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Vol. 8, No. 2; February 2006
K–12 School Library Initiative

Image of a school librarian reading to children. Washington State Library.

Recipient: Washington State Library
Location: Olympia, WA
Grant: Grants to State Library Administrative Agencies

The Challenge: Research has shown a strong link between student achievement and school library programs. School librarians need to know how to use that research and act strategically to integrate the role of librarian into their school systems. The Washington State Library’s K–12 Library Initiative empowers school library staff with such leadership skills, and has been the farthest reaching training program ever offered to the state’s school librarians. Learn more.

Acting Director's Message

Photo of Mary Chute, Acting Director, IMLS Last week the President’s budget request for FY 07 was submitted to Congress. The budget recommends a 6.1 percent increase for the Institute. This is a tremendous endorsement of the role libraries and museums play in American life. The budget supports the development of people, programs, and services in local museums and libraries across the country, and strengthens the Institute’s capacity as a national leader in support of museum, library, and information policy. Read more.

The numbers tell part of the story, but to learn the true value of libraries and museums, spend a little time reading about the recipients of this year’s National Awards for Museum and Library Service. Six winning institutions, along with members of their communities, were honored in a White House ceremony with Mrs. Laura Bush on January 30. These museums and libraries are exceptional community leaders that change lives forever. They help to sustain our cultural heritage, teach twenty-first-century skills, enhance learning in families and communities, and promote civic engagement.

This month we launched a redesign of our Web site. Along with better navigation to help you find the information you need, the site does a better job of articulating the Institute’s vision and mission. We believe that the purpose of our grantmaking, research, convening, and partnerships is to provide national leadership, thereby empowering libraries and museums to be leaders in their communities. Our Web site is one way to do just that.

- Mary Chute, Acting Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
President Requests $262,240,000 for Institute of Museum and Library Services
The President's FY 07 budget requests $262,240,000 for the Institute. The request, which was delivered to Congress on February 6, represents an increase of $15,096,000, or 6.1 percent, for IMLS. The budget request also proposes consolidating grantmaking, data collection, and policy advice within IMLS to strengthen federal library and information policy and enhance the Institute’s national research capacity on domestic and international library trends. Read more.
IMLS Launches New and Improved Web Site
The Institute launched a redesign of its Web site to the public on February 3. We have created a tutorial Web page to walk you through some of the new site’s features. Read more.
IMLS Awards Youth Research Contract to Institute for Learning Innovation
The Institute awarded an $188,000 contract to the Institute for Learning Innovation (ILI) to analyze IMLS grants in the area of youth development. Read more.
First Lady Presents Nation’s Top Library and Museum Awards at White House
Mrs. Laura Bush presented the 2005 National Awards for Museum and Library Service to three museums and three libraries at a ceremony at the White House on January 30. Watch a video about the winners, read the First Lady’s remarks, and view photos from the ceremony. Read more.
Partnership Sponsors Series of Professional Development Interactive Sessions
The Partnership for a Nation of Learners (PNL), a leadership initiative of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and IMLS, will conduct “Gathering the Talent,” the third in a series of five interactive professional development sessions, on March 9 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM ET. Read more. P.S. There is still time to apply for a PNL Community Collaboration Grant. The application deadline is March 1, 2006. Downloadable fill-in forms and guidelines are available at on the IMLS Web site. Read more.
21st Century Museum Professionals Grant Application: Deadline March 15
The Institute is calling for grant applications from museums, museum service organizations, and universities for proposals that will enhance the professional development of museum staff. Read more.
First National Conference on Civic Tourism Set for March 16-18
On March 16-18 in Prescott, Arizona, Prescott Hall will host the first national conference on civic tourism. The IMLS- supported conference will bring together some of the nation’s finest researchers and practitioners who endorse a place-based approach to tourism and economic development. To register or for more information see:
IMLS Calls for Comments on New African American History and Culture Funding Opportunity: Deadline March 20
Congress has appropriated $842,000 for the Institute’s African American History and Culture grants for FY 06. We are soliciting comments from the field about grant program direction and priorities. Read more.
Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services Grant Applications: Deadline April 1
The Institute is accepting grant applications from Native American tribes, Alaska Native villages, regional and village corporations, and nonprofit organizations that serve primarily Native Hawaiians. Read more.
2006 Save America’s Treasures Grant Applications Now Available: Deadline April 18
2006 Save America’s Treasure grant program applications are now available. Save America’s Treasures makes critical investments in the preservation of our nation’s most significant cultural and historical treasures. Read more.
2006 WebWise Conference Resources
The seventh annual WebWise Conference on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World was held February 15–17 in Los Angeles. Co-hosted by the Online Computer Library Center and the J. Paul Getty Trust, this year’s conference explored the theme “Inspiring Discovery—Unlocking Collections.” Read more. Conference papers and videos of selected sessions will be published and available from the IMLS Web site soon.

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IMLS on the Road

"Historical Collections and their Special Requirements in Digitization" (luncheon discussion), Susan Malbin, Senior Program Officer, Office of Library Services (discussion facilitator), WebWise 2006, Los Angeles, CA, 2/16-2/17.

"Building Sustainability through Collaboration" (luncheon discussion), Martha Crawley, Senior Program Officer, Office of Library Services (discussion facilitator), WebWise 2006, Los Angeles, CA, 2/16-2/17.

"From Applications to Final Reports" George Smith, Associate Deputy Director for State Programs, and Terri Brown, Senior Program Officer, Office of Library Services, Workshop on Library Services Grants to the Pacific Region and the Virgin Islands, Honolulu, HI, 2/21-2/22.

Representing IMLS, Schroeder Cherry, Deputy Director for Museums, Office of Museum Services, Small Museums Association Conference, Ocean City, MD, 2/26-2/28.

“Building a Community Learning Network” Mary L. Chute, Acting Director and Deputy Director for Libraries (moderator), and Marsha Semmel, Director of Strategic Partnerships (panel participant), Public Library Association 2006 National Conference, Boston, MA, 3/23.

"Recruiting Public Librarians for the 21st Century: Lessons Learned from IMLS Grantees" Stephanie Clark, Senior Program Officer, Office of Library Services (panel participant), Public Library Association 2006 National Conference, Boston, MA, 3/24.

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Director's Message
A Closer Look
The Latest News
IMLS on the Road

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent federal grant-making agency dedicated to creating and sustaining a nation of learners. Learn more about the Institute.

Upcoming Deadlines
All deadlines for FY 2006 IMLS grant and award program applications can be viewed here.

Important Notice: U.S. Mail Delay
The Institute continues to experience lengthy delays in mail delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Read this important notice now.

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