle the conflict and shed new light on one of the nation’s darkest chapters – the internment of Japanese Americans. Funded in part by a National Leadership Grant, Enduring Communities: The Japanese American Experience in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Utah, is a three-year project organized by the Japanese American National Museum, which will incorporate this poignant perspective into public school history curricula. Read more.

Director's Message

Image of Dr. Anne-Imelda RadiceWhen I was sworn in, I pledged to make IMLS as user- and customer-friendly as possible. IMLS staff receives hundreds of applications for each grant program and is committed to their speedy review so that your grants can be issued as quickly as possible.

However, the system is not perfect. Recently I became aware that some of you have experienced difficulty filing applications online through the system. I feel strongly that this concern must be addressed and corrected.

To help solve this problem, we made available Microsoft Word versions of the application forms that had previously only been available in Adobe Acrobat format. This feature is available as the November 1 Museums for America application deadline approaches. Instructions can be found at

Other things you can do to help ease the process include:

• Before you begin your application, make sure you register as an institution, at
• Make sure that you receive a DUNS number when you register.
• Register (or find out who is already registered) as your institution’s authorized organization representative.

I would encourage each of you to begin the application process as early as possible for the next grant cycle, and contact us if you need help at (202) 653-4707 or the help desk: (800) 518-5726 or

For all of you, the lion’s share of work and energy should go towards strengthening your institutions and programs and not worrying about migraine-inducing technicalities in an online application. Put simply, applying for a federal grant should never be a frightening or overwhelming task.

I pledge to work to make this process as simple, streamlined, and user-friendly as I can. The work you are doing for your communities is essential, and IMLS is here to stand by you and support you each step of the way.

- Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Ph.D., Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
Noted Communications Guru Addresses Large Gathering of Library And Museum Leaders
As the keynote speaker at the inaugural IMLS Leadership Lecture, Robert L. Dilenschneider, the nationally-known communications strategist and author, issued an urgent call to the million-plus workers in museums, libraries, nature sanctuaries, historic homes, and aquariums to protect, preserve, and enhance the nation's threatened culture and heritage.
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Institute of Museum and Library Services Sponsors the Pavilion of the States at the 7th Annual National Book Festival
Librarians from every state, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories participated in the Pavilion of the States at the National Book Festival on Saturday, September 29. This is the IMLS’s sixth year of supporting the Pavilion at the festival. Read more.
Heritage Preservation Chosen as Cooperator for the IMLS Connecting to Collections: The National Tour
IMLS has chosen Heritage Preservation as the cooperator for Connecting to Collections: The National Tour, which is a central part of the Institute’s multi-year initiative on conservation, Connecting to Collections: A Call to Action. Read more.
$18 Million Awarded to Advance Innovation and Public Service at Nation’s Museums and Libraries
IMLS announced today the 43 recipients of its prestigious National Leadership Grants for 2007. The projects chosen for funding will receive a total of $18,661,716. For more information on the 2007 National Leadership Grants recipients, please see the list of awarded institutions. Read more.
3D Scanner May Save Vanishing Languages from Extinction
Fragile field recordings of American Indian speech and song gathered in the early 1900s may be saved for future generations through breakthrough technology supported by IMLS. Read more.
Public Libraries Urged to Register for Free Civics and Citizenship Toolkit
Public libraries can register for a free Civics and Citizenship Toolkit, which contains educational materials that will help permanent residents learn more about the United States and prepare for the naturalization process. Read more.
IMLS Calls for Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Grant Applications
IMLS invites libraries, archives, and library agencies, associations, and consortia to apply for the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian grant program. The application deadline is December 17, 2007. Guidelines are available on the IMLS Web site.
Employment Opportunities at IMLS
The following vacancy announcements have a closing date of
December 5, 2007:

Supervisory Statistician (Associate Deputy Director) - The incumbent will identify program-related issues and matters of interest to the agency, and develop and implement short, intermediate and long-range research, program evaluation, and statistics plans for the agency. These efforts must take into account the policies and programmatic directions of the agency, and the needs and state of libraries and museums in the United States.

Statistical Analyst - Applies state-of-the-art knowledge of mathematical statistics, survey design and analysis techniques and systems analysis to develop and maintain the agency’s statistical programs to ensure the collection of policy-relevant data, including conducting validity studies, establishing programs to assist respondents to improve their record systems and methods of transmitting data, and designing sampling plans for special surveys on topical issues.

Reminder: Update Your CCR Registration Regularly
If you currently have an IMLS grant or plan to apply at any time in the future, remember that all IMLS grantees and applicants must be registered with and with the Central Contractor Registry (CCR). See for information.

Once registered, you must renew your CCR registration at least once a year. You are responsible for updating all your registration information as it changes, and for ensuring that all information in your Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) and IRS registrations is up to date and reflected in your CCR registration. See the CCR Handbook, page four, for details. We strongly recommend that you register at least two weeks before your anticipated IMLS application deadline, and renew at least every six months to avoid last-minute problems.

Because D&B now automatically inputs your institution’s Legal Business Name and Physical Address into your CCR registration from, it is your responsibility to keep this information updated at D&B. You may use the Web at to search, revise information, or request a DUNS number.
Reminder: Microsoft Vista and Word 2007 users
Please note that PureEdge forms software used by is not compatible with the new Microsoft Vista operating system or Word 2007 documents that use the extension ".docx”. If you have any questions regarding this matter please email at or call 1-800-518-4726.

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IMLS on the Road

Joyce Ray, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, will speak on current issues facing cultural heritage institutions at the Fourth China-US Library Conference, hosted by OCLC (Online Library Computer Center), Inc., in Dublin, OH, October 22-25.

Joyce Ray, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, will speak on the role of libraries and cultural heritage institutions in cyberinfrastructure at the 20th annual meeting of the Test Encoding Initiative Consortium, "20 Years of Supporting the Digital Humanities," University of Maryland, College Park, October 31-November 3.

"Partnering with Libraries & Museums," Abby Swetz, Program Specialist, The Big Read National Orientation Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 4-5.

"IMLS Programs and Opportunities,” Mary Estelle Kennelly, Associate Deputy Director for Museum Services, New Mexico Association of Museums, Silver City, NM, October 24-26.

"Making Your Museum Work with IMLS Federal Grants,” Christine Henry, Senior Program Officer, and Reagan Furrow, Museum Program Specialist, What Makes the Museum, New England Museum Association annual conference, Portland, ME, November 7-9.

"Making your Museum Work with IMLS Federal Grants," Christine Henry, Senior Program Officer, New England Museums Association annual meeting, Portland, ME, November 7.

"Arts and Humanities—Expert Q&A," Marsha Semmel, Deputy Director for Museums and Director for Strategic Partnerships, and Stephanie Clark, Senior Program Officer, American Association of Grant Professionals National Conference, Arlington, VA, November 7-10.

"Federal Funding for Cultural and Arts Institutions," Marsha Semmel, Deputy Director for Museums and Director for Strategic Partnerships, and Stephanie Clark, Senior Program Officer, American Association of Grant Professionals National Conference, Arlington, VA, November 7-10.

"MCN Coffee Break – IMLS Technology Projects” Dan Lukash and Christopher Reich, Senior Program Officers, Museum Computer Network annual conference, Chicago, IL, November 7-10.

Joyce Ray, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, will speak on issues related to sustaining digital collections at a symposium on "Promoting Digital Scholarship: Building the Environment," sponsored by the Council on Library and Information Resources, Washington, DC, November 28.

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The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent federal grant-making agency dedicated to creating strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. Learn more about the Institute.
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