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Vol. 8, No. 4; April 2006
The Language of Conservation: The Poet in Residence at the Central Park Zoo

Visitors read petry while viewing penguins at the Central Park Zoo.

Recipient: Wildlife Conservation Society/Central Park Zoo
Location: New York, NY
Grant: 2003 National Leadership Grant, Museum-Library Collaboration

The Challenge: The conservation message is challenging for zoos to present quickly and effectively. The Central Park Zoo, an innovator in interpretive concepts for zoos, has turned to poetry in its quest to portray the significance of the earth’s loss of biodiversity. The Wildlife Conservation Society, which runs the New York City’s aquarium and zoos, partnered with the Poets House to establish a poet residency at the Central Park Zoo. Learn more


Director's Message

Image of Anne-Imelda Radice I am so pleased that announcing grants for conservation to museums in the Gulf Coast area was one of my very first acts as Director of the Institute. These grants will help to sustain the cultural richness of this region; they underscore the President's commitment to help the Gulf Coast area recover from the hurricanes.

I plan to make emergency planning and the preservation of collections a top priority for my administration at the Institute. While it is clear that for many Gulf Coast cultural institutions no amount of emergency planning could have prevented damage and loss, this is not the case in most disasters. Emergency planning can make a real difference. However, a recent report released by Heritage Preservation and funded by IMLS says that 80 percent of our collecting institutions do not have emergency plans or the staff to carry them out. We need to do more.

To set this in a national context, there are 4.8 billion artifacts held by more than 30,000 archives, historical societies, libraries, museums, scientific research collections, and archaeological repositories in the United States. These institutions are visited by the public 2.5 billion times a year. Museums and libraries are stewards of our cultural heritage, entrusted with collections and resources that can connect every citizen to what it means to be an American and to understand the cultures of the world. They fuel advancement in intellectual, aesthetic, and scientific understanding. We have an important responsibility to care for them.

Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director, IMLS

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The Latest News
Technology and Digitization at America’s Libraries and Museums on the Rise
The Institute has published new research into the use of technology and digitization at the nation’s museums and libraries. Status of Technology and Digitization is a follow-up study to first-ever research conducted on the subject in 2001. The second study delves deeper and discovers more about how and why our cultural institutions use technology and undertake digitization projects. Read more.
Library Leaders Issue Guidelines to Reshape Libraries for Baby Boomers
As the first baby boomers turn 60, public libraries are preparing to offer creative alternatives to retirement to a generation well known for its idealism and activism. A new report from Americans for Libraries Council and the Institute of Museum and Library Services describes this demographic revolution and offers guidance and examples of model programs to public libraries interested in connecting these active older adults to new opportunities for learning, work, and community service. Read more.
IMLS Announces $671,922 in Grants to Museums in Gulf Coast Region
The Institute’s Director, Dr. Anne-Imelda M. Radice, provided details of financial assistance to museums in the region affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. Seven museums in Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi will receive funds for assessing and conserving collections and historic sites, for improving emergency preparedness and response, and providing educational programs. Read more.
IMLS Awards Over $160 Million to State Libraries
The Institute’s Director, Dr. Anne-Imelda Radice, announced grants totaling more than $163 million to states for library service. The agency's Library Grants to States is the premier source of federal funding to the nation’s libraries. States invest the dollars to expand learning resources and access to information for individuals from all walks of life. Read more.
Native American Library Services Enhancement Grant Applications: Deadline May 1
The Institute is accepting grant applications from Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages and corporations that have already applied for an IMLS Native American Library Services Basic Grant in FY 2006. Read more.
Partnership Sponsors Series of Professional Development Interactive Sessions: May 11
The Partnership for a Nation of Learners, a leadership initiative of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, will conduct “Managing for Success” the last in a series of five interactive professional development sessions, on May 11, 2006 2:00-3:30 PM ET. Read more.
Hold the Date for the Next PNL Videoconference! June 19
Based on the positive feedback to the first Community Collaboration Videoconference in November 2005 (nearly 2000 participants at 72 host sites around the country), CPB and IMLS will sponsor a second Videoconference on Monday, June 19, 2006, between 1:00 and 3:00 pm ET, for museums, libraries, public broadcasters and other community organizations. Read more.
IMLS Announces New Museums for African American History and Culture Grant Program: Deadline July 15
The Institute will award $842,000 in grants to strengthen African American museum operations, care of collections, and personnel; advance the study of African American history, art and culture; encourage collaborations among museums, historical societies, and educational institutions; and enhance educational programming. Draft guidelines are available on our Web site (PDF, 2.4MB). Final guidelines will be made available approximately 45 days before the grant deadline. Please mark your calendars.
2007 IMLS Grant and Award Opportunities Guide Now Available in PDF Format
The 2007 guide provides a succinct overview of the IMLS grant and award programs, useful tips and tools you can use to develop competitive applications, and staff contact information for each program. Download now (PDF, 236 KB).
In FY 2007, IMLS competitive grant program applications will be available on
Beginning with the 2007 grant cycle, all applicants for the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian program, the 21st Century Museum Professionals program, and the National Leadership Grants program will be required to apply online through Applicants for all other discretionary grant programs will have the choice of obtaining the grant applications from the Institute through the mail (or from our Web site) and mailing in the completed applications, or filling out and submitting applications online through Read More .

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IMLS on the Road

"After the History Wars" (panel), Marsha Semmel (panelist), IMLS Director for Strategic Partnerships, Organization of American Historians 2006 Annual Conference, Washington, DC, 4/22.

"If I Had to Do It All Over Again: Lessons for the Museums of the Future" (panel), Marsha Semmel (panelist), IMLS Director for Strategic Partnerships, American Association of Museums 2006 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 4/27.

Opening Remarks (general session), Dr. Anne-Imelda M. Radice, IMLS Director, American Association of Museums 2006 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 10:30 - 12:15, 4/28.

"Grant Funding from IMLS” (panel), Christine Henry (facilitator), Dan Lukash, Steve Shwartzman, Chris Reich, Sandra Narva, Senior Program Officers, Office of Museum Services, and Susan Malbin, Senior Program Officer, Office of Library Services, sponsored by the American Association of Museums Annual Conference, Boston, MA 4/29.

"Small Museums Walking on Water," (panel) Schroeder Cherry, Ed.D. IMLS Deputy Director for Museums, Small Museums Association at AAM, Boston, MA 4/29.

"Shall We Dance? The Basics of Partnership" (panel), Marsha Semmel (panel chair), IMLS Director for Strategic Partnerships, American Association of Museums 2006 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 4/29.

"Survey or Not To Survey: Why Is It Even a Question?" (panel) Steve Shwartzman, Senior Program Officer, Office of Museum Services, 10:30-11:45 4/29.

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Director's Message
A Closer Look
The Latest News
IMLS on the Road

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The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent federal grant-making agency dedicated to creating and sustaining a nation of learners. Learn more about the Institute.

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