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Vol. 9, No. 5; July 2007
Vermont Teachers Dig into the State’s Past, Raise Awareness of Historic Treasures
The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation is using a Partnership for a Nation of Learners grant to recruit pre-school through college teachers and others to help excavate a rare, mid-18th century French settlement in Addison, Vermont. Professional archeologists are overseeing the dig, along with a survey of local residents to see what they have discovered in their own backyards. Read more.

Director's Message

Image of Dr. Anne-Imelda RadiceIt has been almost a month since our first national conservation summit held at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C. As you may know, the summit is part of the Institute’s multi-year initiative, Connecting to Collections: A Call to Action.

As we gear up for the next steps in the initiative, we have been energized by the enthusiastic notes of thanks from some of the summit participants. Four representatives from each state, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia attended the summit.

The most important gain from the conference for Dwight McInvaill, director of the Georgetown County Library in South Carolina, was returning to his locality, “with a sense of urgency about the need to share and to protect our historical materials. I understand now how interrelated these two aspects are, because citizens will be more apt to dedicate resources to historical treasures that they know and value,” he wrote.

Deborah Gangloff, director of South Dakota’s Days of ’76 Museum, wrote, “I came away from the conference not only with tools I can use, but with a new respect for my colleagues and a greater understanding of our country itself. I didn’t expect that this would be a patriotic experience for me, but that is exactly what it was. And I am more determined than ever to save the collections entrusted to me.”

These letters mean a lot to us and spur momentum for the next steps. In the next few months, we will post on our Web site streaming video, photos, and the keynote remarks from the summit. Later this year, we will make available a DVD of summit highlights.

The Web page links to other components of the initiative such as an RFP we posted July 16, 2007, for a cooperator to oversee Connecting to Collections: The National Tour. Following on the success of the summit, four forums will take place in cities across the nation beginning in January 2008 and continuing through June 2009. Other parts of the initiative include

  • the Conservation Bookshelf, comprised of books, bibliographies, a guide to on-line resources, DVDs, or other high-quality materials that will be made available through a streamlined application process, and
  • planning grants to each state, commonwealth, and territory for the purpose of creating conservation plans to address the recommendations of the Heritage Health Index. The agency plans to make these awards over two fiscal years.

So stay tuned. And thank you for raising awareness in your communities on the importance of protecting our nation’s collections.

- Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Ph.D., Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
WebWise Proceedings, Papers and Podcasts Now Available
IMLS is offering a publication highlighting proceedings of its signature WebWise conference, including summaries of each session, keynote speeches, project demonstrations, and brief biographies of the speakers. Also available for the first time are MP3 Podcasts of each conference session. Read more.
IMLS Invites Proposals for Cooperative Agreement to Support
Connecting to Collections: The National Tour
Deadline: August 17, 2007

IMLS seeks cooperator to oversee four forums on collections care in 2008 and 2009. The goal is to raise awareness of the importance of collections care among representatives of small and mid-sized museums and libraries. Read more.
National Museum and Library Services Board Adopts Resolution on Library and Information Policy
The NMLSB adopted a resolution regarding its commitment to carrying out its responsibilities under the consolidation of library functions and ensuring an enhanced voice for library and information policy at the federal level. Read more.
IMLS Requests Proposals to Study Free Access to Computers, the Internet, and Related Services at the Nation’s Public Libraries Deadline: September 14, 2007
IMLS seeks cooperator to examine the social value of free access to computers, the Internet, and related services at the nation’s public libraries. Read more.
Reminder: Update Your CCR Registration Regularly
If you currently have an IMLS grant or plan to apply at any time in the future, remember that all IMLS grantees and applicants must be registered with and with the Central Contractor Registry (CCR). See for information.

Once registered, you must renew your CCR registration at least once a year. You are responsible for updating all your registration information as it changes, and for ensuring that all information in your Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) and IRS registrations is up to date and reflected in your CCR registration. See the CCR Handbook, page four, for details. We strongly recommend that you register at least two weeks before your anticipated IMLS application deadline, and renew at least every six months to avoid last-minute problems.

Because D&B now automatically inputs your institution’s Legal Business Name and Physical Address into your CCR registration from, it is your responsibility to keep this information updated at D&B. You may use the Web at to search, revise information, or request a DUNS number.
Microsoft Vista and Word 2007 users
Please note that PureEdge forms software used by is not compatible with the new Microsoft Vista operating system or Word 2007 documents that use the extension “.docx”. If you have any questions regarding this matter please email at or call 1-800-518-4726.

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IMLS on the Road

State Program Site Visit to Juneau and Anchorage, AK, Michele Farrell, Senior Program Officer, July 15-19.

State Programs Site Visit to Austin, Abilene, and Fort Worth, TX, Robin Cabot, Senior Program Officer, July 16-20.

"Building the Cyberinfrastructure in the U.S.," Joyce Ray, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, JISC Digitisation Conference sponsored by the Joint Information Systems Committee (U.K.), Cardiff, Wales, July 19-20.

2007 Federal Funding Seminar, hosted by US Congressman David Davis. Kevin O'Connell, Congressional Affairs Officer, Kingsport, TN, August 7.

“Collaboration and Coalition Building,” George V. Smith, Associate Deputy Director for State Programs, Panel Chair, 2007 COSLA Executive Leadership Institute, Madison, WI, August 12-16.

State Programs Site Visit to Baton Rouge, LA, Robin Cabot, Senior Program Officer, August 13-17.

State Programs Site Visit to Lansing, MI, Laurie Brooks, Senior Program Officer, August 20-24.

State Programs Site Visit to Richmond, VA, Terri Brown, Senior Program Officer, August 28-30.

"If You Fund It, Will They Come?" panel discussion, Joyce Ray, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, Society of American Archivists, Chicago, IL, August 29-September 1.

"World Cultural Economic Forum," Schroeder Cherry, Counselor to the Director, State of Louisiana Office of the Lieutenant Governor, New Orleans, LA, August 24-25.

African American Association of Museums Conference, Schroeder Cherry, Counselor to the Director, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, Birmingham, AL, August 30-31.

“Connecting Collections and Conservation for Heritage Health,” Nancy Rogers, IMLS/NEH Senior Project Coordinator, Association of State and Local History annual meeting, Atlanta, GA, September 6.

State Programs Site Visit to Concord, NH, Robin Cabot, Senior Program Officer, September 10-15.

“Outcomes-Based Evaluation” and "Evaluation: An Institutional Decision-Making Tool," Karen Motylewski, Evaluation Officer, Florida Association of Museums, Clearwater, FL, September 16-17.

State Programs Site Visit to Lincoln, NE, Laurie Brooks, Senior Program Officer, September, 16-20.

“IMLS Funding – Providing a Bridge of Opportunities for Your Museum,” Mary Estelle Kennelly, Associate Deputy Director for Museum Services, Association of Midwest Museums (AMM) and Michigan Museums Association (MMA) 2007 National Conference, Mackinac Island, Michigan, September 25-28.



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IMLS on the Road

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