National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
NOAA Satellite and Information Service

National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System

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Satellites and Orbits: an Introduction
by the Integrated Program Office Outreach Team.

An easy-to-use interactive, animated introduction to satellites and the forces which determine orbits. Highlights a short satellite history, non-mathematical review of basic orbital physics, orbital terminology and orbit types with a focus on Earth observation and environmental monitoring. Includes: reading assignment, classroom demonstration, student activity lab, quiz and lesson instructions.
Grades 8 through 10.
Approximately 1.25 hours.


K - 12 Education

   How Do You Build a Weather Satellite,
  Adaptated by NASA from Original Work by Ed Koenig, 01-28-2005  [pdf 572.9 KB]
  Orbital Terminology (exe),
  Douglas Pierce, Amy Bleich, 05-09-2005  [exe 1.9 MB]
  Orbital Terminology, An introduction to terms used to describe orbits (html),
  A. Bleich, D.Pierce, 06-26-2005  [html 6.2 KB]
  Orbital Terminology, An introduction to terms used to describe orbits (swf movie),
  A. Bleich, D.Pierce, 06-26-2005  [swf 932.9 KB]
  NPOESS IPO, 05-18-2006  [mov 1.3 MB]
  Satellites And Orbits,
  NPOESS IPO, 02-07-2006  [mov 2 MB]
  Satellites and Orbits: an Introduction (Flash) - Classroom Presentation,
  Douglas Pierce,et al., 05-09-2005  [swf 1.7 MB]
  Satellites and Orbits: an Introduction - (exe) Classroom Presentation,
  Douglas Pierce / Craig Nelson, 05-09-2005  [exe 2.6 MB]
  Satellites and Orbits: an Introduction - (HTML) Classroom Presentation,
  Douglas Pierce, et al., 05-09-2005  [html 1.5 KB]
  Satellites and Orbits: an Introduction - Classroom Demonstration,
  Douglas Pierce / Craig Nelson, 05-09-2005  [doc 87 KB]
  Satellites and Orbits: an Introduction - Final Quiz,
  Douglas Pierce / Craig Nelson/ Greg Talley, 05-09-2005  [doc 24.5 KB]
  Satellites and Orbits: an Introduction - Glossary,
  Douglas Pierce / Craig Nelson, 05-09-2005  [doc 57 KB]
  Satellites and Orbits: an Introduction - Student Reading Assignment,
  Douglas Pierce / Craig Nelson, 05-09-2005  [doc 27.5 KB]
  Satellites and Orbits: an Introduction - Teacher Instructions,
  Douglas Pierce / Craig Nelson, 05-09-2005  [doc 33 KB]

Kids Stuff

  NPOESS Coin - Coloring Pages for Kids,
  Integrated Program Office, Outreach Team, 03-30-2005  [pdf 475.6 KB]
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