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Vol. 9, No. 4; June 2007
Girl Scout Troop Discovers Hidden Gems in Conservation Project
2006 Awards IMLS recognizes the importance of youth to the conservation effort. By introducing young people to conservation, we help cultivate the next generation of adults who value our nation’s collections and their conservation. With this in mind, IMLS invited Girl Scout Troop 4563 in Arlington, VA, to participate in a conservation project.
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Director's Message

Image of Dr. Anne-Imelda RadiceNext week, four representatives from each state and the District of Columbia will converge on Washington, D.C., to attend the groundbreaking Connecting to Collections: The National Conservation Summit. At the summit, outstanding speakers will share their conservation expertise, information on technological advances, and guidance on connecting with the public and funders. Just as important as the presentations is the opportunity for summit participants to network and to begin making plans with their colleagues.

Our conservation movement is gathering momentum. I hope that all of the hardworking people in our nation’s museums, libraries, and archives will share the message on the pressing need for conservation and preservation. Conservation is more than a nicety. I’m reminded of the scene in Steinbeck’s great novel The Grapes of Wrath when the Joads must decide what to take and what to leave in their exodus from Oklahoma.

“The women sat among the doomed things, turned them over and looking past them and back. This book. My father had it. He liked a book. Pilgrim’s Progress. Used to read it. Got his name in it. And his pipe, still smells rank. And this picture, an angel. I looked at that before the fust three come, didn’t seem to do much good. Think we could get this china dog in? Aunt Sadie brought it from the St. Louis Fair. See? Wrote right on it. No, I guess not. Here’s a letter my brother wrote the day before he died. Here’s an old-time hat. These feathers, never got used to them. No, there isn’t room. How can we live without our lives? How will we know it’s us without our past?”

Like this fictional family, we as members of the larger community must decide what we will save. When people ask why we should fund conservation, we should tell them that our old books, angel paintings, and feathered hats carry our stories forward in time and without our stories we lose sight of who we are and who we can become.

Also at the summit will be Jordan Kruger, 13, and Emily Walker, 12, from Girl Scout Troop 4563 in Arlington, VA, who will be making presentations on summit participants’ unique collections. At IMLS’ invitation, the scouts and six others in the troop contacted summit participants, interviewed them about their unique collections, and wrote articles that are profiled in Primary Source and posted on IMLS’ Web site.

- Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Ph.D., Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) Chosen as Cooperator for IMLS Connecting to Collections Bookshelf
The Institute will distribute 2,000 book shelves. Getty and Henry Luce Foundations are providing substantial support. Read more.
IMLS Director and Staff Participate in ALA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., June 21 – 27, 2007
Be sure to visit IMLS staff June 23-26, booth #1746. For a listing of IMLS-related sessions,  read more.
IMLS Awards Almost $28 Million under the 2007 Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program
This multifaceted grant program supports tuition assistance, curriculum development, service expectations, job placement, recruitment of non-traditional library students, and support for doctoral candidates to teach library science and research. Read more.
Native American Library Services Receive $1.3 Million in Federal Grants
IMLS awarded 229 grants to strengthen library service for 237 Native American tribal communities and Alaska Native villages. The grants can be used to fund general operations, core library services, and technology-oriented library services. Read more.
Urban Institute (UI) to Investigate Public Funding Mechanisms for Museums
Under this cooperative agreement with IMLS, UI will study the mechanisms of public support for museums in the United States and possible alternative funding methods. Read more.
IMLS Requests Proposals to Study Free Access to Computers, the Internet in Public Libraries
The study will examine the impact of free access to the Internet and computers on the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Deadline for proposals is: September 14, 2007. Read more.
Three new IMLS publications are now available:
1. Connecting to Collections brochure: A brief overview of the Institute's Connecting to Collections initiative, its components, the four recommendations of the Heritage Health Index, and examples of funded conservation projects. Download now. (PDF, 866KB)
2. 2007 WebWise Proceedings Book: The eighth annual WebWise conference, cosponsored by IMLS, OCLC, and the J. Paul Getty Trust, was held February 28–March 2 in Washington, D.C. This year’s theme was “Stewardship in the Digital Age: Managing Museum and Library Collections for Preservation and Use.” The Proceedings Book provides summaries of each session, full text of conference keynotes, and more. Download now. (PDF, 2.6MB)
3. 2008 Grant and Award Opportunities: This guide provides a succinct overview of the Institute’s FY 2008 programs, useful tips and tools you can use to develop competitive grant applications, and staff contact information for each program. Download now. (PDF, 347KB)
Printed copies are also available. Please email your request to
Employment Opportunities
There are several new employment opportunities at IMLS. To learn more about working for this exciting agency, click here.

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IMLS on the Road

“Grant Opportunities from the Institute of Museum and Library Services,” Christopher J. Reich, Senior Program Officer, Federal Funding Conference, Museo y Centro Estudios Humanisticos, Universidad del Turabo, Gurabo, Puerto Rico, June 11-15.

"Partnering with Libraries & Museums," Abby Swetz, Program Specialist, The Big Read National Orientation Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 19-20.

"Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences--Advancing the Humanities Research Agenda," panel discussion, Joyce Ray, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services," Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 20-22.

"Digital Stewardship," Joyce Ray, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, American Library Association Preservation Conference, Washington, DC, June 24.

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Director's Message
A Closer Look
The Latest News
IMLS on the Road

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