Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  1/31/08

Series:  Organization

Part 155:  Bureau of Reclamation

Chapter 2:  General Organization


Originating Office:  Bureau of Reclamation


155 DM 2


2.1     General Organization.  The Bureau of Reclamation is headed by a Commissioner.  The Commissioner, Chief of Staff, and Deputy Commissioners comprise the immediate office of the Commissioner.  All organizations report to one of three Deputy Commissioners:  Deputy Commissioner of Operations, Deputy Commissioner of External and Intergovernmental Affairs, or the Deputy Commissioner of Policy, Administration, and Budget.  Headquarters functions are primarily carried out by offices located in Washington, DC, and Denver, CO (see attached organization chart).  Activities outside Washington, DC, are generally confined to 17 Western States.  Work is also performed in other states and foreign countries on a case-by-case basis, as requested, and authorized.


2.2     Field Structure.  The area of the Western States is divided among five regions, each headed by a Regional Director, who reports to the Deputy Commissioner of Operations (see attached map).  Regions cover geographic areas defined as drainage basins and include states that border and/or lie within the geographically defined drainage basin.  Area Managers report to Regional Directors and provide project and water resources management services over areas in the Western States.  Specialized offices also report to regional offices and generally perform construction and field power operations.  Reclamation also operates six Job Corps Civilian Conservation Centers under an interagency agreement with the Department of Labor.  See 155 DM 10 for additional information on field office structure and geographical areas.


1/31/08 #3789

Replaces 10/4/96 #3087