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Vol. 8, No. 10; November/December 2006
National Awards for Museum and Library Service

2006 Awards This month’s project profile highlights the winners of the 2006 National Awards for Museum and Library service, our nation’s highest honor for the exemplary public service offered by these institutions. This year’s awardees are as diverse as the museum and library fields themselves, and have become essential to the communities they serve:

• Artrain USA, Ann Arbor, MI
• Frankfort Community Public Library, Frankfort, IN
• John G. Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL
• Lincoln Children’s Zoo, Lincoln, NE
• Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, Charlotte, NC
• San Antonio Public Library, San Antonio, TX

Each year, IMLS solicits nominations for the National Award for Museum and Library Service. The award celebrates museums and libraries that exceed expectations and demonstrate how these institutions make a difference in their communities. Learn more about this year’s awardees. Nominate a museum or library.

Director's Message

Image of Dr. Anne-Imelda Radice I am pleased to announce a special focus at the Institute – we are launching Connecting to Collections: The IMLS Conservation/Preservation Initiative. Our nation’s library and museums collections are an essential part of the American story, and I feel a profound responsibility as the Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services to make care of collections as much a part of the nation's consciousness as the care of our natural environment.

Published in December 2005, “A Public Trust at Risk: The Health Heritage Index Report on the State of America’s Collections” is a clarion call to action. It delivers a grim prognosis for the collections held by libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies throughout the United States. But the report also gives us the makings of a remedy, provided we all work together. I plan to make this effort a centerpiece of my administration.

Through the Connecting to Collections initiative, we will seek
• a public that understands that caring for collections is an investment in the future;
• safe conditions for our collections;
• emergency preparedness plans and trained staff; and
• a place in the organizational chart for staff with responsibility to care for collections.

Our goals are to
• raise public awareness;
• encourage federal, state and local conservation and emergency planning efforts; and
• showcase innovation and effective practice.

One of the components of this new initiative will be a national summit on conservation to be held in June of next year. We expect 325 to 350 participants from small to mid-size institutions to attend in response to our invitation. And we plan to award 200 scholarships for the event.

We will hold regional summits to focus on region-specific challenges. Both the national and regional summits will feature true conservation experts so that meaningful professional networking can take place.

Another component of the initiative will be a conservation bookshelf. The book shelf will be comprised of core texts in collections care. It will be made available to all summit participants and, through a streamlined competitive process, be distributed to 1,000 libraries, museums, and archives nationwide. This has both a practical and symbolic benefit. When we set aside a special place for a particular issue, we signal its unique importance.

We also will award planning grants to help statewide coalitions raise public awareness about conservation and strengthen conservation practice.

Each of you is core to our goal. If we work together, the next time we take the temperature of our heritage's health we will find the patient much improved.

Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
Seventy-two communities to participate in national program to promote literary reading
IMLS and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) jointly announced the 72 organizations that will receive grants to support Big Read programs between January and June 2007. The Big Read is a national partnership between the NEA and IMLS that encourages literary reading by asking communities to come together to read and discuss one book. The organizations selected will receive grants ranging from $5,000 to $40,000 to promote and carry out month-long, community-based programs.
Read more.
Changes to IMLS Management
In November, the Institute made four important announcements about changes to our management staff: Mamie Bittner was named Deputy Director for Policy, Planning, Research, and Communications. Read more. Dr. Rebecca Danvers, Director of Research and Technology, announced her retirement. Read more. Mary L. Chute was reappointed IMLS Deputy Director for Libraries. Read more. Dr. Schroeder Cherry was reappointed as Counselor to the Director. Read more.
IMLS Board Member Receives National Humanities Medal
At a White House ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 9, George W. Bush presented the National Humanities Medal to nine distinguished Americans and one institution for their contributions to the humanities. Included in the awardees was Kevin Starr, a member of the National Museum and Library Services Board. Read more.
IMLS Calls for 2007 National Leadership Grant Applications
—Deadline March 1

IMLS is now accepting grant applications to the agency’s 2007 National Leadership Grant (NLG) program. Because IMLS was delayed in making the application and guidelines available and to allow potential applicants to acquaint themselves with changes in the program, the deadline has been extended by one month to March 1, 2007. Read more.
IMLS Calls for 2007 Coming Up Taller Award Nominations
—Deadline January 31

The President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, in partnership with IMLS, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, is proud to announce the availability of the 2007 Coming Up Taller nomination application. Read more.
Deadline for Museum Grants for African American History and Culture Applications is January 15
Grant program guidelines are now available for the second year of the Museum Grants for African American History and Culture program. This program provides opportunities for African American museums to strengthen the knowledge and abilities of current staff and attract other professionals and new staff to African American museum practice.
Read more
Deadline for Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Grant Applications is December 15
IMLS invites libraries, archives, and library agencies, associations, and consortia to apply for the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian grant program. The program supports efforts to recruit and educate the next generation of librarians and the faculty who will prepare them for careers in library science. Read more.
Employment Opportunities
There are several employment opportunities currently available at IMLS. Read more.

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IMLS on the Road

“Moving Your Museum toward Tomorrow with Funding from IMLS,” Dan Lukash, Senior Program Officer, Association of Science-Technology Centers Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, 10/27-30

"Science TV and Museum Partnerships 2006" (Roundtable Session), Marsha Semmel, IMLS Deputy Director for Museums & Director for Strategic Partnerships (participant), Association of Science-Technology Centers 2006 Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, 10/28.

"Moving Your Museum toward Tomorrow with Funding from IMLS,” Steve Shwartzman, New England Museums Conference, Hartford, CT, 11/7-9

"Grant Opportunities for LIS Research, Institute of Museum and Library Services," Joyce Ray, IMLS Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, American Society for Information Science and Technology 2007 annual conference, Austin, TX, 11/8.

“IMLS Funding for Technology Projects,” Dan Lukash, Senior Program Officer (with Sharon Leon, IMLS grantee, George Mason University), Museum Computer Network Annual Meeting, Pasadena, CA, 11/8-11

“Heritage Preservation 2006 Annual Meeting- Heritage Health: Strategies Toward the Preservation of America’s Collections,” Dr. Anne Radice (keynote speaker), IMLS Director, Washington, DC (Smithsonian Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture), 11/15.

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Director's Message
A Closer Look
The Latest News
IMLS on the Road

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent federal grant-making agency dedicated to creating and sustaining a nation of learners. Learn more about the Institute.
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