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Vol. 8, No. 3; March 2006
Pratt Museum High School Summer Internship Program

Image of an intern assembling a bear skeleton.

Recipient: Pratt Museum
Location: Homer, AK
Recent Grants and Awards:
2005 National Award for Museum Service
2005 Museums for America
2002 National Leadership Grant

Goals: The Pratt Museum's summer internship program is one way that the museum addresses the national need to provide students with national history and science education and provide job opportunities for local teens. It also helps build the staff capacity of the museum to meet the needs of seasonal visitors. Learn more

Director's Message

Image of Anne-Imelda Radice It is a great honor to be writing my inaugural message as the new Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services. I have long been an admirer of the work of this agency and I can’t imagine a better job than to work every day on behalf of the American people and in support of our nation’s libraries and museums.

Museums and libraries play an essential role in our knowledge society. They are stewards of our cultural heritage, entrusted with collections and resources that can connect every citizen to the cultures of the world and intellectual, aesthetic and scientific understanding. In short, they provide the information and skills needed for economic success and personal achievement. They facilitate the free flow of information and ideas that is essential to the development of an educated citizenry upon which our democracy depends. Libraries and museums are unique in their approach; they are trusted places that make access a priority and provide lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is so important. I want to make the most of this opportunity to sustain and advance its efficient operation so that it can continue to be a strong and effective resource for funding and leadership.

I strongly believe that communication between the Institute and the constituencies it serves is essential to our success. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us.

Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
Status of Technology and Digitization *New Publication*
In 2001, the Institute conducted the first-ever study of the status of new technology adoption and digitization in the nation’s museums and libraries. A second study published this month seeks to dig deeper and find out more about how and why our cultural institutions use technology and digitize their collections. Read more.
IMLS Hosts National Conversation on New African American History and Culture Funding Opportunity: March 28
Congress has appropriated $842,000 for the Institute’s Museum Grants for African American History and Culture for FY 06. We are soliciting comments on draft guidelines by March 20 (read more). We will also convene a national conference call on March 28. The purpose of this virtual town meeting is to provide an update on the status of the program's development and to discuss direction and priorities. Read more.
Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services Grant Applications: Deadline April 1
The Institute is accepting grant applications from Native American tribes, Alaska Native villages, regional and village corporations, and nonprofit organizations that serve primarily Native Hawaiians. Read more.
Partnership Sponsors Series of Professional Development Interactive Sessions: April 12
The Partnership for a Nation of Learners (PNL), a leadership initiative of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and IMLS, will conduct “Designing for Impact,” the fourth in a series of five interactive professional development sessions, on April 12 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM ET. Read more.
Save America’s Treasures Grant Applications Now Available: Deadline April 18
2006 Save America’s Treasure grant program applications are now available. Save America’s Treasures makes critical investments in the preservation of our nation’s most significant cultural and historical treasures. Read more.
Native American Library Services Enhancement Grant Applications: Deadline May 1
The Institute is accepting grant applications from Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages and corporations that have already applied for an IMLS Native American Library Services Basic Grant in FY 2006. Read more.

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IMLS on the Road

“Building a Community Learning Network” (panel program), Mary L. Chute (moderator), IMLS Deputy Director for Libraries, and Marsha Semmel, Director of Strategic Partnerships (panel participant), Public Library Association 2006 National Conference, Boston, MA, 3/23.

"Recruiting Public Librarians for the 21st Century: Lessons Learned from IMLS Grantees" Stephanie Clark, Senior Program Officer, Office of Library Services (panel participant), Public Library Association 2006 National Conference, Boston, MA, 3/24.

"IMLS Update," (presentation) Martha Crawley, PhD, Program Officer; Dan Lukash, Program Officer; and Barbara Smith, E-Projects Officer, at the Coalition for Networked Information Spring Task Force Meeting, Arlington, VA, 4/4/.

"Building a Digital Library of the Middle East," (panel discussion), Joyce Ray, PhD, IMLS Associate Deputy Director for Libraries, Coalition for Networked Information Spring Task Force Meeting, Arlington, VA, 4/3-4.

"Issues and Opportunities for Libraries and Museums in the Networked Environment: Perspectives from the Institute of Museum and Library Services," Joyce Ray, PhD, IMLS Associate Deputy Director for Libraries, Coalition for Networked Information Spring Task Force Meeting, Arlington VA, 4/4 (pod cast interview will be available after 4/4).

More in Events

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Director's Message
A Closer Look
The Latest News
IMLS on the Road

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent federal grant-making agency dedicated to creating and sustaining a nation of learners. Learn more about the Institute.

Upcoming Deadlines
All deadlines for FY 2006 IMLS grant and award program applications can be viewed here.

Important Notice: U.S. Mail Delay
The Institute continues to experience lengthy delays in mail delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Read this important notice now.

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