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In-situ Aerosol Profiles (Cessna Aerosol Flights) (IAP) - IOP

Instrument Categories: Aerosols, Atmospheric Profiling, Airborne Observations

General Overview

Cessna and sampling probe detail

The In-situ Aerosol Profiles (IAP) campaign is a joint effort between the ARM Program and the Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL) of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The objective is to obtain a statistically-significant data set of the vertical distribution of aerosol properties (e.g., light scattering and absorption, particle chemistry) by flying a light aircraft over the SGP site. By utilizing a similar aerosol instrument package to the one at SGP, the aircraft will fly level legs at altitudes between 500 m and 3500 m several times per week. See the IAP website at for more information.

no IOPs, sites

Primary Measurements Taken

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers for the list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.