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DOE Research Progress Reports

Research Highlights

Members of ARM's science team are major contributors to radiation and cloud research. ARM investigators publish about 150 refereed journal articles per year, and ARM data are used in many studies published by other scientific organizations. These documented research efforts represent tangible evidence of ARM's contribution to advances in almost all areas of atmospheric radiation and cloud research. Below is a selection of summaries highlighting recently-published ARM research. The entire collection of ARM Research Highlights can be accessed using the sorting buttons at right.

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Recent Research Highlights
Principal Investigator Affiliation Research
Zhang, Y.
Klein, S.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
General Circulation and Single Column Models/ Parameterizations Evaluate the Diurnal Cycle in the Multiscale Modeling Framework Using Satellite and ARM Data
Barnard, J. C.
Long, C. N.
Kassianov, E.
McFarlane, S. A.
Comstock, J. M.
Freer, M.
McFarquhar, G.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
Cloud Distributions/ Characterizations A Simple Algorithm to Find Cloud Optical Depth Applied to Thin Ice Clouds
Protat, A.
May, P. T.
O'Connor, E. J.
Bureau of Meteorology
Bureau or Meteorology
University of Reading
Cloud Distributions/ Characterizations Assessment of CloudSat Using ARM, AMF, and CloudNet Observations
Pincus, R.
Batstone, C.
Hofmann, R. P.
Taylor, K. E.
Gleckler, P. J.
NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center
NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center
University of Colorado and NOAA/ESRL/PSD
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Radiation Measurements Measuring Climate Model Skill in Producing Present-Day Clouds
McFarlane, S. A.
Mather, J. H.
Ackerman, T. P.
Liu, Z.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
University of Washington
University of Washington
Cloud Distributions/ Characterizations Shortwave Absorption in Tropical Clouds