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Vol. 8, No. 9; October 2006
Maine Memory Network

A student prepares a historic photograph to be uploaded into the Maine Memory Network. Recipient: Maine Historical Society
Location: Portland, ME
Grants: 2002 National Leadership Grant, 2003 Learning Opportunities Grant

The Maine Memory Network, a digital museum launched by the Maine Historical Society in 2001, is a centralized online gateway to Maine history. Supported by an IMLS Learning Opportunity Grant, this project provides Maine’s cultural organizations with the resources they need to share images and items from their own collections, while also training teachers, students, and community members to help them research, prepare, scan, and upload historic materials from their own communities. Learn more.

Director's Message

Image of Dr. Anne-Imelda Radice The President has asked all agency heads to chair the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) at their agencies, and I am excited to take on that role at IMLS. The CFC is an important way for federal employees to support thousands of worthy charities. Public servants not only contribute to the campaign but also assume leadership roles to ensure its success.

The staff of IMLS has shown enthusiastic support for the campaign over the years. The agency has consistently exceeded its goal and even achieved 100 percent participation in some years. I am encouraging everyone on the staff to take part and I’ve asked Robin Greer, whom many of you may know for her fine administrative support at the Institute, to take a leadership role managing the CFC for IMLS this year.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy recently heralded “A Year of Big Gains” with its annual Philanthropy 400 survey, noting that the largest charities saw donations rise 13 percent in 2005. Many of these gifts are attributed to wealthy individuals and innovative fundraising approaches. But giving is not just for Bill Gates and Warren Buffet; everyone has something to give, whether it is money, time, expertise, or contacts. Those of us who work in cultural and educational fields know how essential small donations are to the efforts of not-for-profit organizations.

Giving in the workplace is a convenient, gratifying, and particularly effective way to support the good works of charities. I know that our staff is going to make the Institute proud during this year’s campaign, and I urge you to encourage charitable giving at your places of work.

Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
IMLS Swears in National Museum and Library Services Board Members, Announces Conservation Initiative during Anniversary Celebration
Six individuals joined the National Museum and Library Services Board on September 27th at the Institute’s ten-year anniversary celebration. In addition to honoring the new board members, Dr. Radice announced that during its tenth anniversary year the Institute would place a national spotlight on collections in the United States with a national conservation initiative. Read more.
IMLS and National Endowment for the Humanities Partner to Spur Innovation
On September 28, Dr. Radice and Dr. Bruce Cole, Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, announced that they will dedicate $1.5 million to Advancing Knowledge: The IMLS/NEH Digital Partnership. Through this new partnership, IMLS and NEH are joining together to help teachers, scholars, museums, and libraries take advantage of developing technology. Read more.
IMLS Announces First Recipients of New Museum Grants for African American History and Culture
On September 28, IMLS awarded $803,230 in grants that will provide opportunities for the staff of African American museums across the country to gain knowledge and abilities in the areas of management, operations, programming, collections care, and other museum skills.
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$11 Million Awarded to Advance Innovation and Public Service at Nation’s Museums and Libraries
The Institute announced over $11 million in funding under the National Leadership Grant program for 2006. These grants were awarded to 37 museums and libraries throughout the country to advance learning, build digital resources, and conduct research and demonstration projects.
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$1.6 Million Awarded to Promote Leadership in Nation’s Museums
The Institute awarded $1,671,157 to nine organizations under the 21st Century Museum Professionals program. This program supports a range of activities, including professional training in all areas of museum operations and leadership development.  Read more.
Libraries, Museums, and Public Broadcasters Collaborate to Improve Their Communities
The Partnership for a Nation of Learners (PNL), a leadership initiative of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and the Institute, announced just under $3 million for thirteen Community Collaboration Grants across the country. The grants encourage museums, libraries, and public broadcasters to work together to address critical needs in their communities. Read more.
IMLS Announces Youth Action Committee Meetings
On October 5th and 6th, the Institute convened the first meeting of the Youth Action Committee, a panel of experts including museum and library officials, educators and researchers in the formal and informal learning fields, policymakers, funders, and representatives of youth services organizations. Read more.
Wayne C. Morlier Named Senior Financial Officer for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
Dr. Radice is pleased to announce the appointment of Wayne C. Morlier as the agency’s first Senior Financial Officer. Wayne Morlier joined the Institute on August 21, 2006. He is responsible for both the budget and finance functions, including preparation of the agency’s financial statements and annual Performance and Accountability Report.
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IMLS Sponsors the Pavilion of the States at the 6th Annual National Book Festival
The Institute, for the fifth consecutive year, hosted the Pavilion of the States at the National Book Festival on Saturday, September 30th. The National Book Festival is sponsored by the Library of Congress and hosted by First Lady Laura Bush. Read more.

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IMLS on the Road

“Moving Your Museum toward Tomorrow with Funding from IMLS,” Dan Lukash, Senior Program Officer, Association of Science-Technology Centers Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, 10/27-30

"Science TV and Museum Partnerships 2006" (Roundtable Session), Marsha Semmel, IMLS Deputy Director for Museums & Director for Strategic Partnerships (participant), Association of Science-Technology Centers 2006 Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, 10/28.

"Moving Your Museum toward Tomorrow with Funding from IMLS,” Steve Shwartzman, New England Museums Conference, Hartford, CT, 11/7-9

"Grant Opportunities for LIS Research, Institute of Museum and Library Services," Joyce Ray, IMLS Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, American Society for Information Science and Technology 2007 annual conference, Austin, TX, 11/8.

“IMLS Funding for Technology Projects,” Dan Lukash, Senior Program Officer (with Sharon Leon, IMLS grantee, George Mason University), Museum Computer Network Annual Meeting, Pasadena, CA, 11/8-11

“Heritage Preservation 2006 Annual Meeting- Heritage Health: Strategies Toward the Preservation of America’s Collections,” Dr. Anne Radice (keynote speaker), IMLS Director, Washington, DC (Smithsonian Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture), 11/15.

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Director's Message
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The Latest News
IMLS on the Road

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