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Vol. 8, No. 5; May 2006
Sky Camp: Teens Take Wing with Math, Science, and Technology

Sky Camp particpants pose in front of a state police helicopter.

Recipient: Upper Hudson Library System
Location: Albany, NY
Grant: 2003 and 2004 Grants to State Library Agencies

The Challenge: To succeed in the 21st century the youth of today need skills in math, science, and technology. The Sky Camp project paired middle school teachers with the lifelong learning resources of public libraries to create a year-long educational series, enabling teens’ imaginations to take flight. Learn more.

Director's Message

Image of Anne-Imelda Radice I am proud that the Institute of Museum and Library Services is joining the National Endowment for the Arts in the Big Read program. This will energize a love of reading literature throughout the country.

The involvement of the Institute of Museum and Library Services with the Big Read is a natural. We plan to encourage libraries everywhere – in schools, in communities, and on campuses-- to take part in the Big Read. Libraries bring important expertise to this initiative. They are centers of civic engagement, where all kinds of community organizations – schools, museums, media, business – can come together. And libraries have librarians – trained, committed people who know their communities, know about learning, and have the ability to bring partners to the table. The many partnerships that will be created by the Big Read have great strength to unite communities around a common purpose. And that purpose is to use great literature to learn and be inspired, to think critically and explore different points of view, and to strengthen the fabric of our communities and of our nation. Because when people talk together about a book they have each read, something powerful happens. We are thrilled to play a part in this important initiative.

Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
Institute of Museum and Library Services Reorganizes
Dr. Anne-Imelda M. Radice, director of the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services, announced a reorganization of the agency’s staff that will enable the agency to better meet national needs and demonstrate results more effectively. Read more.
IMLS Competitive Grant Applications Process Now Online at Grants.Gov
Director Radice announced that the agency has made its competitive grant applications process available online through Read more.
IMLS Partners with NEA to Create Largest Book Club Ever
Director Radice and Chairman Gioia announced the Big Read on May 9 from Carnegie Hall in New York City. The Big Read is a new national reading program designed to revitalize the role of reading in America.
Read more.
IMLS Awards Over $2.7 Million for Critical Conservation at Museums
Director Radice announced the 40 museum recipients of the 2006 Conservation Project Support grant competition with awards totaling $2,772,000. The recipients will match the grants with an additional $4,609,603. Read more.
Hold the Date for the Next PNL Videoconference! June 19
Based on the positive feedback to the first Community Collaboration Videoconference in November 2005 (nearly 2000 participants at 72 host sites around the country), CPB and IMLS will sponsor a second Videoconference on Monday, June 19, 2006, between 1:00 and 3:00 pm ET, for museums, libraries, public broadcasters and other community organizations. Read more.
IMLS Announces New Museum Grants for African American History and Culture Program: Deadline July 15
The Institute will award $842,000 in grants to strengthen African American museum operations, care of collections, and personnel; advance the study of African American history, art and culture; encourage collaborations among museums, historical societies, and educational institutions; and enhance educational programming. Draft guidelines are available on the agency’s Web site (PDF, 2.4MB). Final guidelines will be made available approximately 45 days before the grant deadline. Please mark your calendars.
2007 IMLS Grant and Award Opportunities Guide Now Available in PDF Format
The 2007 guide provides a succinct overview of the IMLS grant and award programs, useful tips and tools you can use to develop competitive applications, and staff contact information for each program. Download now (PDF, 236 KB).

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IMLS on the Road

"Funding Opportunities for Special Libraries," Susan L. Malbin, Ph.D., Senior Program Officer, Office of Library Services, Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, 6/13.

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Director's Message
A Closer Look
The Latest News
IMLS on the Road

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent federal grant-making agency dedicated to creating and sustaining a nation of learners. Learn more about the Institute.

Upcoming Deadlines
All deadlines for FY 2006 IMLS grant and award program applications can be viewed here.

Important Notice: U.S. Mail Delay
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