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Vol. 8, No. 6; June 2006
Conservation of Polychrome Sculpture, Blessing Christ

Recipient: Saint Louis Art Museum
Location: St. Louis, MO
Grant: 2003 and 2002 Conservation Project Support Grants

The Challenge: Blessing Christ is one few examples of medieval Spanish sculpture represented in American museum collections. Having not been on view for over 30 years, its condition was extremely fragile, before an IMLS grant enabled the St. Louis Art Museum to stabilize the piece.
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Director's Message

Image of Anne-Imelda Radice

This week I had the pleasure of participating in our second national videoconference for our Partnership for a Nation of Learners. Building on the success of the first event (November 30, 2005), which helped initiate, strengthen and renew relationships among local museums, libraries and public broadcasting television and radio stations, the second videoconference focused on real-life partnering tactics, such as developing appropriate roles for each partner and building a case for support. 45 public television stations across the country downlinked the PBS-fed videoconference in their studios. The videoconference was produced at WETA in Washington, DC and once again featured Ray Suarez, Senior Correspondent for The Newshour with Jim Lehrer, as the national host.

Partnerships among libraries, museums and public broadcasters have great potential to make a difference in our communities and reach people in all stages of their lives. Yet, partnership can be a bit daunting. Partnerships take focus, dedication and commitment, not to mention a lot of hard work. Challenges, barriers, conflicts - they're all given obstacles along the partnership road. But last November, close to 2,000 people gathered at public broadcasting stations across the country to participate in the first Community Collaboration Videoconference. This response was phenomenal. Your presence and participation confirmed that partnerships matter, and that partnerships work.

Following that event, we received hundreds of comments and suggestions about the videoconference and the Partnership for a Nation of Learners program. We know that each of you - whether you are coming from public broadcasting, libraries, museums, or community organizations - care deeply about your community. Your comments echoed that commitment with requests for more support and more opportunities to convene with others of like mind and mission. You see the power in partnerships, and know that together we can make a real difference.

Libraries, museums and public broadcasters share a common public service mission - and complementary assets. We are trusted sources of information and ideas. We connect to community, and bring in other valuable partners. To learn about creating partnerships in your community visit

Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
Laura Bush Announces $1.5 Million in Aid to Disaster-Stricken Institutions
At a conference at Tulane University in New Orleans, First Lady Laura Bush announced that IMLS will provide an additional $1.5 million in recovery funding to libraries and museums in major disaster areas.
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IMLS Seeks Info on Youth Grants Through Online Survey
IMLS will be conducting an online survey of approximately 300 of its pre-selected past grant recipients from June 21 to July 7, to gather information on the needs, trends, goals, and results of IMLS grants that provided services to youth aged 9-19 awarded between 1998 and 2003.
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Applications for New African American Museum Grants Now Online
The guidelines and application forms for the new IMLS Museum Grants for African American History and Culture are now available on the IMLS Web site. IMLS is hosting a telephone conference call on June 27, 2006 to help applicants prepare proposals for this program. The deadline for applications is July 15, 2006. Read more.
Request for Proposals for The Big Read
The Big Read, an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with the Institute of Museum in Library Services and in cooperation with Arts Midwest to promote community-wide literature reading events, requests proposals for grants ranging from $5,000 to $20,000. Read more.
All IMLS Grant Applications Now Available on
Beginning with the FY2007 grant cycle, applicants for Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, 21st Century Museum Professionals, and National Leadership Grants are required to use the online application process. Read more.
National Museum and Library Services Board Discusses The Big Read
The 8th meeting of the National Museum and Library Services Board was held on June 5 and 6 to discuss its partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) on The Big Read program. Read more.

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IMLS on the Road

Click Here to learn more about where IMLS staff members will be at the upcoming American Library Association Conference in New Orleans, LA (June 22-28).

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Director's Message
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IMLS on the Road

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent federal grant-making agency dedicated to creating and sustaining a nation of learners. Learn more about the Institute.

Upcoming Deadlines
All deadlines for FY 2006 IMLS grant and award program applications can be viewed here.

Important Notice: U.S. Mail Delay
The Institute continues to experience lengthy delays in mail delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Read this important notice now.

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